in life •  8 years ago 

A post that @etcmike made about DIY non-toxic deodorant got me thinking about what it really means to be an environmentalist. Isn't it funny how one simple article, one simple recipe, can spiral your thoughts down a road of wondering if you're doing enough? A lot of environmentalists know what’s good for them. But few actually will go full throttle “hippie” as it’s called nowadays. I’m one of the talkers, and a little bit of a doer.

Sure I bring my reusable bags when I go to the grocery store, I buy organic food, I used mineral based sunscreen at work or wear a sun shirt, I use a reusable water bottle, I pick up trash on the beach, and I order almond milk in my lattes instead of real milk. But these are all things that other people can see. When they look at me, they may see me as a good environmentalist. They may assume that behind closed doors, I’m just as good with my home products as I am when I’m out and about.
Well think again! Anyone can play the part.

So here I am, calling myself out as an Environmentalist.

I still wear old spice deodorant, use crest toothpaste, eat meat (I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS AND BACON), and occasionally wear makeup. Many cleansers contain microbeads which are actually tiny pieces of plastic that make their way into our waterways. Producing one cheeseburger takes hundreds of gallons of water; from growing alfalfa for the cattle, to raising the cattle, to slaughtering the cattle, to growing the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions…These are all things we know, but many of us, including myself, choose to ignore.
There are so many people making their own products at home out of non-toxic ingredients, that the resources for me to do this as well are endless. The internet contains Youtube, Pinterest, blogs, Facebook… How could I not take the next step in becoming more earth conscious when the world is at my fingertips?
Here begins my journey to challenge myself in being more health and earth conscious, and hold myself accountable on Steemit for you to follow my journey. In the process, I hope to reduce my waste, and reduce how much I'm buying from producers who make harmful, chemical filled products.

I saw something on Facebook the other day that I loved…

As I’ve been thinking about this over the past few days, and week, I’ve been trying to save any glass jars and containers to put my products in. I’ll be researching shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, face cleansers, and vegetarian recipes. I’ll review how the products work, and add adjustments of my own. I hope this new venture of mine will encourage others to try new things too that are better for our earth. Let’s work together to show producers the kinds of products we want on our shelves; chemical free, no animal testing, and safe for our bodies and earth!

I have talked the talk, but now I'm gonna walk the walk, and you guys are coming with me.


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jillwirt nicely done. You have inspired me to document my travel to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to assist the protest of an oil pipeline in a couple days. Cheers to walking the talk!

What!! That's awesome! I will definitely follow to see your journey, that is incredible! Good luck and can't wait to see more from you.

That's what I love about steemit, if you embrace it you can improve not only your knowledge but you can also become a better person:)...Followed:)

Thanks! I owe a thank you to Steemit, it's been so fun opening my mind to writing and also looking into my lifestyle in how I can be better.

I use crystal as a natural deodorant. It works very well. J.

Cool! Where do you get it? @jamielefay

I'm in Oz, not sure if you will have the same brands in your country, but Crystal deodorant is usually available in any major supermarket. Good luck, J.


Please don't give up cheeseburgers. I rarely eat them but it is one delicacy I could not give up. At least eat beef from non-GMO grown cattle. I have to eat as lean a meat as possible. Once in Colorado Springs I discovered Buffalo cheese burgers. Buffalo meat is extremely lean meat. There are places on the mainland where you can buy non-GMO fed beef. I would hope there are a few places in Hawaii you can get non-GMO fed beef too.

Many cleansers contain microbeads

Have you tried a local Hawaiian product by Malie Organics? Body Polish The cleansers are all natural. My Mom discovered these on a trip to Hawaii. I ship her some from time-to-time.

Steem on,

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey Mike! Thanks for your comment. I rarely eat cheeseburgers as well, a lot less here pm Maui than I did in CA when I had easy access to In-n-Out Burger... I've never tried buffalo though, but will definitely have to check it out. When I do buy beef I typically look for the grass fed, non-GMO fed beef.
And I will for sure look into the Malie Organics product! Haven't heard of it but I'm sure it's great :)


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