Report of the 3 weeks of steemit-workshops at the Global School

in life •  7 years ago 

Dear steemians,

With the help of @manncpt and @wolfgangsieberth, three weeks ago, we started the first cycle of the year at the Global School.

The group of participant coming from Hungary where they are students in IT and economics at the ÉSZC Eötvös József vocational High school and Secondary School left Vienna today around 15h after making a final evaluation to go back home and restart school with their friends.

When they arrived three weeks ago, I presented them and shared with you the various projects I was planning or willing to do with them. However, I also did my best to be attentive to their personal goals and we adapted the plan to fit with their motivation.

Their main goals were to meet the cultures of Vienna, to get experience in the world of work, and to be able to upgrade their speaking skills in English and German depending on what they started to study at school.

Here the last interview speaking about their achievements while realizing a last evaluation of the cooperation together.


At the beginning, we were split in 3 groups. It was a little hard, but great at the end. What was really nice from the tutor was that we did not stay always at the same place, I really enjoyed the variety of the activities. We moved all around Vienna, discovered a lot of things and that was great.

The part I preffered was about contributing to this crazy and incredible open source 3d map Jean started to do with the previous groups. The creation of some features for this project and the usage of the 3d editor were really great. what suprized me was the variety of activities related to this project. As we could not imagine at the beginning, the most of the activity was not in front of our computers. With my group we worked on preparing the data and pictures for the next groups to generate the spaces. We decided early on this as our group was mostly composed of students in economics and Jean tried to adapt as he could the activities to make everyone motivated to participate. For me and my group, it was really fun, going to the WUK and gather a maximum of data, taking measures and photos. We also practice a lot our English by writing a lot of articles.

For me one of the most enjoyable activity was to explore Vienna to find graffiti and street-art. We took a lot of pictures and it was really fun.

As I said, I was happy to see the plan evolving considering our needs as I was really worried at the beginning as some of us were willing to go back home early as it was hard for them. For me it was great because I already learned several years and I could really practice and improved my language skills, but the most of us are really young and I think it was a real challenge for our tutor so I did my best to help and translate with the help of Fabian.

I am the oldest in the group and I was happy to cooperate with all my friends. It was hard because only 1 person on each group was speaking english well and it was me, so I felt little bit responsible, but I enjoyed to have the occasion to take a responsability and initiatives which were appreciated, this is really empowering.

My activities during these 3 weeks were about team lead, 3d project development and crypto education practice, but also about content production, places scouting and web edition. The workshops about crypto currencies and blockchain was really inspiring and I think steemit will be useful for me in the future, so I'll try to empower the group to use it too as soon as we have our account validated.

Thank you for this 3 weeks which were not monotone! I get some skills like understrand better the challenges of leading a group but also with the usage of a 3d editor for the first time as well as in practicing html.

Robert & David at #HugInnVienna.


The first day I was at another work placement. I started from the second day with this group. To be honest, I felt fast better in this work placement here than in the first!

Cooperation here was not only better done, but a reality. I was with a friend, so we were 2 at this other work placement and we couldnt cooperate at all as well as we were relly motivated. Here with us 2 in addition to the group of 7, we were 9 in total and I really enjoyed to take part to the cooperation and I felt my contribution recognized.

The activity I remember we did, at the beginning we started with the 3d map project, we prototyped with the 3d editor, then, we get to know more about the blockchain and crypto, we explored the steemit platform, discovered the creative-commons and how the platform is effectively a tool which enable creatives to find support thanks to initiatives such as #slothicorn founded by @stellabelle or hosted by @alexandravart. By discovering steemit, we get the occasion to write articles to make interviews of each others, but also to draw, to translate and use a camera for the photoshootings.

The most complicated for me was the translating part. What I enjoyed the most was the writing and drawing part, I really loved to create for the creative-commons. So I am glad to have been introduced to @slothicorn by Jean. As soon as I have my account active, I’ll try to contribute :)

I learned german but still a beginner, so english was less easy for me, but I enjoyed and understand better now.


My three weeks were good. I can't really explain why, I really enjoyed the photoshooting part this was the most fun for me. What I did during these 3 weeks, I contributed to the translation of some articles, I also wrote some part of them,
I made some drawings and I took pictures. I tried to do what the tutor explained us but it was not easy for me as I am really beginner in English. I don’t think I really made a quality work, as I couldn’t do all the tasks because of my English. However, I did improve as much as I can as well as to help my group. I am looking forward to learn English better so I can eventually participate better a next time!


During these 3 weeks, I took a lot of pictures. I made interviews, I wrote with Veronika and tried to make a building in the 3d editor. I also went to Impact hub to gather info about the place and compiled the data in a document.

The most complicated for me was to use the 3d editor. What I enjoyed the most was the photoshootings.

I think these 3 weeks have been useful for me because I could practice several type of activities and hear english everyday.

Janvari (Flower)

My general feeling about the 3 weeks is that I really enjoyed! I really like to participate to the 3d map project and to get to use a 3d editor, I couldn't believe that was possible for me. I loved to discover the WUK as well as to write articles. I made interview and helped the others. All was really about cooperation to achieve something better than we could alone, It was a really interesting experiment.

My theoretical knowledge did not help me a lot, but I discovered a lot! The 3d map project and the usage of the editor was the hardest for me but I enjoyed it the most too! It was hard because it was in English, but I discovered that I could do what I want with the editor. If I have the occasion to use the 3d editor again, I’ll try to contribute further and share the results with Jean so he can publish them on steemit or I’ll try to do it by myself.


