SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

in life •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I wrote, "Happy In Dependence Day: A Day To Celebrate Living in a Brainwashed Slave Cult."

In it I discussed how most Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult that worships false idols such as the flag.

As I was doing that, Emily Lance was peeing on the flag on Facebook. And it got more than 1 million views and came with dozens, if not hundreds, of death threats.

There is even a bounty on her head on Craigslist for $3,000 and her father, who is a statist, has been targeted at his workplace.

If this doesn't prove my point that Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult nothing does.

If someone peeing on any piece of cloth makes you erupt in violent anger that is because you've been brainwashed.

In this video I discuss what happened and how to deal with living amongst brainwashed slaves.

I mention in the video that no matter what was printed on a piece of cloth, if someone peed on it, it would not upset me.

If seeing this video of a girl peeing on a piece of cloth with colors on it made in China upsets you, you may be brainwashed. Seek help immediately.

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this visual basically sums up everything about our society globally yo...

Ya people aren't even hooked up. They just choose to tune in after their socialization training in school.

I normally dont react to dollar vigilante posts, but his attitude to nationalism and brainwashing through nationalism and that he distances himself through irony is something i really love. So here, take my upvote :D


wait... there was irony in this somewhere?

And I call it Urinating on The so called Fake News hater know who I mean...haha

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Not upset but not sure what this accomplished other than social attention.

I don't think this act will take down the Federal Reserve.

I wonder if she would have peed in front of a group of disabled marines. If so then she's for real.

I want change but disrespecting soldiers who died in attempt for freedom?

Take down the Federal Reserve, Deep state, the Occult Cabal. We don't need to disrespect warriors.

Just my opinion I think we can have more effective attempts to take down the FED. Peeing in your house in a bathroom on a phone? really? I guess it worked?

I wonder if she would have peed in front of a group of disabled marines.

Oh shit nig, I just popped a woody. Do you think there's video of that somewhere? I tried googling it...

Insolence is a valid form of resistance. It's like psychological guerrilla warfare.
Also take a check on the soldiers dying for freedom thing.... They died as brainwashed sheep serving the same Cabal you want to take down.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Have you served?
Do you have children?
Brainwashed sheep? karmas a bitch...
Down with the Federal Reserve
those sheep still have my respect.

Throughout history, most currency, including the US dollar, was linked to valuable commodities and the amount of it in circulation depended on a government's gold or silver reserves.
But after the US abolished this system in 1971, the dollar became what is known as fiat money, meaning not linked to any external resource but relying instead solely on government policy to decide how much currency to print.

Which branch of our government sets this policy?
The Executive,
the Legislative,
or the Judicial?
The surprising answer is: none of the above!
In fact, monetary policy is set by an independent Federal Reserve System

If you want to call being conscripted into a fascist army at the age of 17 "served" then my answer would be yes though I don't see it as service. More like forced servitude.

@qholloi, pfff, I agree with this statement 100%. It's a step in the right direction, insolence, if nothing else. Thanks for bringing it up!

insolence - contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior or speech; insulting
the quality or condition of being insolent

so basically a condition of being a rude ok wow!

I hope this is not the future of anarchy.

Imma ask. You called Marines warriors, and alluded to them fighting for freedom. I will agree they fight. I expect they attacked people and killed them.

So, who did they free?

And, what could be ruder? Peeing on the corpses of the people they killed?

exactly @valued-customer <3

I don't think she was disrespecting soldiers. More likely she was disrespecting those people who fooled/brainwashed them into fighting for an unjust cause.

You're be out of your mind if you think peeing on a flag has anything to do with veterans.
It's a symbol of tyranny, not a person.
Speaking of veterans, how brainwashed do you have to be to think it's a good thing to travel around the world waging war on innocent people who have never raised a hand against you?
Acting out at the behest of your corporate masters so they can line their pocket so while you and you're buddies die.
Freedom is an illusion. If you're taking orders like that, then you aren't free. You're just another robot serving the system. You're doing nothing to protect your home, family or friends. Wake up.
Mic drop!

Well, it accomplished $700 for Jeff. Haha 😅



Flag people will be upset lol 😂😁😂😁😂

That's ok. All my posts are already flagged.

Dirty bitch!

how is this funny

You're just jelly the DollarVigilante❤ didn't upvote you.


I'm into it too but I can't get off to this one 😝

Wooo ..... What is friend😂😂😂😂😂😂

1 million much money would that have made on steemit?

I just told her to get on Steemit as "flagpeegirl"... will see if she does it ;)

This is the funniest comment by far xD

Stop using the dollar

we need to organize and get on the same page all this energy is going no where...

volunteerism, create agoras, use grey market

Man if half of this energy was put toward taking down the FED we would be free to piss on whatever we want.


If she got a million views, wonder what this monkey got?

37¢.. Much better than a million views

An example of degradation))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

1 million views equals approx $1000 right?

Putting the 'capitalism' in 'anarcho-capitalism' :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"Capitalism" is still Debt-Money slavery. Americans fought to free themselves of the machinations of the Bank of England...(remnants of that struggle can still be found in Britain's parliamentary record) was called "taxation without representation" - and it wasn't just a lousy tea tax, boys and girls....

Wall Street Capitalism fueled the Bolshevik Revolution, two world wars and every war since;

So the 'Anarcho-capitalist' moniker is perhaps an ideology, Anarko-Capitalism is still Capitalism; disorder out of chaos...the Capitalist system is designed to fail after Banksters buy up the entire country as collateral on the Full Faith and Credit of the American People, (article IV section I).

Civil war will be the result...because people like the CANADIAN Berwick run away to their tropical havens...talking shit about people they don't even know...

