in life •  7 years ago 


I write about the power of trying, because I want to be okay with failing. I write about generosity because I battle selfishness. I write about joy because I know sorrow. I write about faith because I almost lost mine, and I know what it is to be broken and in need of redemption. I write about gratitude because I am thankful - for all of it. - Kristin Armstrong

Earlier today, I lay down on the bed to rest my back, stick my headphones on, listen to some tunes and just contemplate life and whatever else happened to randomly pop in to my mind. It is amazing how music can inspire so many internal journeys. As I lay there, I think in a 40 minute period I had already travelled quite a few memories and imaginative journeys.

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I have seen so many posts lately, of people reflecting on their journey through 2017 and it got me thinking about my own experiences throughout this last year… It was NOT an easy year for me, not in any way, shape or form. Anybody who owns a small to medium business in South Africa will testify to the challenges of treading water in our current economic climate - in fact, that seems to be becoming more of a global issue than merely a secular one – but attached to those career stresses, come the emotionally taxing ones, because there is no option but to ensure that you continue to provide.

As I lay there processing all of this, and that despite how many times over the last 350+ days that I have literally just burst into tears and wanted nothing more than to wave my white flag of surrender… I never did.

Here I am - Still standing - Still treading water – Still alive - Still smiling.

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A little while ago, I had a conversation of “acceptance” with my dad. Acceptance of circumstance and that whatever happens, will happen. This is something that I would normally accept with a fair amount of ease, but when it comes to your livelihood it is not always quite as easy to accept that despite putting 11+ years into a venture, it is now actually just stunted by the state of the economy and there is not a whole lot you can do about that – short of investment… which frankly does not interest me, because I am TIRED! I am tired of treading water. I am tired of the industry as a whole and I don’t feel like I am doing what “I should” be doing… not there anyway.

This conversation did wonders for my peace of mind, in as much as, I followed his advice and simply LET GO, COMPLETELY! Once I did that, I was able to breathe again! This may sound strange and it took me a little while to actually “do it” – but I eventually did and I could literally FEEL the ten ton weights lifting off my shoulders. Once that terribly heavy burden of fear and worry had abated, I could focus once more and isn’t it just magnificent how when you are in the right state of mind, everything just literally falls into place. Doors open, opportunities arise, situations change direction and life works “with you” instead of against you – because your attention is on a course that is now feeding your soul instead of robbing it.

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Several things have unfolded since then, and I am in a very different place now, emotionally and mentally – thank goodness! Haha! And yes, the cogs continue to turn and I shall carry on as before (for now) but I am doing it with a whole lot more enthusiasm once more. Anybody who knows me well, will know how utterly relentlessly passionate and enthusiastic I am all round – so I knew I was hearing REALLY LOUD alarm bells, when I felt like I no longer had any enthusiasm left… Something HAD to change – and so it has. Yay! Happy Dance! Lol

Processing all of this, made me ask myself – ”why are you so bloody surprised that you are still standing woman?! – You have endured and overcome a GROTESQUE amount of challenge and you have ALWAYS come out on top.”

I smiled to myself at that point…

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Through it all - the physical, emotional and mental abuse, the drugs, the quick fixes, denial, escapism and running away, the abuse of self – ALL OF IT… HERE I AM!!!!! I am happier now than I have EVER been in my life. I have acquired an ACUTE understanding of how life works on the way here which I am eternally grateful for, because without that toolset – I would most certainly be a lot further back on the road to grasping the ultimate purpose for our existence.

I have learnt about unconditional love, strength, endurance, forgiveness, humility, determination, tolerance, patience, gratitude and an array of other priceless qualities…

So I would be nothing short of a fool if I did not stand here now and say, not only has it been a good year, it has been a REALLY GOOD LIFE… and so it shall continue to be!

Learning to fly baby ;)

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. - Denis Waitley

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I must just pay tribute to the site notsalmon - I have always loved her quotes, but interestingly enough... when selecting the quotes to accompany todays post, simply through a google search - each and every one I selected, happened to be hers! Clearly I connect with her mindset - so thank you for that ;)

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Hey @Jaynie. Sounds like you've been having some deep thoughts while on vacation. That's great that you have time to reflect right now.

You reminded me of an idea in psychology called "radical acceptance". Have you ever heard of this? It sounds a lot like what your dad was talking about.

Sometimes, life is rough, but we only make it harder when we resist the changes at hand. I know this, but I still make the mistake of not accepting the situation immediately. "Radical acceptance" is something we should all strive towards.

Have a great day!

It is amazing what a "little extra time" affords you.... ;)

Radial acceptance.... I am going to Google that right now!

