Working on the holidays is no fun.

in life •  7 years ago 

I'm about to go to bed even though I'd like to stay up and watch some movies.

It's been a long day today and it will be a longer one tomorrow.


I am a waiter at a restaurant.

Holidays are never fun at restaurants, if you work there.

They are busy and full of guests that act more inappropriate than they ever do at any other time.

It is likely that a guest will ask you to sing something to them even though our restaurant does not allow that sort of thing.

All kinds of questions will be asked.

Special treatment will be required at multiple tables.

A multitude of high chairs will be needed at all times.

Everyone who ever existed in anyone's family will be there even though these people never associate except for on the holidays.

No one will get a break. Not even five minutes.

The restaurant industry around here does not require that anyone get a break. No lunch either.

Can you imagine how hard it is to serve delicious food all day on a holiday knowing that you are not going to even get to eat anything?

It sucks.

Still, holidays mean money.

That is something that I need a lot of right now.

The market clearly is not going in the direction that we had all hoped at this point.

Additionally, I've had quite a few unexpected bills and my rent went up as well.

Rent goes up, wages do not. Prices go up, wages do not.

It's a difficult world.

Most people are in the same boat though. We get up, we go to work. Nobody wants to, everybody has to.

Such is life.

I'm sure that eventually my day will be over and I will be back on Steemit posting another interesting blog piece.

I look forward to seeing you all then.

Happy Holidays!

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wow, it's beautiful @ jeezzle, i love it


You are welcome

You are a creative mind person.

I appreciate that.

You are a hard working man.For this reason, you work in the holidays.

Thank you.

Yeah! is it true very busy life of restaurants workers.


Working in holidays It will pay you later.

You are right.It's a difficult world.

Yes it is.

Really this is a interesting story. Your creative power is excellent . Thank @jeezzle.

I think most of the people here are in the same. Get up with difficulty, go to work, come home and sleep then repeat the process.
But I think weekends are the one that is rejuvenating but sadly you're facing the highest work on weekends.

I will do you a favor and eat at home tomorrow. lol
Hopefully you get good tables and good tips!

I worked as a waitress for many years in different restaurants but we were always allowed to eat one meal from the restaurant in our break. But we worked many hours, 8-10 every day in busy times.

Most of the times we were understaffed and I was literally running while holding heavy trays, but I liked working during busy seasons because it felt like I was doing exercise all the time and I became very fit :D Everybody was jealous of how fit I was, guys liked me and bosses were telling me that I should pay them for the "free gym" time, not the other way around :D

Ahhh good times. I eventually grew up and started to notice other things such as payment, social insurance, working laws, the behavior of bosses and some customers, and being fit was not the number one objective anymore. But for a young person, it was a fun and as careless as it can be job. :)