What To Do If You Are Arrested! The Laws Are Changing!

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

The laws that govern us are changing daily and we can now be arrested under laws that we have never heard of! I have never been arrested, however I have assisted in the cases of many who have.

I want to share my knowledge with you - so that if you or someone you know is arrested you know what to do!

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What Can You Be Arrested For?

Laws are rapidly changing across the world. Although I do not want this post to become a catalogue of the ridiculous things you can now be arrested for, here are examples of laws that could affect you:

  • The United States Computer Fraud and Abuse Act makes it illegal to use a fake name on the Internet

  • In Thailand placing your foot on a bank note that is blowing away can results in you being prosecuted under lèse- majesty laws which carry a maximum of 15 years in prison.

  • In Australia you can be issued a "move along order" for participating at a peaceful protest. If you breach that order you can be arrested and prosecuted

  • In the UK it is apparently illegal to be drunk in a pub

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What To Do When You Are Arrested

The laws that can get you arrested are changing daily and we are not informed about those changes. I do not advise that you break any laws but should you do so by accident here is how you should behave:




  • If it's possible do not let the police search you.

  • If you are a foreigner in a country where you can negotiate - NEVER call for your embassy or the press. Negotiate privately if you can.

  • Be polite : but do not say a word concerning your arrest. Law enforcement officers around the world count on the obsequience of the public. When you are arrested you never have an obligation to speak. Stay calm! Stay polite! If the police really want to speak to you they will do that at the police station.

  • Don’t believe what the police tell you. They often lie! Police are trained to coerce you into a confession when they know you are scared. In many countries the funding for police stations is directly associated with the arrest rates of that station.

  • If you are outside your house when you are arrested never take the police back to your home.

  • If the police come to your home do not let them inside. Even in parts of Asia you are allowed to ask for a witness to be present when they search your house - so the police cannot plant contraband.

  • Police will always pressure you to make a statement before you have a lawyer - it makes their jobs easier! Never say a word! Sadly in some parts of the world the police can physically abuse you. It is still best not to say anything. Remember everything you say without a lawyer present can work against you. If you are a foreigner to the land remember that police will not lightly physically abuse someone with a foreign embassy to answer to. Stay calm... take whatever comes knowing that if you speak, your misery could be extended for years!

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How To Behave If You Are Arrested

I have had many friends arrested all over the world. To the best of my abilities I have assisted them and through these processes I have learnt a lot. Here is what I have learnt. Please use this knowledge at your own risk:

  • Police are looking to intimidate weak people - if you get the chance show them you are not afraid by lying down and pretend to sleep

  • Display polite but confident body language

  • Ask what your rights as soon as possible - and then act on those rights

  • Ask for water and use of the toilet as soon as possible

  • Insist on seeing a lawyer - say nothing until you engage a lawyer

  • Many lawyers are inappropriate - take your time to choose a lawyer you feel confident in

  • Physical violence is prevalent in police stations and prisons all over the world. If you are beaten you have a choice - tell the police what they want to hear or stay quiet. How badly you are abused will depend on how you behave

  • If you are taken for an interview which is recorded it is best not to say anything. Sometimes this can antagonise the police. In these cases it is best to say: "I understand the charges against me are serious and I would rather discuss this with a lawyer present."

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What Can Happen To You If You Are Arrested?

In the worst event you will be charged and go to court. However if you don't make any statements perhaps you can be let off! In many parts of the world your ability to avoid prosecution can be assisted with money.

If you are in a country where this is possible don't be afraid to negotiate - but don't be manipulated you will always be overcharged in the beginning! The best situation for negotiation is to have a trusted middleman or fixer. This is another entire post itself.

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Why Did I Write This?

I believe in liberty!

The laws that govern us change frequently. The majority of our population is not informed about how those changes affect us. To retain our individual sovereignty we must understand these changes in the law and how to deal with law enforcement.

Because of my legal knowledge I often get requests for assistance from around the world. I am always ready to help where I can. If you need my advice please contact me on steemit.chat and I will respond if I can.