Need I say, the American form of Government, (the Constitution), was designed for a self-governing people....that power was ceded thanks to Bankster Politicians, not because of some flaw in the Declaration of Independence/ Constitution/Bill of Rights...not because people are brainwashed....we've been disabused or our Founding...

Anarcho-capitalism will also prove to be just another virulent form of SOCIAL DARWISIM... another chapter in the long story of Arrested Development. Whose dream is a dream of sunshine and lollipops.

Socialist/Communism is no different; it is the promise of 'Workers Paradise' when it is REALLY Banker's Paradise - capitalists who end up owning all natural resources AND the means of production while hiding behind totalitarian governments that oversee the equal distribution of poverty....and human degradation.

With or without Government, desperate people will always resort to FORCE...

The America of today certainly is not the America of 1776. It is lorded over by a cadre of megalomaniac politicians who use Government to advance Empire for the sake of Central Bank Capitalism.

I just wish we could find it within ourselves not to stand on high horses and piss on Americans as a people....we are under assault, God damn it: Government schools, Media, Hollywood, Corporatist ethics, not to mention a medical tyranny...

We do nothing to stop the deliberate destruction of an idea *that was not even tried' by denigrating the victims of the Capitalist, Socialist, Communist trifecta.

...and all Ideology for that matter...

ROFL @ Anarcho Capitalism!!

Enough to offset the impact of the strong possibility that she got canned over it.

THIS ^^^

you can make a second try

This +1

he have steem power... lol

Haha this is to funny, she must have been high on some shit

I'm not American, but I don't think peeing on a national flag is anything close to OK. It's not about the physical act, it's about the message, and the message is disrespect towards a nation as a national flag is mostly a symbol of the nation. If a person doesn't like a certain aspect(s) of a country, its politics, economomis, culture or anything else, they should focus on expressing their dislike towards that specific topic/person. Peeing on a flag does say one thing: "I have no idea what I really want to say but I'll just do that for the sake of 5 minutes of fame" and this doesn't change anything for the good.
I rest my case

I agree with your point on disrespecting a nation by peeing on a flag and doing it only for fame, but it is still not ok to threaten someone and placing a bounty on their head for such a childish act. People shouldn't overreact so hard.

National flags are the symbol of a CULTure, burn them all!

CULTure, lol like that one

I'm totally gonna steal that typo. @economommy FTW!

:D yea @economommy FTW!

Thank you SIRevention. What the Frick happened to dignity.

I will agree that it was a degenerate act.

Nothing is perfect.

It is so disgusting. It is an animal act. She receives more than million views. In fact its so disgusting that everyone want to view this animal act. I think anyone voting for her is animal like her

What if the certain aspect of the country she disliked was the flag in particular and loved everything else?


Its trolling... and pretty boring trolling at this point. There's not even a statement involved.

"America sucks. Fuck America!"

cool lady. go contribute to society and put your pants on. we dont give a fuck.


Hypocrisy Alert ,
I'm confused Jeff, yesterday (Independence Day) you and others were selling the idea that it was silly to celebrate being a slave, or being proud to reside in such a corrupt country. How flying or waving our flag and celebrating the event is just insanity because of what it represents today.

First of all Independence day is a celebration of the U.S. independence from king George, it has nothing to do with what we have become, maybe someday we'll have a second American revolution to celebrate.

Today you tell us that the flag is nothing more than a colored piece of cloth, and can be used for whatever purpose desired.

I'm happy for your new found freedom in Mexico, I noticed that your dogs are also very free. they can crap wherever they feel like and your free not to clean up after them. Sounds like utopia.

Should do it outside. That flag can siphon pee all over the place

With that contraption she's likely a floor pisser to begin with.


Its really sad thing that she pee on national flag, you are right she surly brainwashed by someone and its may terrorist or their supporter who do brainwash of people. One thing is clear that she didn't have heart otherwise she not did this. It happened to here in india and they got strong punishment because its related to nation so she must deserve to punishment. I don't care how much money she made from view or how many people have seen it but its really wrong thing

Got 100% upvote from me, bro!

You sound brainwashed man?

Yeah may be someone brainwash her by telling negative things in her mind and ask them to do that kind of thing because its really weird thing and its look shame on her that she not giving respect to her own country. There are so many people who doing brainwash of people who easily believe them and transfer negativeness in thr

You sound like you went to public school?

Shame on her????

I solute her for peeing on that piece of shit US Flag!

You sound like you never went to school?

Why do you follow Jeff government troll?

i dont care if some girl peed on the flag. shes just trolling, and so is berwick.

but reading these comments, you're a straight up sycophant.

Would you not say a Tyrant is someone who kills another just because he is told to? that's a soldier/vet

You say I was a GreenBeret in a previous life = WAR MONGER!

you think you have a voice here??

ANYONE THAT WOULD SAY "Unconventional Warfare is one of my happy places" IS THE SYCOPHANT!


Hope to meet you some day to give your head a shake. :)

Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation's founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America's storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.

God Bless the US

Amen. Respect to all those that serve and all the sacrifices those have made to allow someone like her to just spit back in their faces.
I guess it just comes with the territory that some are just not simply grateful.

God Bless the US!

The whole reason why I served is so that people would continue to have the right to do what that girl did. You can't have it both ways.

And that's why you've been at war for 200 years and are the most reviled country in the world.

lol, like how the early settlers so kindly shared the land they didn't own with those who technically did own it? I supposed they also deserve our unquestioning respect?

I have no problem honoring the lives that soldiers have lived (as the human beings that they are), but I will not honor any of the killing they do in the name of the american flag or in the name of this false pretense we call Freedom in this land.

We're decedents of murderers and thieves, so I guess we should be proud, eh?

