Snails love me.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Having a door to the Garden right inside my room is pretty cool.

You definitely have some disadvantages though.

Sometimes when it rains a little bit will come to the doorway and it will bring soil and mud with it.

A grasshopper, a Rollie Pollie, or even a cockroach will crawl in from underneath that door because they like to hang out amongst the soil and flowers out there.

Source: Pixabay.com_

That's okay with me because we all live in the world together.

The weirdest thing though is the snails.

You see, I used to think the snails were slow because that's the impression that we've been given.

Snails are not slow. Or at least.... the really large snails aren't slow.

Once it gets dark my room will begin to fill up with snails along the Walls by the garden.

The really large ones will seem as though there's simply sitting against the wall but if you look really closely at one you will occasionally see it fly down the wall onto the floor at an incredibly fast speed.

They can really move.

I don't mind the snails at all really except for the fact not do occasionally get on the floor. There's not many things worse than stepping on a snail.

It's a slimy mess.

I think snails are one of those creatures that could easily have come from another planet somehow.

I like to think about stuff like that. I think it's pretty cool.

Still, whatever you might have to say about snails I can tell you that they love hanging around my room.

I think it's pretty interesting.

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Thats really intertesting LOL.

Realy nice story.If there are advantages, there is a problem.

Wow..surprising how you like them or say how they like you because I just think of them as slimy creeps.