# The Reflection: Part 1#

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello Jaymedz here. Starting today I am going to do some reflection on not only myself but our society as a whole.
“Calm and collective”is not just a quote. It is who am. Calm like a cool Sunday evening. A lot of people say that they don’t want to be come a product of their environment but that is exactly what I became. Not that there wasn’t bad in my environment because trust me there was a whole lot of bad that sometimes even seem to over power the good. I chose to become a product of the good from my environment. Not every youth can say that today. It takes a lot of will and self control to not emulate the bad parts of your society when that is what you are seeing every single day. I believe everyone have a choice no matter what their situation, no matter what their back ground is like and this choice will determine your outcome.

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I love your writing style. And it does take a strong mind not to lean in to the negative aspects of their society.