Near Year's End - A Brief Reflection on 2017

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

We've got a month and a half left on the 2017 clock, folks. It's been fun, it's been a good run, but now it's done.

It's tempting to keep our eyes trained toward the possibilities of 2018 without ever looking back, and I think that in general that's the right attitude, but at the end of each year I think it's also pretty important to taken a moment to turn around and take a good look at the year as a discrete unit of our time on this planet.

It's a good time to ask such questions as: did I move closer to my ideal life/world this year? It's a time to really hone or hopes, dreams, and timelines.

A lot happened in 2017. Honestly, the past two years have been a bit rough. But here at the end of 2017 I can see the clouds beginning to part, and I find myself grateful - even for all I've suffered.

The world is changing faster and faster, and I think the changes in our lives will be even deeper by 2018's end. So, I'll probably say it again come New Year's, but here it is early: thanks to all my readers, followers, and upvoters for an amazing year. I appreciate you, I couldn't have done what I've done here without you, and I can't wait to see what we create in 2018.

Follow: @jenkinrocket

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