I will be proud to be part of this country when it starts truly being great and shows that it actually cares about the betterment of the human race as a whole and not its own personal power/monetary agendas.

every human is descendants of murderers and thieves. we should be trying to improve, not piss on the past just because 'were better than those idiots'.

More people have been killed in the last 70 or 40 or 20 years under that flag then any other! To the point 2nd place is nowhere close! I fully respect your right to be a delusional person @photographyideas (good luck with that)

LOL, Now that is funny!

God bless US


Uh..couldn't peing on a piece of cloth and then uploading it for the world to see be considered 'her' the one brainwashed? She hates her Country that bad that she takes the most honored representation of that Country and pees on it? And she's not the brainwashed?

Well it's bold move and can be done on not just the U.S flag, but on many flags. The people of many nations are but cattle to their leaders. Just exist to generate tax dollars to pay their neverending debt to the reserve banks. We pay for their mistakes.

Now I am not saying that they owe us anything. But at the very least set us free and stop using us.

The greatest line I have ever read on Steemit:

"If seeing this video of a girl peeing on a piece of cloth with colors on it made in China upsets you, you may be brainwashed. Seek help immediately"

Followed :)

Great read. I still find it funny how people can be so patriotic and loyal to a country that does not care about them. Her reactions got me ready to make a video taking a crap on the flag and I'm a Navy veteran. I still can't believe I was dumb enough to sign up to fight and defend a country that won't do the same for me. I'm not going to make it a race issue but I hate when I see African Americans who have the flags flying in they yard and those who are all about defending a country that doesn't have they interest. To avoid getting into trouble, I just avoid these type of people cause I don't bite
My tongue not do I tolerate any disrespect from anyone. Think about it when 9-11-2001 happened the whole United States came together as a whole to cope with the tragic events. Fast forward a few years when hurricane Katrina flooded New Orleans, most was denied help for several days if not weeks simply because it happen to those that the country careless about.

Open your eyes people, we are all human beings and all deserve to be treated equally as the other regardless of ones race, religion, or social economic status.

Continue providing informative blogs like this. Thanks for the good read 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

The sacrifice of the magic, made in china cloth was a bit over the top. Thought provoking or just provocation? You get more flies with honey. I think there are better ways to break through to statist. The GMO/FLUORIDE heads still believe, men(some related) died for that flag. Love unites, anger divides.

Your a smart man, I will shit on that flag with you.

What a joke, reading all these STATE supporters here on jeffs blog...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'd rather be respectful then Ignorant

If you buy shit with federal reserve notes you are brainwashed
so all these people don't use the dollar
I doubt that.

@%*# a flag! Stop using the dollar and i will respect your position
till then you are brainwashed.

Oh you use food stamps

Just sayin......Whole Foods still ain't taking crypto hand. Love the passion though.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I grow a large part of my food.

Try my best not to use the dollar.
Not saying its easy but its the most effective way to be an anarchist. In my opinion.

Struggle Is what the body needs. Growing food is as natural as breathing, all be it, tough, like breathing with asthma. I am a huge fan and I'm a ranch kid. I no longer live in the country but my parents still run a small cattle operation and I was raised in a very self sufficient home, large gardens, chickens and gathering cattle horseback. I was a cowboy on the Osage Reservation for the early years of professional life before taking up welding as a career. For me, I like grocery stores and living close to town but I get your choice. Well played

Your going to respect them?????
I will stay with my heart and be Honest/ Call that Ignorant, so be it?

"I still find it funny how people can be so patriotic and loyal to a country that does not care about them." DAMN STRAIGHT. I'm with you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A country is made up of people. A country is not capable of caring about anything. It is the people within it that are capable of caring....

We live in a world where the enslaved masses stand up and fight for the same system that got them to be a slave in the first place. Its high time we realize the real agenda of the elites behind promoting a sense of patriotism. Patriotism is just a tool used by the authority to protect its own power and crumble away any attempts of reformation.

I don't understand why people get upset at this type of thing, either, and I served my country and was deployed to Iraq.

Here's the deal: America is supposed to be built on principles on freedom of speech, religion, and expression. If that's really true, then there should be no reason for anyone to get upset when another person, such as this young lady, is exercising her rights to such.

I was a very naive individual when I joined the Army National Guard in September of 2001, just 2 weeks after 9/11. In my previous brainwashed state, I thought that I was doing my duty as an American, and that every able bodied young American should follow suit.

How foolish I was... It wasn't until I was in Iraq for a few weeks that I started to understand that America isn't always in the right, and just because some entitled asshole who calls himself "president" declares it's the right thing to do doesn't make it the right thing to do.

I ended up coming to the conclusion that many other enlightened Americans have. The whole thing was about energy, particularly black gold (oil), and economic stimulus. A few "good old boys" got rich, while a lot of young men and women got killed and physically and mentally maimed. We didn't belong in Iraq, and I have my doubts about whether or not we should have set foot in Afghanistan. I'm not going to go as far to as to say that the WTC bombing was an "inside job," because I don't have any proof of that, and I've learned not to believe anything if I don't have concrete, indisputable proof. However, I wouldn't put it past some of the people who held power at the time.

The point I'm trying to make is that it's a little bit hypocritical for people to blast someone for exercising the rights they hold as an American.

So she took a piss on the flag? What's the big deal?

Now if she pissed in your Cheerios, I could understand you being a little bit upset. Although, after reading some of the comments people made here, I don't think everyone would be upset at that :)

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This comment has received a 0.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.