The best way to think about life is to just to lay down alone in a a dark room and close your eyes and the Reality of world start revolving around your head. your post remind of some tough months of my life. But with resistance and positive attitude i am getting rid of them :)

Good advice, thank you :)

I would love to in contact with you here jaynie, i think our perception about life matches each other some how :)

@jaynie, I don't know what your challenges with your own life,but i believe that you will completely solve recently them.
Just Believe you. I always live my dreams and one purpose.They motivate me when i lose me. "Don't live others' life,Build your life which you dream and don't believe that this life is given us only once"...🙏

Thank you

Truely amazing post, we always hear two sounds from innerself when we face extreme pressures while achieving our goals, one says giveup and relax and other one stops us from givingup and will advise to push harder, always listen to the second one because in this world to achieve good things you have to strive hard, if you will giveup intially you will be free from burden, just think but you have to do something again, so never develop givingup attitude. You are really stronger than life so lead yourself like that and achieve your desired goals. Thanks for sharing the great post.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

And thank you as always for your very heartfelt and thoughtful comment @chireerocks

You're Welcome.

Nice and inspiring write up you got in here. In addition to what you have said i will like to say this, pressure in life sometimes pushes us to our greatness, thereby making us to break out from our shell to face the reality of life.

Keep calm dear, there are more to life.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you! I appreciate that and yes, you are 100% correct x

It does not matter if you only have a dollar or a billion -
write down the things you want to thank for.

Studies have found that people who make a list of gratitude are less depressed After a month, you'll feel much better.
I propose to do list in the morning, Then that feeling stays with you all day, It does not take long.

You can also devote yourself to a daily worry time, say 20 minutes. Dedicate this time to worries that bother you.
Over time you will discover that it is not a simple task to sit alone for 20 minutes and decide to worry about money.
It will start to bore you. I call it exercise in boredom.

Dear @jaynie, these things work and can help us all

Very True xxx

While I haven't known you for long, I think I can now safely declare that you are a ROCKSTAR GODDESS! 😎

As I was reading your post, I was reminding of the quote “Ego says, “Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.” Spirit says, “Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place” by Marianne Williamson. Speaking of quotes, thanks for mentioning "notsalmon" - I've seen some of her quotes floating around the interwebz, but never visited her site before. I'm now following her on FB. 🙂

Happy flying!

“Ego says, “Once everything falls into place, I’ll feel peace.” Spirit says, “Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place” by Marianne Williamson

Love that quote! And thank you for the beautiful compliment angel xxx

hahahaha!!! SOOO CUTE!!! MWAH!!!

This is a very good post from you , although I just came across your blog today and it interest me because I love what I read from you. Keep going... I will keep following the trend .... smiles

Thank you very much. I appreciate that!

YOU are so much welcome @jaynie hope to see you around soon. Cheers

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, you're still standing and ever stronger than yesterdays. I too have been through one of the hardest point in my life this year but at the end of it, I still say to myself,' It has been a really good life'. It has been a good 3 months run when I started Steemit(turning point) and it only got better within the past 1 month, I'm sure u know why :). It will definitely continue to stay that way. You've learned so much to be where u are today and I'm grateful to have known you.

Thank You! and yes, I definitely have learnt a lot! All a part of the process hey ;)

ACCEPTANCE should be one of the most important things in our lives.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What does the ultimate purpose have to with all of this. If you can just pay attention to the stuff in front of you then you'll be able to see what the situation is and analyse it properly and then you'll be able to do whatever you can to the best of your potential. Don't bother about what you can't do because you anyways can't do anything about it 😂😂😂😂😂 so just pay attention to what you can do and do it the right way giving it 100%. Then whatever happens happens. Please see stuff as it's because it will make your life a whole lot easier than it's. Otherwise, you'll end up complicating simple stuff and then make a hell out of your life. That to UNNECESSARYILY. Happiness is just an expression. Don't complicate it. Merry Christmas and have a nice day.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment banana boy ;)

amazing post @jaynie.

Thank you very much :)

I am a touring man. Love to travel. Thank you for posting related to travel. And your posted song was very beautiful.

hmmmm.... alrighty then!


Can i resteem your post?

with pleasure

Resteem & upvote done! cheers! Please cheek my blog.

You know... I would normally get really annoyed by this kind of request, but for whatever reason you have sparked a smile on my I shall go and "check your blog" @sagor5828 but please don't make a habit of this request ;)

I am really sorry.😞

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This post has received gratitude of 8.49 % from @appreciator thanks to: @jaynie.


lots of extra.... time could have been spent on that comment.... lol (just saying)