Finding Balance - Yes AND No

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Follow Your Heart

Original mixed media artwork 'Follow Your Heart' by Jay Taylor

What you focus upon grows, absolutely...

...but please can we also acknowledge that what you allow will continue...?

It's really not an 'either/or' deal, no matter what the 'manifesters' tell you.
It's not enough to smile benignly whilst manifesting that which you prefer, if on the other hand you are smiling through gritted teeth whilst facilitating the continuation of that which drives you nuts!

I can't help but notice that saying no has become almost taboo amongst many 'positive thinkers', and I'm calling them out on that crap. There is nothing negative about honouring your own truth, including those occasions where one is called upon to say, “Not with me you don't!”

Be brave. Have the courage of your convictions, whatever they may be.

Say yes unreservedly to that which brings you joy, by all means. Do it. Over and over and over again, until it's a reflex action. You're only here once (that we know of for sure), so why the fuck not?

But if something brings you down, muscle up and say a resounding, ultra-firm “NO!” to that shit. The process of battering or shaming the "No!" out of us begins during 'the terrible twos'. Well, make like a toddler and start flexing them again! Because what you want and what you like are often unreliable - shifting like sand and as fickle as the breeze - but what you DON'T want? That, my friends, you can take to the bank! You'll always know what you don't want, whether you want to hear and honour it or not...

Angry Fairy
Photo - 'Angry Fairy' by Jay Taylor

If we want to change our world for the better, creating and modelling something new and more workable is imperative, there is absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever. Applying energy and focus to the good stuff is essential bit of kit that needs bringing out of the toolbox every single day, no matter what.

But remember, too, to face the old with the spirit of freedom burning bright in your heart. If it's stopping you from moving forward and you can't see a way around it, blow a hole through it, whatever it is. Allow yourself to say no sometimes, for fuck's sake – it's your prerogative as a living being. Don't let 'positivity' turn you into a doormat.

If the only thing any of us ever practised was saying, "Yes" when it's a yes, and "No" when it's a no for us, the world would be a very different place. Have the courage to say it when you feel it, and never mind the positivity police...

Steem on, brothers and sisters!  - Jay

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Wow, your artwork is incredible and message is spot on. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to translate your post into Chinese and share it. This is a post on my project:
Feel free to message me on if you have any questions or are okay with me translating your post :-)

Hi anwenbaumeister :o) Thank you for this - I'd love for you to share my post in Chinese! (And if it was a no, you KNOW I'd say no, right? ;o)) I've just read through the post you linked to explaining your project, and I'm definitely on board. I especially loved the comment where you wrote : "I will pool 25% of all the SD that I make on all of my Chinese translation posts over the course of two weeks and then evenly distribute it to all of the original authors. I am doing this because I occasionally get whale votes that skyrockets one of my post rewards, however I think that all of the posts that I am translating are equally wonderful and deserve an equal payout." What a wonderful idea, and a wonderful attitude. With love, Jay

LOL I would KNOW that you'd say no ;-) So sorry for the late reply, it's been a crazy week and just catching up on things. Thanks so much for allowing me to translate your post, and thank you for the kind words and feedback. I will let you know when I put up the translation. With love right back! -Anwen

Great art!

Thank you! :o)

Such an important point. Our time period has confused me so much because it pushes individualism alongside conformity and that just doesn't work out. You can't be an artsy-true-to-yourself person and a yes-man all at once, but it's also not good to be entirely one or the other. Be true to you and be okay with turning down people, going against trends, finding your own fashions and preferences, yet don't be too close minded as to never go out of your comfort zone. Be courageous enough to listen to yourself, but also brave enough to hear others. Consider the internal and external. Great post :).

It's not just confusing, either, carlyle - it is dangerously disempowering. Take the power back - learn to love and honour your yes AND your no :o)

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