Are You an Old-School Individual Struggling to Adapt to the Pace and Style of Modern Life?

in life •  7 years ago 

Life has changed and evolved quite tremendously over the last couple of decades. So much so that it has become a young man’s world today and people with a somewhat old-fashioned approach struggle to fit in.

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In all honesty, there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about if you or someone you know has a rather old-school mindset. Sometimes, a little bit of respect and appreciation for a particular custom or tradition can be good. In this post, we will take a look at some specific qualities and personality traits that make someone an old-fashioned individual.
Spoiler alert………it is nowhere near as bad as it is made out to be. Read on for some interesting anecdotes regarding old-school thinking.

  • You Believe in True Love Wholeheartedly

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One of the things you hate most about modern living is the rather superficial nature of relationships that most people have with one another. In particular, the way couples tend to hook up and then break up at the drop of a hat seems unreal and annoying to you. This is because you believe in true love and the powerful bond that it can nurture between couples. You set very high standards of loyalty and commitment. Therefore, you have no heart for the drama that most relationships tend to produce these days.

  • You Find Technology and Its Use Irritable and Superfluous

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The technological breakthroughs that the world has witnessed in the past decade have been nothing short of sensational. Everything from our communication channels to the way we work every day has changed and evolved.

However, this 24/7 dependence on electronic gadgets of one kind or another is just not your cup of tea. Instead of being a mode of convenience, this technology becomes a cause of irritation and stress for you. You long for real human connection like it used to happen in the old days when people actually used to invest time in building relationships and have meaningful interactions with one another which were not dependent on any smartphone or tablet. Today’s perpetually online life is nothing short of a nightmare for you.

  • Modern Art (Films, Music, TV) Makes You Cringe Most of the Time

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This is one of the most obvious signs of your old-school personality. For you, there is no real feeling and passion for the art in today’s performers. You long for the old days when the people involved in films and music and television used to do it for the love of the craft and monetary considerations were secondary. This is not to say that every individual involved with the creative arts today is a corporate or commercial sellout, but for you these artists of today just do not have that dedication and commitment as artists from decades gone by.

  • Family Comes First Always

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This is one of the most admirable aspects of your personality. Old-fashioned or not, this is something that each and every individual should strive for.

You understand and acknowledge the role of your family in getting you where you are today. Their unconditional love, support, and care has seen you through some of the darkest days of your life; and it is only fair that you show the same level of commitment and love for them. With the breakneck pace of modern life, it is very easy to grow apart from your loved ones in the hustle and bustle of each day. Often in the rush to make a living, people forget to make a life. Therefore, you make sure that you give ample attention to your loved ones and spend as much quality time with them as possible.

  • Maintaining Traditions Is Something You Take Special Interest In

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This is perhaps one of those things that often cause major differences with the younger lot of today. You feel that preserving and following such traditions/customs is an important part of the identity of a nation, tribe, community, and even individual. That people today dismiss such notions as unnecessary has often driven you over the edge and left you wondering how can someone be so fickle-minded.

Undoubtedly, being old-fashioned in this day and age is not easy and a source of constant stress for many. People also tend to misunderstand such individuals who have different preferences and personalities than most people. Also, being old-school does not really mean that one loathes modern ways of doing things completely. He or she might just prefer a different approach to some things. Furthermore, certain people tend to be old-fashioned with regard to a particular thing. For example, a person may not necessarily be averse to adopting technology in everything and may keep himself/herself abreast of the latest developments. However, that same person may not be too keen to use a Kindle or Ebook Reader and may still prefer the old-school way of reading. All in all, people need to be more tolerant of differing personalities and points of view.

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Time really changes for us
But we can not prefer a period over another
Each of us took his chance‏.

Nice post.
I like the mixture and the balance.
The world has really changed in the last few decades and everything is really going technological.
My father who's above 60 just joined Facebook this month and to me, it's an amazement.

It's really the young man's world and everyone had better adapt to it.

A role model would say to me, if you don't have a smartphone with a good back up power, and internet connection, you're likely not to succeed in this generation.

Our old folks really grew and lived without these and they were very "comfortable"... But however it's a great metamorphosis and there is more

Very impressive. A way of thinking could be trained unconsciously through all event of family. Especially, we made a rule to put our all smart phones and tablets aside for one hour from when we back to home and for any meal time.
I'll try to talk with my sons about what is the difference between me and them and how to understand each other. Maybe I believe my sons will be better than me, if they can accept my leading positively.

