About Friends ...steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  8 years ago 

They glide into life
Images of ourselves brushed different
Some a vast many different; others few
Painted with the same brush nonetheless

They cry with us in deepest sadness
And laugh hysterical till tummies hurt
Yet what they will never do is walk away from us
For they are us; and we are they.

There's no nectar sweeter than friend's laugh
No taste more sour than a friend's tear
Their touch illuminates our darkness
Their absence returns the shade

They teach us to stand on our heads
They roll down hills with us
They appear with the magic of reassurance
Enlightening us with the promise of victor

We were born with missing pieces in our heart
Our job - to find those pieces
Hiding slyly in the hearts of fellow souls
Half hiding - half waiting to be found

When you find them - hold on! hold on!
And cherish your time wandering as One
Yet do remember this, dear Child
A friend is not yours to keep, not yours to chain
So never forget that there will be a time
When we must bid some farewell

A new journey. For them. For you.
For if they are destined for greater, reminding them of this is our duty
So however sweet the time together,
however bitter the farewell,
A friend is not yours to keep ,
 If a friend is meant to be free
Do not waver. Do not hesitate.
Those who are true never truly leave
Do not despair. Do not wait.
Move forward to find the other leaves

But if you never do find those pieces of your heart
Do not cry dear Child for there is a secret
It's not for you to find perfect pieces
Pieces that don't fit often mould till perfect  
You will find they fit and whole heartedly make whole -
Your heart your breath your nature your soul

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