What's Your Walk Up Song?

in life •  7 years ago 

Let's have a little fun in SteemIt today!

If you have been to a baseball game recently, you undoubtedly know what a "Walk Up Song" is. In baseball a walk up song is the song the the player chooses to be played as he walks up to home plate to begin his at bat. It is usually a song that is intended to describe the player and motivate him for the task at hand.

My challenge to you is to select YOUR "Walk Up Song!" Please reply with the song that best describes or motivates you and let us know why.

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Those walk up song selections by players usually annoy me to no end. I'm always like, that song totally sucks! haha. Me? Easy selection for me, and it even is called "Walk"... and my choice is "Walk" by Pantera. Motivates me because it's got a "punch to the face" vibe going on!