I would be most interested to hear your comments on this topic!

Images courtesy of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Jockey loves you All!

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Nice post !! next time i get arrested i know what to do lol atleast not get myslef killed. :P

Great article. Those tips work. I have been arrested on more that one occation because of my bad temper i used to get into fights, sometimes protecting weaker people that get abused. Staying calm and agreeing on everything with a police officer brings the tension down and you can even turn officers to your side by being friendly. There is nothing much you can really prove by force or acting crazy when you encounter officers. Just be sensible and play them. They are usually not the brightest people.

Excellent comment brother! Love it! Upvoted and followed! =)

Thanks, following you already, keep posting great stuff that connects :) You advice here could save lives you know. it is important.

In the UK it's technically illegal to be drunk at all. Normally, nobody cares, but a landlord can be prosecuted if someone falls asleep in a pub, and they are liable if someone harms themselves being pissed in a pub. Unfortunately the UK where I live is fast becoming a fascist state where everything is illegal unless you get permission and regulation from the government....who of course by virtue of the fact thtat they are run by a bunch of elitists who have been complicit in everything from genocide to paedophilia, are clearly the best people to tell everyone else what to do.

Absolutely brilliant mate! I couldn't have put it better myself! I am much happier living in Asia at the moment because at least the hypocrisy is open. Followed and upvoted! Booooom! =)

Great post, I have been arrested several times in the UK. Just be honest and stay calm and the police will go easier on you. Try to lie and be a jerk your stay in the police station will be a rough time...

misi ya ,,,,gue juga mau komentar,nih.. gak panjang koq tenang ajaa, saya sudah insaf komentar panjang lebar yang gak bermutu begitu… lagipula cape’ komentar panjang lebar yang gakada maksudnya dan gak pentingbanget kalo …dibaca terus dan sering membuat kita marah, kesel, dan bisa membuat naik darah, tenang aja komentar saya ini gak panjang dan gak lebar juga yang akan membuat anda marah dan kesal dengan komentar yang banyak basa-basi seperti komentar tetangga sebelah yang sering membuat anda marah dan juga kesal…. Padahal komentarnya juga gak ada maksud apa-apa dan agak gakbermutu, oleh sebab itu saya mengomentari status andatidak panjang dan juga tidak lebar yang akan membuat anda marah dan kesal atas komentar saya ini… padahal saya bermaksud baik kepada anda agar andatidak merasa marah dan kesal atas komentar saya yang tidak panjang dan lebar ini… karna saya tahu anda pasti marah dan kesal dengan komentar yang sayaberikan ini, padahal saya hanya mengingatkan anda.. karna saya pernah mendengar kata-kata dari kakek saya yaitu “berbicara panjang dan lebar, membuat orang lain marah dan kesal” maka dari itu saya membuat komentar yang tidak panjang dan tentu tidak lebar seperti tetangga sebelah,.. dan saudara saya juga pernah mengatakan “berbicara panjang dan lebar itu tidak baik” maka dari itusaya mengingatkan anda kembali agar ketika anda berkomentar tidak panjang dan lebar yang berisi basa-basi yang gak bermutu… karna bisa membuat orang lain marah dan kesal pada anda dan mungkin anda akan dipringati oleh orang lain yang melihat komentar anda yang panjang dan juga lebar… mungkin komentar saya ini tidak panjang dan tidak lebar-lebar yang bisa menutupi bola bumi dan mungkin juga bisa untuk membuat jalur jalan TOL yang bisa dilewati oleh orang-orang dan terkadang bisa macet ditengah jalan yang akan membuat semua orang marah dan kesal, pasti andaakan merasa pusing dengankemacetan jalan TOL, terutama bagi pengendara mobil yang sering memasukijalan TOL.. karna sepeda motor hehehe

As for using a fake name on the internet, always stay encrypted. If you have an android, always run Orbot and use the built in VPN to run through applications.
For more IT oriented people, root your phone and run a transparent proxy through orbot.

NEVER call for your embassy?!? Good to know! Tnx! Great and useful article!