This just might not be the place for me! Since that flag is one of the reasons we are not all part of the Third Reich, were any person other then white would have been enslaved or murdered by now! The flag is not just a piece of cloth, it should be respected by all nations of the world. Though were are far from perfect, anywhere in the world you are standing right now YOU SHOULD THANK GOD OR WHATEVER YOU BELIEVE IN FOR THE US!!!!! If not for the US this world would not be the same and a lot worse off for a lot of people out there! So, I am out just another brainwashed american! The country that have come to every nations defenses in not 1, but 2 world wars! You would think it was fine for someone to pee on a koran, it is just paper, I don't think that would be right and see the outrage with that one! It is not our fault if you have people that love the country they were born! It is not just cloth!!!

You do know Russia was mainly responsible for winning WWII and France and Britain were mostly responsible for winning WWI? In both cases when the US got involved Germany was already losing. Don't believe me, look it up. As for the flag urination, it is just a piece of cloth, and while her attitude is not to be applauded I don't think it is such a big deal, during the Vietnam war students burned flags, and probably some of them are now mad because this girl peed on one.

Hell's bells. American companies like Standard Oil made big bucks off the German war machine

Russia was getting attacked in WW2 the weather beat the German army in Russia, not Russia! Also, we did not have a dog in the European Front, they didn't have to do anything they could have just stayed in the Pacific and got that done a lot quicker!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Russia lost an estimated 20 million people, they were responsible for decimating the German army, if you say it was the weather ok, but that's not what people who have studied the war say, Hitler screwed up, he attacked the one country he shouldn't have, just like Napoleon. As for not having a dog in Europe, you didn't have one in Iraq either, and yet there you are.

I am talking about ww2 and that is it! Vietnam and the gulf wars are mistakes in my view. I was just talking about ww2 which if not for our help, there would not have been any gulf states, because after he got done with the jews, he would have went straight to the gulf states and did the same! Russia was BEING ATTACKED!!!!!!! That is why 20 million Russians died!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, and they beat the crap out of the German army, that is why they lost 20 million people. You could read up on hte battles of Kursk, Stalingrad etc. After this the allies just cleaned up.

I guess you are missing my point, if the shoe was on the other foot and we were getting besieged and losing up to 20 million civilians, would Russia have come to our aid? I think not!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I know this is just wasting both of our times, but the US didn't actually help the Russians fight, they did it themselves, I have read many books about them, they had a really hard time, and I find it funny and sad that hardly anyone even admits that it was they who beat the Germans.
Now I do think this post has gotten too many answers for being about a girl who peed on a flag, maybe she was just real drunk.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You bought all the lies didn't ya! ROFL.

In hitler's books, he always stated that the US would be natural allies to germany due to ideological compatibility, and his ideas came from an american man named Francis Bellamy and his cousin Edward Bellamy. Francis bellamy wrote the pledge of allegiance and edward wrote books on Christian Socialism (National Socialism).

Indeed we are the Nazis ... absolutely great documentary. It all makes perfect sense.


@vinayakn got you a $0.11 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@vinayakn got you a $0.11 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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i guess jeff can never loose an argument

@vinayakn got you a $0.11 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@vinayakn got you a $0.11 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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You're a beauty human being Jeff. Please keep waking them up :) We need you!


Absolutely Disgusting and Disgraceful!!!!

Some people have no idea what that Flag represents and those that gave all in sacrifice for these people to do such disgraceful stuff!

upvote from me!

I'm glad I don't follow you.

Slaves or Moron's gave their lives for that CULT flag!

You can't fault those that don't know any better, though. I feel for those that fought in the wars for the right reasons. They thought they were doing the right thing, and you can't judge them for that. :)

There has never been a War for the right reason.

A soldier never thinks(thought) not to kill he follows orders.

I judge anyone that can kill a child and say I was just following orders is a coward and should be hung.

oh he can judge and he will.
he doesn't know and/or care that there are enforceable laws and many people in the military have gone to prison for either violating those laws or following orders that violated those laws.
but whatever.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

He can judge all he wants as long as he doesn't use violence in response to freedom of expression.

The UCMJ does not and should not apply to anyone outside the military either. When we signed our contracts, we voluntarily agreed to be under that code. No one else has.

No disagreement from me there.

Not that I care because I am not nationalistic in the least. But in Jamaica there are laws that protects the flag. It it illegal to even paint it on your shoes and walk on it. So I am surprised this girl is not in jail. You guys complain about freedom of speech but you all are a lot more free than other countries.

Upvoted, and you are damn right, they have no clue!!!!!

I wonder if Lucy would pee on it?

we can't even raise our flag in England, UK anymore just in case it offends someone! It is crazy how much passion a piece of printed cloth creates! muddled priorities lol

Agreed you can't fly your history on a pole but you can pee on it and share it for millions to see

haha love it 😂😂😂

People get really mad when you disrespect their religious symbols. It just proves that we're surrounded by mindless sheep/zombies.

I wish more people would think for themselves! Such a waste of creative grey-matter

Sadly, we are surrounded by well programmed robots.

What if I told you its not about piece of cloth. You know it isnt. Just as words arent just voices you make or pixels on a screen. Death threat is more then that. Any message is more then that.

I'm from Mexico and I still find that offensive. Doesn't matter what flag it is what matters is the action that she took. Well that is my opinion. Cheers to all.

How about nazi flag? USSR? North Korea?

Well that is a interesting question. You grab me on the curve with that one! If I had to pee on one it would be defenetly the nazi flag. LOL! Cheers amigo!

Exactly...flag's aren't just pieces of cloth - they are representative. It's not the physical act, more the symbology behind it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yep, if you own it, do what you want with it. That's what freedom of speech was meant to protect at least. There's not much freedom of speech or expression left in the USA though. There are too many raging nationalists hell bent on punching people in the face that "disrespect" their religious symbols.

The only people I've seen getting hit in the face lately are people who voted for the sitting president.

Not sure which freedom of expression has been stifled in the US.

Do you have any examples?

Using violence simply because someone offended you is bad. Threatening violence for the same is also bad. Why should a Trump voter be punched? That's okay?

Did you read what I wrote? I don't make threats but I don't pretend I'm afraid of defending myself and loved ones. That's not a threat.

When did I say it was OK for Trump voters to be punched? Of course it isn't. I was challenging your assertion that "there are too many raging nationalists hell bent on punching people in the face that 'disrespect' their religious symbols."

Nationalists aren't doing that writ large, at least not in the USA.

"The only people I've seen getting hit in the face lately are people who voted for the sitting president."

You didn't state whether you were against that or not.

There are countless examples of violence being used when the victim was simply expressing an opinion.

(fascists being punched)

(communists being punched)

These are two easily found examples with countless others of violence being used when people simply have different opinions.

I do not agree with their opinions either, but they still should not have violence used against them for having said stupid or different opinions.

My specific reply was about the Emily Crane video too. She posted a video of her peeing on her property, and she has death threats against her. That's completely unacceptable.

Exactly ... all flags are just another form of indoctrination to condition us to never question the state.

  • nation founded on declaring freedom of man from tyranny
  • amendment created with the sole purpose of being allowed to say whatever you want
  • amendment created with the sole purpose of physically defending rights to say whatever you want

"never question the state"
really dude?

Blake ... you're confusing/blurring the difference between the lofty ideals of the founders vs. the US flag now as the rightful symbol of war and aggression it is across the planet.

And you're implying the lofty ideals of the founders are absolutely non-existent in present day. I disagree wholeheartedly.

The interesting thing about symbols is that people can perceived the same symbols differently for a variety of reasons. I view the flag as "half full", while many choose to see it as "half-empty" or completely destructive.

I'd still rather live in America than say... Hamburg, Germany.. Paris, France... or Malmo, Sweden.... or any other number of locations in the world.

But that's my perspective based on my perception that the 'lofty ideals of the founders' still exist and will not disappear without a fight.

You say they are lofty ideals, but do you agree with those lofty ideals in principle? Are they something worth fighting and dying for? If not for yourself and your family, but for your future progeny in the hopes that they'll live in a world better than the current one?

I absolutely do believe in the principles of the Bill of Rights, and that many people in the world, not just the US, believe in and hunger for the same. But governments do not. Expounding on that point, I use the term "government" loosely, because really there are no more governments, or at least very few, that still represent and work for "We the People" of the planet.

So would I fight for a debt slavery fiat money banking cabal that has cleverly usurped every aspect of liberty embodied in founding documents and essentially taken over the planet, constantly fomenting false flags, war, death, pain, and ruining any country that gets in the way, all in order to support the extreme wealth and power of a few, in monetary system that has constantly devalued our money, by counterfeiting, inflating, or other forms of monetary fraud? Emphatically, no.

Now would I defend my village if the neighboring village came storming over the ridge and decided to raid the crops? Of course. That would be a clear cut instance of self defense.

What I'm saying is that all of these "enemies" on the planet that we just keep having to attack and go to war with have been created by the cabal to keep the planet in a constant state of war-for-profit. Smedley Butler, War is a Racket. You can find the link somewhere on this thread, but if you have not already seen it, watch "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Mans Trick". One of the best documentaries you will ever see explaining roots and real identity of the cabal.

After the Constitutional Convention of 1787, citizens gathered and waited outside Independence Hall wondering about the outcome. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” To which, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” But we lost it. In many steps, but IMHO with the coup de gras coming with the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. Once the US Treasury had to borrow money into existence at interest, we were f***ed.

To sum it up for myself, it isn't money that is the root of all evil, it is fiat money. I've heard it said that we can't stop war because it's in our nature, we're hard wired for it. I don't believe it. One of the cabal created despots of the last century said it best;

“Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." — Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials.

Usury, fiat money has enabled this cabal of wealth and power. But they are about to go down. Crypto currencies, the dollar death, and wikileaks are going to do them in. A New World, but not a New World Order cabal is taking over.

So what about you, Blake? ... are you with We The People, or the Cabal?

Ask yourself this... would someone who's been active on a website like this since beta, and been in cryptocurrency since 2015 be all about the New World Order/Cabal/Pedocracy?

Do you realize that a good 90% of "trigger pullers" from the 'despised' military (particularly those of us from the 'evil spec ops' types) are devoted to the founding ideals in the Constitution, their families, and their ability to defend themselves and their loved ones with highly trained precision?

What makes you think I'm not for the people? I hate fiat controls and I hate government control of supply. Crony Capitalism and Global Marxism is mortal enemies to everything I hold dear.

What line in the sand do YOU think I stand on?

It is easy to point out the bad ones, but why not ask about say:
The Mexican Flag?, Frances, UK, India, Japan, Australia, Chile, Canada, Sweden, or anyone one else?
Would you be OK to piss on one of those countries? Or better yet, what about your own logo?

They even get us to accept fake flags. But goddamn you all to hell if you pee on it.

.... I pledge allegiance to the Military Wartime Flag of the Admiralty Court and to the Corporate Merchants for which it stands ....

you are so right man. you can't get enough money for your post

Saying its just a cloth is like saying death threats are just pixels on a screen. They both represent something. Sure pissing doesnt threaten anyone, but lets not pretend its just a cloth. There was meaning in the action. Dont know if she just wanted attention or was a brainwashed feminist expressing herself.

Either case the rational response is just to ignore her.

Why is the pee pink? Is July 4th, that time of the month?

Due to her penis envy and the faux penis she is using.

I think if we were to ask the angry people why they are angry and what their interpretation of the "peeing act" is, then we will find out that people got hurt by WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF THE ACT. Those who are not hurt thought nothing of the act and don't see it as having any impact on how they view and love their country.

I've got no idea with this pict, very shocking :(

Post deleted by author.

Nowadays people compete to do even more stupid and shocking things and post them online to get some kind of "fame". I hate that.

every action has a reaction what i said many steemians will understand well.

It is not just simply a piece of cloth. It represents something. She did it because she hated what the politicians behind that flag are doing to the world. The hungry, selfish and self-centered politicians are destroying the world in many ways.

Although, I do not agree with this kind of "peeing on flags" attitutde, all humans are not equal. People react differently and this is how she expressed her feelings which could be expressed in a much better way. Still, those who count themselves in the saner segment should read the writing on the wall!

Oh my 😵

Yes Jeff, Americans are brainwashed slaves.

Way to go Emily Lance for peeing on that piece of shit US CULT flag.

Now burn it, the Fed and the Witchhouse in the coming REVOLUTION!

Citizens = Slaves
Anyone that pays taxes is a Slave.

SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

A Steemit clickbait classic?

If this doesn't prove my point that Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult nothing does.

And what cult is that? @jeffberwick

Yeah I get it that people are brainwashed. But peeing on a flag or anything else is not really classy either. Good shock value, like many of the posts you make but not sure of the real value. Just my two cents.

Someone just earned almost 600 dollars showing someone else pissing on American flag. Now that's an idea!

Heh...I'm sure there's better ways to make money...

He is a contributor for fox and cnbc and this is what he shows on steem!

Bill Hicks did a stand up routine on the very subject of flags and people's attachment to them. Very funny and worth a watch.

You're right in the braibwashing but to me it shows why some government is needed. History shows the cruelty of humanity and yet somehow we think that a world without rules would be better. I don't believe that one bit every time I see a story highlighting all these bad traits in humanity. She may be wrong but she definitely has a right to do as she pleases as long as it harms no one without fear of retaliation.

A society can have rules without having a ruling class. Think about rape. Rape is a bad thing, and virtually everybody can agree on that which makes it a rule. We don't need to give a group of people the right to coerce the entire country in order to stop rape, or any type of violence for that matter.

The whole idea of government for the last several thousand years has been to monopolize the use of force to the rulers. A system like this consolidates power to the top every single time, historically speaking, which is why virtually no gov has existed for more than several hundred years. Our "democracy" is only mob rule, whichever side wins gets to violently force the other side what to do. This isn't keeping us safe.

Precisely and well put. /follow

Nawa people's could you want to kill your fellow human being just because she pee on a cloth. It comes from the mind,I concur...people have been brain-washed into believing so many things @jeffberwick

its not good please remove this post sir i request you because sir Its a Country Flag and this girl is totally mad and illetrate person.. I am not American but I am Human and i know the feeling of love our country..

Please American if you are agree my statement so upvote me and showing the world you love your country so much..

Agree. Its just cloth. Our perception allows it more value than its worth. Similar to melting a cross.

It's getting even more pathetic with Brainwashed Slaved cult celebrating

dam that is grows. I worked on the 4th :(

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@jeffberwick really great man , most of people wont understand these things , they are just brainwashed. look , it doesn't matter if they live in Asia , middle east or USA or Europe , brain washed people never understand the truth , they just do what they heard !! , one time I saw someone said we have to kill all muslims because they are all terrorists , that guy was a real dumb !! how can someone kill people so easily or sharing an article about it on steemit and even on other sites , well this is what I call it brainwashed too. thanks for sharing your post with us , also I forgot to tell you that I live in Iran , and in all of my life I just saw most of foreign people think bad about us because of TV and Lies ! a country which never did terror. and never attacked other countries. Iranian soldiers only killed DAESH Terrorists in Syria. and about your video and those who wanted to kill that girl , look , if this happened in Iran they would call us animals but look now it happened in USA and still they think they are humans and we are animals !!

I fine it funny that people who claim to be aware and want to take down the FED. don't even know the FED. Res. is a privet business and has no relation the the Star's and Strip's . The American flag is not the flag of the government it's the flag of the people. Those of you who claim higher intelligence need to remember there is no doing better while you hurl insult's . Do better with intelligent exchange of idea's and just do better . P.S. if you are doing it the same way over and over expecting different results and not getting them then you are insane.

I'm a Merican

I agree and disagree ...

The mere act of pissing on the flag means nothing at all. Like you say, it's a piece of cloth (likely printed in China).

Where my attitude can be changed some is in the intent or the statement being made.

To me the flag can represent two things. First it could be acceptance or support of the "State" and blindly following the cult mentality of "patriotism". Second, it could stand as a symbol of an ideal that supersedes the state.

I think that the flag does stand for freedom, for an ideal of self governance. If you piss on that ideal I find it offensive. If, however, you piss on it because it has become a symbol of oppression, fear, and control of the people, then I completely agree with you!

But then again, we live in a nation where posting the Declaration of Independence on Independence day is considered an act of treason against Donald Trump ... total bullshit!

"I think that the flag does stand for freedom, for an ideal of self governance." You still believe that's what it stands for? Only a citizen of the USA would believe that to be true.

That is the ideal that it SHOULD stand for. The fact that it represents a corporate and corrupt government with more ownership by a "ruling class" than the people they are supposed to represent disgusts me.

As a US citizen I've often been quoted as saying "I learned a lot about America in High School. I'd like to live there some day."

The USA has proven to be the best example of how no system of government can ever be trusted. It just doesn't work. Over time power consolidates and individual liberty shrinks.

"But next time we'll follow the Constitution" is what some people will say though. Really? Why would it work a second time? I didn't sign that contract anyway.

