in life •  7 years ago 

Hurricane Irma, somewhere close to a category 5 hurricane is headed to the Florida coast over the weekend.


Will the storm turn northeast and back out to sea after crossing the Cuban hilly regions?
Or will it make a direct land fall right over where I live, Boynton Beach, Florida?
Some of the neighbors are evacuating and vising relatives in other parts of the country.
Some of them are boarding and shuttering and planning on riding it out.
Use up everything in the freezer.
A few years ago I made some really sturdy screens, DIY. I ordered a big roll of stainless steel mesh, really strong stuff and made screens out of it. Looks like regular screen but really strong stuff. So no shutters or boarding up. Hoping the stainless steel mesh will keep anything from flying through the glass.

No insurance on the house. Way too expensive to get insurance here. If you can even get someone to insure.
Should I stay and ride it out? Should I go further north and inland and visit friends?

I remember hurricane Matthew last year. The media scared everyone to death with all the sensationalism, tons of people evacuated and the storm was a big nothing. We didn't even lose electricity.
But now they have Harvey to wave in everyone's faces...

I just put the house on the market last week.
If I had any second thoughts about leaving this "beautiful" part of the country... they're gone.
Will I still have a house to sell after the storm passes?

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praying for you!

Thank you. God bless you too

better safe than sorry. Lock it up and take a vacay. No insurance collect important valuable things and bring it or store it safely . Even if you are insured companies might not pay. Insurance is a scam in many cases. Just my take. Ignore at will if you like.

Thanks. I think I have until Friday to make the decision to stay or go. Sure wish I was out from under this house. But then if someone else bought it they'd be in my position now. Gorgeous part of the country. Everything grows like a miracle just happened. But then these humungus storms come. It's like nature demands some payment. Ok you're enjoying now pay up.

Here's to hoping that it will turn the other way.

I sure hope Irma fizzles out somehow before doing major damage. If you do stay, be as safe as possible. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. :)