Stefan Molyneux, I Disagree. People Do Change.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

real time relationships

"If you are a mental health professional or a philosopher, then you are wise enough to know that people do not change, and so you will never buy a painting that you have to “paint over.”"

That's an excerpt from Stefan Molyneux's book, Real Time Relationships. I am enjoying the read thus far. I don't agree with all his ideas, and I need more time to really develop my thoughts on his theories discussed in the book. But this quote hit me instantly and was the first thing said I completely and instantaneously disagreed with.

People absolutely do change. Today I am different than I was yesterday and even more different than I was two days ago. I have drastically different views and thoughts now than I did when I was 18 years old. Many of the cells I was comprised of when I was 18 have long-since been replaced; thus, I am a different man physically and intellectually than I was then.

To claim individuals don't change is to say individuals don't learn new information, have new life experiences, and don't have hormonal and other chemical alterations throughout life. It is the notion of the continuous self. The notion I am Jared Reyes, the same Jared Reyes from birth to death. But this is not the case. I am ever-evolving and couldn't be happier to be doing so.

For Stefan to claim people don't change would mean reading his book is pointless because nothing is going to be different upon concluding it. Luckily for Stefan and me, I am already different than when I began writing this post. All hail change! For it is beautiful, oft-unpredictable, and unstoppable!

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yeah tbh its one of the few things I disagree with him on he even described how he changed it makes no sense

Yeah, I found it so weird. What's the point of all his videos if people don't change? But I do like the general idea he was trying to convey, which is: don't date someone with the expectation they will change into the person you want them to be.

He has a quote I'm paraphrasing as something similar to: "If you bought a car but wanted a boat, don't get mad at the car for not being a boat. Get rid of the car and go find a boat."