We live in a job driven era

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

We live in a job driven era, where people do not feel motivated anymore. What changed?

Our decision which has a great impact on us is related to our career. Because you can never be sure that you will make the best decision. Before taking any career related decision, whether it is the first job you get hired, or the first time you get fired, or that you want to make a radical change, or even if you get stuck on something and you don’t find a way of developing yourself, you need to know how to ask yourself some relevant questions:
• Who are you?
• What do you really want?
• What are you really good at?
• How do you need to improve?
• What do you need to study and what experience do you need to get where you want?
• Can you accept compromises?
• What are your expectations?
• Where do you see yourself in a few years?
• What motivates you and keeps you plugged in?

Instinctively, many of us are making decisions without asking ourselves these questions, and one of the most plausible reasons is the financial one. As every person needs money, many of us are making the mistake of considering them as a goal instead of a mean that can help us reach our goals. If any of us are working just for money, nobody can judge us, but it is also a decision that we assume and have to accept every consequence along with it. Hence lack of motivation, frustration at work, lack of interest, routine, disappointments, the desire to look for another job, lack of efficiency.

I always believed that a person should be led towards the goal of finding his own talent, vocation and passion in order to get to what we really desire. Because that is when we can perform with more enthusiasm, and we will do everything we can in order to reach our goals. This is something that all companies out there really want, results. And an enthusiasm driven person is capable of bringing more results if he/she performs her tasks with a well set goal in mind. Results lead to money, and that is something we all need.

Many people skip these steps, but the recruitment ads these days are always asking for communication skills, team work, openness, flexibility, attitude, hard to measure skills and competencies, with a major impact against the activity and the result.

An energetic, optimistic, open, enthusiastic and passionate person will have not only results, but also the ability to influence the work environment and he/she will be able to build relationships and connections within the company and outside of it faster. Such a person will pass more easily over conflict and difficult situations will be able to support others. For such a person, money are important, but not the main reason. What is actually driving such a person, if not the money? Professional challenges, opportunity to learn, development opportunity, work environment, business ethics, transparency in communication, freedom of movement and acting, trust, recognition, because they are giving that person power and the necessary tools to build. Don’t pay that person if you are just going to cut off his wings.

How many companies can offer such conditions? How many people are constructed this way? I don’t think anybody can answer to that specifically. It’s up to us to “discover” ourselves and to “decide” our future steps, depending on what is “fit” for us.

If it’s not fit, adjust it, because there is no such thing as perfect, but improvement.

There are millions of people who go to work, not only to pay their debt, but for the vocation they have, because they want to learn, to develop and to build. A job is not just a place where they work; it is an adhesion to a harmonious life, a civilized one, in which they are aware that they need to give something to society in order to receive. A job is not for money only, because money is but a tool. A job is a place where you can implement what you can do and what defines you as a person.

History has shown many times that it is possible, so we should act accordingly. And whenever we are down, tired, frustrated, disappointed and upset, let’s not forget “What I started all of this?”

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