reaching 100

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hitting the 100 followers mark is dangling in front of me. I'm anxious to make this milestone and it's my tiny torture of the week. I refresh the page. Are YOU my 100th person? How does one stumble upon my digital corner of the world?

I'm just another soul strolling about the internet wilderness. I glean wisdom here and there, and many times, I do things accidentally in my favor. Like joining Discord and getting set up. I landed, didn't know what to do and a kind person walked me through. If you are new to anything, the only thing you can do is step forward in the spirit of adventure. I found other Discord groups in reading Steem posts I enjoyed. My Steem world grows a little bit every week.

I still don't know what I'm doing. But I figured out that posting a photo FIRST on Steepshot and then coming to my steemit blog to write is a nifty way to hit two birds with one stone....or make two friends with one gift. 😬

I'm shy of 100 followers. 99 to be exact. Say hello if you're my 100th person. Or be shy. It's all good. Enjoy the song link above for a aural sprinkle of cheer.

I've made most of my connections through my FB girl crypto groups. I've only shared my handle when asked and still find myself shy. Shhhhhhh.... I know I'm contrary to enjoy a quiet, private life and yet blog and write about it. I journal here mostly to exercise my mental mettle. I read my own posts later down the road when I feel the need to lift myself. Might as well share the tonic. Sharing is caring.


Welcome to my world. Here I write about what makes me happy and when Life throws me a few notes of dissonance, I play with that too. Live and be happy.


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