Why Vegans are saving the earth! (Featuring @stormblaze as new author)

in life •  8 years ago 

It is time today to give an audience to the younger generation. @stormblaze is a young guy who loves Mathematics!
Being a mathematics loving person myself, I think it is worth the read as he makes a few good points!

Please have a look at his previous posts below and if you like please upvote his older posts as well as follow him!

Are we using the wrong numbering system? Introducing base 12 numbering system
Is The Sum Of All Natural Numbers = -1/12?
Is the sum of all natural numbers = -1/12? Part Two

Do you like a the smell of a thick sizzling steak on the BBQ? Do you like a refreshing tall glass of milk or a nice grilled cheese sandwich! Unfortunately this delicious treats comes at a great cost for our planet!

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First of all most of us already know why eating animal products contribute to global warming and climate change, but do we truly know how much damage it causes to the planet! For this post we will only talk about cattle and not other livestock. Now for those who do not know how this happens well here is a quick crash course. Cows in particular produce methane gas in their digestive system. Methane gas is a greenhouse gas like CO2 but it has more catastrophic effect than CO2. On the planet. 1kg methane gas is equal to 2300 kg of CO2.

How bad is this type of pollution?

Research has shown that a cow can release on average around 70 to 120 kg of methane gas a year. There is approximately 1.5 Billion cows on our planet for all kinds of purposes. All of these cows produce around 2.8 billion metric tons of CO2!

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But not only does livestock captivation cause air pollution, it causes another problem: Destruction of natural habitats! Farms take allot of space, especially cattle and dairy farms! Livestock uses around 33% of earth’s land surface. Allot of forests with masses of trees and other plants and animals became endangered and extinct because of this loss of land!

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Lastly this amount of livestock uses a lot of water! This numbers depend on the size, purpose (do they produce milk, are they for shows etc..) temperature of farm ect. ect. They can consume around 13 - 136 liters of water a day!

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What can you do to help reduce damage?

This is a sensitive topic because eating meat and using dairy products is an essential part of most cultures on the planet. We just can not simply say no more dairy or meat consumption for humans! That will be devastating for all countries and cultures around the world! But we can make a change without being so radical. In short, here is how you can help:

  1. Reduce your meat and dairy intake!

  1. Join the meat free monday movement!

  1. Support environmental conservation!

This is something that was interesting for me to see! I did not made this post to make animal product users to feel bad or offend anyone. Do you use allot of animal products? Do not forget to upvote and leave a comment below and tell me what you think?

And as always
Thanks for reading!

Note :

I want to thank @jacor for featuring me, please read his wonderfull articles here

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Makes you think...😀


I think historically, man did eat meat, but much less so.

And I guess it wouldn't have much ecological impact if everyone lived on their own little Earthship-like farm, with few cattle for a portion of meat once or twice a month.

It's true however that in today's civilization meat is incredibly resource-intensive and inefficient. However, then on the market it would simply mean it would be drastically more expensive.

Why is it not so? Is meat really subsidized to such a high degree? Maybe. And that is the cause of the problem then. I.e. we don't need no global vegan eco police if we just eliminated the root causes.

Hi @jacor and @stormblaze,

This is a very interesting article for me and I did not know that cow pollution even existed.

I just have one question:
Don't we as humans need to eat meat and drink milk to be healthy and survive?

Congrats on a great article :)

Hi cowgirl.... sorry @flowergirl, you will start up a big debate with your comment. But I for one agree with a balanced diet consisting of both meet and veggies

Good article.

But personally I think nothing beats a piece of good meat on the fire

enter image description here

You're probably right. But in my world just a peace of watermelon beats it easyly.

I love all this food you are writing about but it made me think. I want to live green but to be vegan is just a bit too much for me I will actually try to eat more vegetarian dishes.;)

Vegan - future!!!

the problem with you vegans is that you want everybody to become vegan...

Not everyone. For me, you can eat even worms. I just tell you that fruits and vegetables are much better.

Hmm looks like to solve all the Earth problems we need reduce human population.
Less amount eaters, drinkers, breathers and off gassing issue with CO2 and etc will be solved automatically.
But all of us want to stay alive and flourish.

Humans come with one mouth and two hands and a sane brain. So over population is not really a problem. The earth has resources for 10+billion. But we have to be sustainable in managing.

to solve all the Earth problems we need reduce human population

Uninformed, long debunked nonsense and elitist propaganda for mass genocidal ideologies.

We just have to use distribute the resources sensibly, then we can support even more humans.

To grow 1 kilo of meat you need 8-12 kilo of wheat. And wheat is much healthier.

Nice post, very interesting @jacor

Hi Stormblaze. I am a big fan of a nice jiucy steak👌👌👌 Never saw this side of the coin. Interesting article and "meat" for thought😀 Going to read a bit more about this topic. Looking forward to read more of your articles.

Hi Jacor

I have been following your featuring posts. Great initiative. Some great talent out there!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great job on featuring more moral people who align greater with the truth!

Carnists going to keep be low-consciousness haters and idiots with their responses not giving a shit about their immoral actions.


Go "vegan", be a "vegan anarchist".

Truth is ONE way! Go all the WAY! Freedom for ALL. End human imposed slavery across the board!

Take care. Peace.

Yeah, veganism makes sense for health and other reasons. It's totally possible to get all of your nutrition that way. It just takes more research.

What do you think about my article about non-humans having the same inherent rights as humans?

check it out! https://steemit.com/life/@stickman/do-non-humans-possess-the-same-inherent-rights-that-humans-do

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