THe world going into hyperdrive...upwards....or downwards??? Find out inside

in life •  8 years ago 

There are a few things which I am passionate about, Jesus, one is fitness, 2 is wealth, 3 is health, 4 is family ,

Now, as the internet has given us the opportunity to learn new things at a keyboard, we tend to also believe everything we read and hear.

Now there are 2 sides of a coin, meaning, if you say "well the authorities would never lie to me" or the other-side " the government is after us" I guess the argument is the same.

But for some reason, we tend to follow people's advice based on their "education" . Just because someone studies for a x amount of years, learning things out of a book, and then trying to apply that knowledge to the ever changing world, seems a little far fetched.

Even worse, when we trust our wealth, fitness and health on knowledge based on whats been learned years ago, then we are behind the times.

We all understand that we cant go on like this: wars, overpopulation, extinction of species...all man made in the pursuit of profit.
Through the pursuit of profit, do we have to kill off people to ensure mankind survives...........I don't know.
Vaccines are not healthy...PERIOD. Are they a "legal" way, with the motivation of "research", a way of curbing populations....I don't know.
What I do know and feel is there will be a time soon when things will get worse, but as always, there is a tribulation period, and then an renew period.

Now how secure are your family's wealth, resources for the worst.....plan for the worst, hope for the best....
THere are cheap and effective ways to improve your life, now and for the future. For you, your kids and their kids......

Its just, do you want to go outside your norm, your comfort zone....your safe zone....because nothing new happens there my friends....and you are really living in the past....

Give me a shout to know more....A LOT MORE

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