If you create any system of government, it will eventually be taken over by oligarchs. The more government, the less freedom. We have countless examples throughout human history.

I'm not sure what the solution is either, for a majority of people appear to demand rulers. How do we, who refuse to be ruled, coexist with them?

Unfortunately those who wish to be ruled will always demand a ruler. This isn't so bad in itself except that they will also demand that we conform to the edicts of their ruler.

One option (of course) is to become the ruler, this makes us no better than that which we wish to be free from. Another is to "buy in" and live a generally socially acceptable life while avoiding discussions of rulership. This buy in, however, ultimately leads to slowly growing oppression in many cases.

One of the greatest difficulties lies in where we draw the line. A true anarchist doesn't seek to steal, rape, murder (without due cause), or trample the rights of any other human being, he simply seeks to exist in peace without a government controlling his life (or making him pay for it). Unfortunately, there are those who without rulership would act out in ways detrimental to their fellow humans, how does a society without government control such people ... or should they even be controlled?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Governments and laws already do not control those people.

There will always be predators, and governments have a long history of protecting them. The predators will gravitate towards government jobs in fact since it provides them with double standards, special protections, and more control over their prey.

Predators need to be destroyed. Voluntaryists should be skilled in the art of violence and be willing to use it in defense of themselves and those unable to defend themselves. Instead of protecting predators and providing jobs for them, we should get rid of them.

I agree with you

I second that

wow, great post!

sad girl

What's sad?

The USA is not perfect, and this is her right to free speech to piss on her property if she wants. The death threats are way overboard, but that still doesn't make her any less pathetic. Just because you care about your nation doesn't automatically make you brainwashed. Right now it is trendy to shit on anything establishment (critical theory), and that's all this is, this girl riding a trend wave for attention. You don't like the way the USA is? BUILD A BETTER SYSTEM. You remove a bad system by displacing it not by burning it down. Pissing on flags and tearing the existing system down will not serve anyone but the elites who already run things. That's why this is sad, in her mind and in others this is a revolutionary act, but in reality she is serving those who she thinks she is resisting.

Correct, you walk away from the tyrannical system, and you do not replace it. If there's a system, oligarchs will take it over. This is freedom of expression. We used to respect that in the USA. These days expressing your opinion is very dangerous. Funny, there's a long list of tyrannical nation states in the past where that was also true. How did things work out for those people?

Would you say the same for the system of cryptocurrency for example? It is a decentralized system that will change the financial industry forever. Of course they elites are working their tentacles into it, but is that a good reason to not try to built better systems to displace the bad ones? Good systems displace the bad ones and operate under their own momentum, that's why they win. Bad systems need to be propped up by force, which means they are constantly fighting inertia. If we build enough good systems eventually the resources to suppress them will become exhausted.

By system I only meant systems of government.

I definitely support replacements such as crypto for currency and Steemit for social media.

Well it is exactly those types of displacing of systems that force government to change for the better :) I can't say I am overly fond of the state, but it does serve a purpose, even if its purpose is like an alcoholic trying to quit drinking cold turkey. It could kill you, it is best to wean off of the poison not just stop it in its tracks.

If you provide a system that can be taken over by oligarchs, they will eventually take it over. As soon as the smallest minority, one person, is being subjected against their will by others, it is a tyrannical system that needs to be rejected.

The absolute horrors it has committed far outweigh the small potential benefits people may suggest it has provided. We don't need to have our property stolen. We do not need licenses to do what we wish to do as long as it harms no other person by doing it. We do not need mass murder to secure resources and defend failed economic systems.

Oligarchs need us to have those things though to maintain their power.

Clapping, you took the word out of my mouth

Is it her flag that she purchased with her own money? If she bought it, then she can piss on it if she likes. If it is someone else's flag, then she committed a crime. (theft)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Not upset but not sure what this accomplished other than social attention.

Take down the Federal Reserve, Deep state, the Occult Cabal. We don't need to disrespect warriors.

I bet if we deported her stupid ass she'd being peeing all over herself, and
I'm no one to be judgmental of others, but her penis is messed up.

I want to know. What has happened to America in the past couple years???

"Land of the free, whoever told you that is your enemy."

That was excellent, you should do one on the Federal Reserve and who the Board is made up of, which nobody knows. They say it's Ceo's of the biggest Banks in the U.S.

Hell yeah! It's about to happen! Can't wait, though I'm not ready for it. Ah! SHTF/Time of Trouble

So sad... No manners at all...

It is not possible for any person or anyone to humiliate or humiliate a nation or country, which is not possible by any normal person.
This is a distorted mind about everything.
Nobody wants to honor, but what is the need to do? That does not make sense to me.

But muh Skycloth!

I love my religious symbols more than individual liberty. How dare you! /sarc

Glad Jerry showed up! Add Sinemet to the list of prescription drugs and other toxins that make people bonkers. I don't remember the generic name right now. I'm seeing the effects of it on someone in my life. This drug is given to people with Parkinson's. It makes them hyped up, manic and irrational. You can liken it to cocaine, as it's also addictive. People on this "legal" drug should not be allowed to drive. Old people are pissing away their life's savings- willingly handing their money over to scam artists- while on this drug. I'm currently watching it unfold.

Jeff, Viagra isn't good either. Men's willies aren't working because of the shit food and fluoridated beer they drink. I see so many men of all ages walking around looking like they're 9 months pregnant. Not being able to hold an erection does not mean that one has a viagra deficiency. It means they are unhealthy and they need to get themselves healthy. Popping pills is not the solution.

