The words are not worth, in the sense that it is not a matter of saying before all but rather of making and applying things .... After all depends on sincerity, the people obviously because we are not all equal In this sens's clear, that the acts are worth a thousand times better compared to the lyrics ...
It is necessary to join the act to the speech
The word of the human being is no longer worth anything if the acts are unfounded. Today we are told forgiveness and tomorrow we are but on the ground. The people have not spoken their words which say nothing is worth the next day he forgets their words of the day before.
But sometimes there are words that heal:
Thank you
I love you
It is not at all that you say these four magic words, it is up to you! That said It does not make things easier because it is difficult to say that the one is loved, that one forgives oneself ... But the hoponopono method is beautiful and very effective when one is angry, when one Is wounded or feel guilty.I'm sorry to feel this, I forgive myself to feel it and to make me live, I thank myself for allowing me to move on and I do not like.