"Nothing, Nobody and None" / "Nada, Nadie y Ninguno"

in life •  6 years ago 

"Nothing, Nobody and None"

Nothing was a slim girl with a rather stylized and clear eyes, quite nice to tell the truth, her only problem was that she did not like having anyone around; Nobody was that annoying, stubborn and stubborn guy who was looking for all means to have the beautiful nothing, but he could not, until None appeared; Logically Nobody and None immediately hated each other, but None had something that Nothing liked, simply did not care what Nothing did, so Nothing wanted to be so much with None that it ended up opening the space for it to be so.

Moral: Nothing can be better than Nobody, much less in love, but none will enter your heart unless you allow it from Nothing




"Nada, Nadie y Ninguno"

Nada era una chava delgada bastante estilizada y de ojos claros, bastante simpática a decir verdad, su único problema era que no le gustaba tener a Nadie cerca; Nadie era ese chamo fastidioso, terco y obstinado que buscaba por todos los medios tener a la bella nada, pero no lo lograba, hasta que apareció Ninguno; lógicamente Nadie y Ninguno se odiaron al instante, pero Ninguno tenía algo que a Nada le gustaba, simplemente no le importaba lo que Nada hiciera, así Nada deseo estar tanto con Ninguno que terminó abriendo el espacio para que así fuera.

Moraleja: Nada puede ser mejor que Nadie, mucho menos en el amor, pero Ninguno va a entrar en tu corazón a menos que desde la Nada lo permitas



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Hey @jmbiord, thanks for sharing! So many things out there to be happy for and about. Always keep staying positive! Thanks for a nice post! Cheers

Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I hope you like the next ones. be good.