Peeing on the " holy pole cloth"..... People get all up in arms about that while they sit back and say nothing about toxic fluoride- the byproduct of the steel industry- being dumped into the water they and their kids drink. They don't protest the fucking onslaught of vaccines with ingredients in them that they don't even realize pumped into their babies. But pee on a piece of cloth that happens to be red, white and blue, now that's worth protesting! We live in a crazy upside down illusionary world.

What people eat clogs the arteries in their brains and hearts, and then they wonder why the arteries in other parts of their body are also clogged. Those arteries are much smaller and more easily clogged too.

I wonder how much money the ED epidemic has made the ones profiting from it. It also decreases the population while making sure, as you wrote elsewhere already, that people are sure to die at a much younger age.

I'm sure there's huge money in ED and "low testosterone." On the rare occasion that I listen to mainstream radio almost all of the commercials are about telling men to get on low-testerone meds. "Medical weight loss" is a common theme, too.

you have a drone with you?:P

Totally agree with you Mr Berwick, Americans are truly brainwashed

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Im with you 100% but pissing on flags won't change much, organizing and rebuilding the infrastructure within the establishment will we have to learn to build a new America within but without this America that's when change is poosible other than that we are just practicing. Let's Stand For Change

Amusing on multiple levels. Hopefully somebody doesn't follow through on their stupidity like that pizzagate fool.

That's unfair.. even we need to gv respect otherz feeling..

Disgusting doesn't even come close to describing what she did !

She was over the toilet! Chicks can stand and pee

nice post ,,, you have good blog , Good luck. Comrade

Well, if she did this for attention she got it. For better or worse, but seeing that it's a bunch of negative attention, I'm going to say for worse! ! ! My first thought is why post yourself peeing on anything lol

I both love and hate the response from the brain washed masses. We have countless thousands, if not millions, of people in this country who are dedicated to our German Royal Family. And the second you speak out of turn against them you're looked upon as a heathen, to say the least.

Now I'm not going to say there aren't Statists who defend government here in the UK but when it comes to the monarchy, damn you better expect some vitriol.

The masses do all but worship at their feet. I cannot fathom worshipping someone or a group of people who lie, cheat, steal, kill, subvert the law etc. And they still worship them even when you point this out. You could expose the idiocrasy until the cows come home and all you'll get back is an unhealthy dose of cognitive dissonance.

Fantastic post once again.

Your post is very good, I hope you pass through mine

Lol..thats something

Wow, that flag doesn't do anything to anybody but greet them with a wave did i miss something is waving a bad thing now

Do I, a European, really need to explain the symbolism of this "piece of cloth made in China"? Do I also need to explain that something not being illegal doesn't mean you don't need to deal with negative feedback to your actions? Anyways... the girl is a trashy attention whore and I am indifferent about what she did just as I am about the reactions she's getting.

Do I, another european, really need to explain about proportions? Getting negative feedback for trying to offend is one thing. Getting a price on her head is another.

The worst thing I finance, is the system who steals from me and my hard work. I could shit on my flags (Canada & Quebec flags) and send it to "my representatives" Here's what you're making with my cash suckers!

Man whay are people so emotional about such things honestly.
I mean tommorow you will still be yourself and life will continue to move exactly as kt was moving the day before and probably the years before.
I live in Bulgaria and life is beyond hard here but all the people are happy.
Try living with 110€ pensions.
Cheers for the great article and much love from me friend


That girl has guts and big balls of steel. Thanks for sharing

ffs this is not bravery. this is a chick pissing on a flag in a toilet and posting it on youtube.

This is not decent.
We need to correctly inform our youth.

1 million views on Facebook , she can possibly be the next "Cash me outside girl". Do you still believe in freedom of speech or act in this world anymore?

You know what I do when there's socialists claims here? I go and destroy every arguments they got. And when I see that they're pissed off, I show 1 once of silver and I say: Whatever, you gonna have what you preach, And I'll win in the end of the road... ;-) Because they will print trillions of promises for theses socialists suckers.

your dogs are awsome & acting like human & full of manner & other side this lady is behaving worst than an animal. Im not US resident but respect for country flag is same. No matter it is indian flag , US flag , Canadian or other country. We should respect all. This lady i think doesnt belongs to any country she is a shit of aliens.

Uhh, why not on a isis flag ?


Shocking really

I'm sorry, I have to ask, I couldn't possibly be the only one you has this question.. Does Emily have a penis?

She certainly knows how to stand and pee. and to your question now : Broooooooooooooooooce

Too much attention to those that don' t deserve it! 🐓🐓

Everyone has emotional attachment with his/her country. That piece of cloth is actually representing whole nation and its inhabitants. Peeing on it means desecrating it that must provoke the natives and make them furious. Such acts shouldn't be promoted but at the same time death threats and harassing someone for this are also not justified. #justanopinionofmine

You are so right. Wow, I can't believe the outrage this has caused. Well, I can. It's just sickening because it's real, that people are this way. Nice touch, about the flag being made in China, hahaha.

Best regards and I would like you to follow me and I will follow you, helping me, giving an upvote

Let's work together try to resteem if you run out of upvotes thx I will do the same

Just upvoted and followed u..plz check my blog and follow me..

shame on her.

Haha great post - thanks :D

I'd like to do that in our own flag now, but I won't be able to reply when someone comments here.

Oh my!! Can't say I would have put it out there, but I know others who would. They are still my friends :) What's scary are the death threats on her life and family members! WHO are those people??? Why is nobody calling them out???

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post. I'm completely a libertarian and for freedom provided it doesn't physically harm someone. Doesn't matter what flag/country it me any flag is a piece of cloth. I'm against nationalism but doesn't mean you can't still have a love of your country. I'm not American, so I don't want give any opinion on something that is nothing to do with's up Americans what their laws should be. But I completely agree with your general message! So that's why I will upvote.