Old school but updated to what happenings now!

It's a strange time we're living in, maybe every generation feels that way, but I feel for us the progress of new technologies, habits, ways of communicating, they're evolving so quickly. It's equal parts exciting and worrying, depending on how you look at it I guess.

I choose to look to the bright side, we have so much opportunity that was not afforded to those who came before us. Embrace it, and change for the better, that's my plan :)

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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To my old school teachings are important... Tradition reminds you where you come from.. today I am trying to teach the same lessons about life that my old school mother gave to me.. and telling him that family it's the most important thing in our life...

Well articulated point, Technology has changed the way things used to be before, family bonding have been broken by technology in away and also technology has unite people from far by making them keep in touch on like before that such is not possible. it depends on once choice, one can decide either to embrace technology or to remain in analog.

Fantastic I liked your post very good work thanks for sharing friend this post has a mix of many great things

nice post.old school but update to what happenings now.

Old school beautiful history

Do I smell hipster here?

cool post and blog

I consider myself a new generation mindset but sometimes on the other hand I worry That I am not remember the way things use to be done and appreciating that more.

When i was younger I found myself wanting to be on the bleeding edge of technology. As i have grown older I have learned it is better to be on the trailing edge. In other words not to jump onto every new thing when it is very new but after it has been around for a little bit. The new problem i find is that tech is advancing at an almost exponential rate and it is becoming more and more difficult to stay on the trailing edge, which leaves me feeling almost like a dinosaur.

I love to be an old student that knowing much about modern updates. hehe

Unfortunately the new generation is characterized by an absence of values. The antivalores have invaded all sectors. And that is something that we can not change. I thank God for belonging to the old school ...

This post has received a 35.83 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @jasimg.

The age is progressing, everything in the world changes. Changes in human thinking, technology, behavior, to lifestyle. The cause can come from many factors, even can be interconnected. There are easy changes we accept, some are difficult to accept in society. There are profitable changes, but on the other side there are also risks. It all depends on how we see, judge, and deal with it. As I see today, the more modern times, everything is easier to get and work with. Unlike in the old days, everything is still us as human beings who organize, take care, create an item with limited ability that we have. Nowadays, times have been governed by technology. In communicating, cooking, looking for information, etc. easier we get and we do. But we realize that the increasingly advanced technology not only makes us easier in all things, but also makes us increasingly used by technology, increasingly dependent on technology. It's not the intent to deny technological progress. But we should as human beings who have sense can use them well, lest we are also used by technology. Without us knowing, from unexpected changes can cause many changes. People used to be, a lot of work is relaxed, life is simple, but there is no obstacle to being able to have treasures for his descendants. But now, many people who work in a hurry, have limited time to rest, sometimes even to health not diperhatiakan, to be able to support themselves and family and meet all the things you want to have, can not also enjoy life completely well. Too much we have to sacrifice in this day and age. Includes a very valuable time especially for the family.

old is gold .
so, @jasimg keep it up .

I'm new, will help me.

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ONE WORD... natural selection

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thanks ^^ upvoted!

thanks, happy today

I'm definitely old school

Very well put together post ,that I am sure will appeal to many people old & young.I particularly like the example you use of reading a Kindle or Ebook Reader because Libraries are still in towns that is a perfect example of your post that everyone of school-age & above can relate to .

If believing in one true love and giving time to family is considered old school then i am happy to be old school. Human is a mortal being. There are plenty of times to earn money but spending time with family is most important. Who knows one day we may not live or the other person may not live. You do not want to regret by not spending time with the other person after he is gone.

Recently I was looking for help with some "tech". I think they called us generation x but some of my siblings would be baby boomers age. I guess I'm in the old-timer category now so I thought looking to the local advertised geek would get me answers and help the local economy.
This guy was without a doubt a mellinial-meh type. His response to my fist questions made that obvious.....could he tell how old I am from my voice? When XPpro came out of my mouth he hit me with "you have known for how long it has no support?!?!?!". time to fill him in on the air gaped laptop and printer for crypto only. Answers to a couple networking questions would have been nice. I did find answers on reddit pretty quick. Old timmeeee works fine when necessary. Try finding a printer without wifi, can you put your hands on a crossover cable rite now....I think not. There can be a price to being an early adopter so give us aged old people a little lag time you might learn a thing or two.

+or- 002.jpg

It seems interresting i followed and up voted. Please keep doing your great work

Thanks for sharing this really nice post @jasimg. :))

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