Do You Believe in Life After Death?

in life •  7 years ago 

Our elders often tell us when we were kids about after life. That there is a different dimention that we go to the moment we die physically. They said that our souls will either go to heaven or hell. The kingdom of heaven is meant for good souls who have done good deeds and followed God's commands when they were still living. While the tortorous fire of hell is for the sinners who have done horrible things on earth. That's why we've always tried to live our lives according to God's will. It was inculcated in our minds to follow the right path believing that it's a sure ticket to heaven.

Others have argued about the concept of life after death. Some people believe that when you die, that's simply the end of it. You're gone not just physcially but in all aspects. It means that you are done with your mission or purpose here on earth. Death may come too abrupt or expected, but it's inevitable. All of us die in the end and it just a matter of who dies first. But for them, there is no such thing as after life. Death is death. No other dimensions or whatsoever.

It has been a topic of debate composed of several arguments by different people. Sometimes it can get confusing. Do we have to believe what's on the Bible or should we consider the points of the people who questions the probability of life after death? Both have convincing words that can make you believe in them. But which is true? That I cannot tell. But instead of arguing whether life after death is true or not, why don't we focus on living our life to the fullest? We only have one chance of living and I think we should try to make it remarkable and worthwhile.

Your life is a borrowed one. There is a purpose of your existence eventhough you feel worthless sometimes (which is definitely NOT true). Each one of us became a part of this world for a reason beyond our knowledge. I believe there is a gret plan for everything. So, whether you believe in heaven and hell, it is important to always do good deeds to the people around you. You cannot expect people to be kind towards you if you are rude to them. You reap what you sow, according to the rule of karma.

How about you? Do you believe in life after death? Why and why not?

Photo is from Pixabay

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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Do not count on it

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I believe in after life. I believe in God. Well, if I am right, at least I did what He wants us to do-to do good deeds- and I might get a heaven ticket. If He isn't real, at least I did good things to others. I have someone whom I can talk to and ask guidance from when I am weary. Either way, it is a win-win situation. Peace to everyone, whatever our beliefs are.

Go a century back in time and you find very little debate about this. Now there is a growing amount of people that question the proposition, but the very science that people lean on to support their non-belief is beginning to show some cracks. This link represents a growing belief that there is something more to us than a bag of chemicals. . I would ask this question to everyone. Do we know everything there is to know about the universe? We need to keep an open mind. Knowledge, Wisdom, Truth.

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment