Day 2 #WEALTHChallenge 💎E is for Environment

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians,

Hope you are looking forward to Day 2 of the #WEALTHChallenge. Today we will talk about the second step which is the Environment



Our environment is made up of the following:
*family and peers
*school and community
*media and tech

I will post below some simple shifts in perception that enabled me to get RESULTS.


Every individual is at once the beneficiary and the victim of the linguistic tradition into which he has been born - the beneficiary inasmuch as language gives access to the accumulated records of other people's experience, the victim in so far as it confirms him in the belief that reduced awareness is the only awareness and as it bedevils his sense of reality, so that he is all too apt to take his concepts for data, his words for actual things
Aldous Huxley

Our everyday language reveals exactly what we are agreeing with and therefore creating. By a simple shift in our language we can shift our Consciousness and experience our Dreams as reality.


Language, speech, words and ultimately thoughts are the casting of spells. Our language shapes energy into matter. When we learn how to "spell" a word, we learn how to shape the sounds or letters of a word with meaning and feeling. As you will discover, our language is the shaper of our world, the "spell" of our reality. Our language shapes our Consciousness.

Language shapes the way we think and determines what we can think about,
Benjamin Lee Worf

Language changes are extremely powerful. To UPGRADE your language, you need to bring awareness into what you are saying and replace limitations with upgrades as below:

I want replace with I choose, I claim, I have, I empower myself to have, I enjoy having
I can't replace with I can, I choose to be able to, I empower myself to be able to
It's too hard replace with I choose to make it ease, I empower it to be easy
I don't know how replace with I do know how, I choose to know how
I'm blocked replace with I am clear, I have my clear path
It's beyond my control replace with it's within my control
I don't understand replace with I choose to understand, I do understand

The more we are aware of your language patterns and what to turn each pattern into - through our conscious choice - the more dynamically powerful we are in moving upscale.

2.Family and friends


We learn our emotional and behavior patterns from the age of 0 until 7, from those around us. When we are young, we learn through imitation, therefore our 7 year old self might be running our adult life.

If we bring awareness and look at our beliefs and values, we will see that there will be some areas that need to be UPGRADED. From my personal experience, I've seen that in my relationships I had copied the exactly same patters as I've seen in my family. These patterns changed, only when I actually took the drivers seat and committed myself to upgrade this area in my life.

Friends are a huge influence in our life. However, you will have to ask yourself if those around you are actually uplifting your spirit or drain your energy. I bet you have close friends in your life that are always moaning about their job, that can't wait for Friday, that are always complaining and feeling that they are victims of circumstances. I know it will be hard, but if you really want to see results you will have to choose friends that are inspiring and are in a similar position of where you'd like to be.

You are the average of the five people you most associate with,
Tim Ferris

I found that to be very accurate.

3.School & Community


I could write a blog post only on this topic. The current traditional education system is failing us and I see a lot of bright students that are brainwashed into thinking that they are not good enough (heck, I've been one of those) because of their test results. I think this is insane! How can a grade define our lives and our future path. I keep telling my students that their grades don't reflect their ability and the kind of person they are.

I am so passionate about learning and I can see that the UK education system will not change very soon, however other countries have successful changed their entire learning system to reflect the 21st century. So why can't we learn from other countries? The students today will become our future leaders and what they are learning today will not help them face tomorrow's challenges, especially when the external environment is changing at a such fast paced. If you don't believe me, just look at the figures of mental health at the moment for the student population.

I was lucky enough to volunteer for a NGO called New Horizon Foundations when I was in school, looking at the community issues and challenges and coming up with projects to solve those. I look back now and I'm so appreciative for all my mentors and trainers that dedicated their time and effort to teach us about emotional intelligence, resilience, growth mindset through PLAY. I never felt that I had to attend the sessions, I wanted to be there everyday if I could.

5.Media and tech


We live in the information technology age, and everyday we are inundated with approximately 174 newspapers' worth of information via information, emails, posts and social media channels. How do we keep a clear mind and focus when there is all the information thrown at us. For starters, I haven't watched TV or the news for 10-12 years now. I focus my attention on those things that are important to me and the positive side nowdays is that we can choose what we want to learn and pay attention to.

Hope you found this post useful, and would love to hear your feedback in the comment section below.

Love & Light,

Follow my journey on:
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @JoannaAxinte, @weworkout365

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