How to Quit Smoking

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

Smoking is considered to be the worst habit, but smoking cessation might even be the toughest task to achieve. If you wish to stop smoking permanently there are many smoking cessation drugs online. You will also find many smoking cessation tips in this article, which will help you stop smoking and give up the habit once and for all.

sad smoker

Why people smoke?

Smoking habit has two primary components; the physical and the psychological aspect. The physical aspect which makes smoking cessation so difficult is the nicotine addiction. Smoking cessation is linked with intolerable withdrawal symptoms, thus making smoking cessation harder than imagined.

Group Of Teenagers Boy Smoking Cigarette With Friends

Different people have different excuses for smoking based on their psychology. The most common excuses people give for smoking are the following:

  1. Smoking makes them act, look, and feel different

  2. Smoking helps relieve their stress and anxiety.

  3. They are afraid of reaching old age

  4. They want to become sick and die

  5. To celebrate, to mourn, for energy or to lose weight, to stay awake, to sleep or to think better…

Whatever your excuse for smoking, the health hazards for everyone are the same. Smoking is bad, really bad for health. No excuses are bound to help you – stop smoking today and avoid untoward incidences.

Heavy smoker

Smoking cessation

To stop smoking and stay off it is usually very difficult and many ex-smokers go through the smoking cessation process several times before they permanently stop smoking.

Stop smoking and you will feel the difference right away. Your cough will disappear, your breath will smell better and you can smell and taste your food better immediately after you stop smoking. If you stop smoking your lungs will quickly begin to repair the damage caused by smoking. After 10 years of smoking cessation, your risk of lung cancer is reduced by 1/3 and your risk of death is cut in half.

The great results of smoking cessation occur for men and women of all ages with or without diseases. When you stop smoking, you cut the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and respiratory problems to a great extent. People who stop smoking have fewer days of illness, fewer health complaints and fewer chances of bronchitis and pneumonia than current smokers. Smoking cessation saves you lots of money too!

Smoking cessation therapies are more likely to succeed for patients who are motivated to stop smoking and who are provided additional advice and support. Patients should be provided with appropriate educational materials and counseling to support the quit attempt.

Treatments for smoking addiction were initially scarce and all you could find was Nicotine Replacement Therapy. However, the unconventional Non-Nicotine Replacement Medications are bringing new hope in the lives of people trying to quit smoking. In adjunct to any of these therapies you also need a firm resolution to quit smoking, only then your efforts will be fruitful.

A man is trapped behind a prison of cigarettes representing nicotine addiction, depression and the struggle to quit smoking.

Let’s understand the pros and cons of various smoking cessation treatments:

Cold turkey method

The easiest and the cheapest smoking cessation treatment is the cold turkey method. In this treatment, you are supposed to quit smoking without the help of smoking cessation drugs. Your willpower is the only key with which you have to quit smoking permanently. This treatment is very popular, but not necessarily the most successful as quitting smoking is a task easier said than done.

Nicotine patches and gums

This smoking cessation treatment made something of a headline when first introduced. But today this treatment is losing its importance. The reason behind this being, nicotine patches and gums have nicotine in them. Also the efficiency of these treatments has not been up to the mark. People who went for nicotine patches and gums didn’t see any positive results. Nicotine gums didn’t work right as there is no dosage control and patches also do not control the urge to smoke.

Hypnosis treatment

This smoking cessation treatment is all about listening to hypnosis tapes for just 15 minutes a day and quitting smoking with no will power and no withdrawal symptoms. Whether this smoking cessation treatment works in the long run is not yet proven.

Support groups

There are many smoking cessation clinics, support groups and centres which provide mental support for people who are trying to quit. You will also find many online clinics, chat forums, message boards and Blogs which help you quit smoking by discussing, sharing, communicating and giving advice. Apart from these, there are many online quit smoking guides and each guide is a mere repetition of the other. Find out which smoking cessation treatment suits you the best and go for it.

Smoking cessation drugs

Smoking cessation drugs like Chantix and Zyban are so far the best medications for smoking cessation. Not only their safety and efficacy is proven as they are prescription drugs, but also they are non-nicotine medications. Thus, unlike their other smoking cessation drugs counterparts, these drugs are proven to work and that too without adding dangerous nicotine to your body.

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The only way to quit smoking is getting bored of it and fall in love with working out, don't focus on quitting cigarettes but developing strength in your bench press and realizing that smoking is holding you back

I disagree.
My wife and I quit smoking 15+ years ago, without a single bench press. :)

We took steps to reduce our stress levels and change our behaviors, once we did this the quitting of cigarettes was pretty simple. Stupid simple, the way we accomplished it. :)