At the beginning I was with Veronika placed in another work placement. So I came only on the second day. I felt really bad in the first work placement as nobody helped us to be integrated and even make clear that we couldn't be a help even if we were motivated, here it was different.

I will keep a good memory of my travel in Vienna. My three weeks were really good, I found the work interesting and the group was good as well. The 3d modeling project was a really amazing experience I was really interested about it. If I have an occasion and more time I would definitely continue to work on that project. So I’ll try to learn more to use it and will o my best to contribute in the future!

I think my work quality was really bad during these 3 weeks because I did not participate much mostly because of the language which was really hard for me.

During these 3 weeks, I remember we went to the WUK to gather information, we get to know crypto currencies, specially the steem and the steemit platform. We discovered how communities like @creative-commons or @slothicorn and people like @stellabelle, @shortcut and @alexendravart are helping creatives. What I really liked was to move all aroun the city to make pictures in the street for the 3d map project, the 3d modeling was great and I wrote a lot in English.

I learned and improve my english and get a first initiation to a 3d modeling tool, I think these 2 things can help me a lot in my future. I would be happy to participate again when my English will be better.


I think these 3 weeks were good for me because it put me in a responsible position towards the group as coming from the IT class and more confident with English.

During these 3 weeks, we made interviews from the group, I loved to learn to use the camera to make photoshooting. I participated to several writing and translation and discovered a lot of places in Vienna. I remember we went to Co-Space and Impact Hub to gather information for the 3d map project, I was not thinking it would be necessary to go there, but ir definitely better to get a feeling for the place.

What I preferred was when we split in groups and scouted places, that was my favorites activities.

After this 3 weeks, in the future I am thinking seriously to come to live in Vienna as what I discovered really motivated me. I hope to make another internship like this in the future.


I like these 3 weeks, because I particularly loved to practice language and from the moment I heard about it I was really interested.

The most interesting for me is hard to tell as everything for me was new, so everything was interesting. The 3d ma project and the modeling was definitely very interesting, because it is like a sandbox to learn and you can create whatever you like and this is really cool!

The most complicated was to learn about cooperation and teamwork. It wasa real challenge and really hard to make the translation to others but was a good exercise. I felt going slow, but I think this is due to work with a team which is not speaking well the language of the work place.

Day to day, I did my best to work harder and harder. It was a real challenge as I am usually working really fast alone, so I tried to adapt to the group.

It was kind of weird to see us changing the planning and see Jean approving and encouraging us. But I saw it was relevant, as the organization @generationeuropa and the @globalschool are making a lot of things which were all interesting. Getting to know blockchain and experiencing social media such as Instagram, facebook, twitter and steemit, that was incredible in a same workshop.

I saw steemit like patreon, we can give to others to support them. I think this tool can be interesting in the future, so I will check further on it as soon as I have free time and my account active.

I would like to participate again and focus more personally, I really enjoy to work at my speed. So I’ll definitely join as soon as we can make smaller groups as I want to improve.

I really like Vienna, it is a nice City. Everything is nice in Vienna, as for example it is clean, it is much more attractive than our city.

The language experience and contributing to the 3d map definitely helped me to improve my skills. In the future I’ll try to contribute further.


In these 3 weeks we made a lot of things! We get a project about a 3d map, on which we worked to gather info about the WUK, Impact Hub and the Hofburg. I really like this 3d project and the 3d editor. We also went to Cospace and get also a lot of information too to contribute to the project started by the past group.

During these 3 weeks, we made a lot of pictures and articles. What I enjoyed the most was the usage of the 3d editor.

The most complicated for me was the language, but I would definitely do it again to improve my skills!

----- End of the interview.

Hope you enjoyed to follow these 3 first weeks together with the @globalschool! I'll do my best to share the various achievements of the group in the following days and weeks! I also try to find some help to organize the next cycle better, so please do not hesitate if you want to contribute and or support the project! ;-)

I would like to share some special thanks to @alexandravart, @stellabelle and @shortcut who inspired a lot the participants by their initiatives and regular support, which also motivated me. Without forgetting @wolfgangsieberth and @generationeuropa without whom the #globalschool would not exist and to @manncpt for his support making the @global school a reality by hosting us at #HugInnVienna!

Thank you again for taking the time to read and for your support making the @globalschool a reality of everyday!

All the best,

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You gave an excellent report of an impressing new school model and show the world that it works! I am one of the testimonies who watched the Global School coming into being and now - congratulations! Your endeavourings show first success and soon we will welcome some of your „Young-Steemians“ in our community! All the best! Resteemed.

Thank you @martinamartini for your encouraging and supporting message! It is a wonderful present to start the day with such empowerment! I am really happy that the globalschool count you as testimonie and grateful for having the luck to read you!

if this demonstration is effective and will be more and more, it is thanks to such exchange which brings motivation even when it appears challenging or impossible. We need example, words and trust and everything becomes possible. I am glad the global school exist inspired by all this care.

Have a wonderful day! Thank you. =)

We are happy that we could help to realise the @globalschool workshop sessions by hosting you at Hug Inn Vienna. Great summary of the co-learning group's results! 😃

Great project you are in! And you both are making new plans again... By the way, @yourmate‘s elder brother who lives in Vienna told me that he knows you, too. The world is a village.

Indeed. Where he knows me from?

He met you with some Georg who is also on fb...

ok 😄