Fun fact, Biden only beat 2016 Hillary Clinton's records in a total of four cities in all of America, only 4 of them and yet more votes than Obama or any President ever. I finished watching through to the end of season two of The Boys.
I can show you the names of people who voted in multiple states in the raw data states make available, so this isn't speculative, it's what the data shows
Rudy on News Max regarding how Biden stole 2020 from Trump
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2020-11-28 - Saturday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-11-28 - Saturday
Published in November of 2020
Season 3 of the Boys will probably have Victoria as the main Super Villain
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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10:12 AM - “They’re Trying To Steal This Election” ENRIQUE TARRIO | Atlanta Stop The Steal Rally
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
Banned News
Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News
99% people recover from Covid and we all have Covid.
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We All Got Covid
99% people recover from Covid and we all have Covid.
Shane said no, that's not true.
Shane Harro Harrison, you're right, Bill Gates patented it in 2019.
Rom added
HAHAHAHAAHhaahaa you know how DUMB people are.. when they realize NOBODY got the FLU in AMERICA !!! HAHAHAHAahahahahaha why would that PHENOMENA suddenly happen Joey Arnold ??? HAHahahahaahahahahahaahaha STRAIGHT from the W.H.O. themselves...
Romelus Saladar, We cured the flu, ahahahahahhahahahaha
Shane Harro Harrison, why don't you look that up? I know why you will not look that up. You do NOT want to know about the patent. Deep inside, you will not because that would turn Romelus Saladar into a turkey and then we would have to eat him and it would turn Jorge into a Salamander.
W.H.O. said most people recover from Covid. Shane will say that is not true.
Fauci said we should take Zinc and other vitamins for Covid. Most people recover.
What is the UN saying about Polio?
What is the UN saying about vaccines and black people?
Gabriel Zulu, some old people get cancer and some young people get cancer. But some do not get cancer because cancer is not always the result of old age. It is not that simple. Cancer is a result of not being healthy. It is that simple.
People Who Died of Covid Did Not Die of Covid
People you think died of Covid did NOT die of Covid.
Breauna Williams wrote:
honestly,, fuck you. how dare you be so insensitive to the people who've died and the people who've suffered. how dare you be so insensitive to the people who had to spend their holiday with an empty seat at the table because their loved one is now gone. what if the virus' death rate is lower than we thought? so what?! that doesn't change the fact that there are people who've been proven to die of covid. that doesn't change the fact that you've disrespected and undermined all the people who've been forced to suffer since day one. you've never given your condolences to the people who've suffered, you've just continued to spread all of this misinformation and hurt others. the things you say hurt others. the lies your spread hurt others
I replied:
Breauna Williams, the United Nations have written articles agreeing with me. Even Bill Gates have said things in videos you should watch. You would not believe what WHO said. You can ask Rom, Jorge, Rick Arnold, Marilyn, etc. So many people. So many things and groups. Also, so many people die because of lockdown and not because of Covid. If people can't work, then no money which means no food which means you die. That is disrespectful to promote the starvation of over 200 million people according to the U.N. All you have to do is research what the U.N. is saying which they generally blame on Covid but is actually the fault of lockdown.
Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN
Fun fact, Biden only beat 2016 Hillary Clinton's records in a total of four cities in all of America, only 4 of them and yet more votes than Obama or any President ever.
Did Trump collude with Russia in 2016?
Did Trump collude with Russia? Nobody will tell me.
Running For Class President
Marilyn Mitchell, I was trying to see if Facebook would put a special ad below this post automatically due to certain keywords being typed. So far, I don't see anything under this post.
Follow and tweet me on Twitter @JoeyArnold
Fun fact, Biden only beat 2016 Hillary Clinton's records in a total of four cities in all of America, only 4 of them and yet more votes than Obama or any President ever.
11:11 AM - Twitter
Speaking of Overstock, the election was stolen from America in 2020.
Dan Bongino
11:16 AM - Twitter
Never forget the golden rule: many Republicans are really Democrats, but NO Democrats are really Republicans.
Vote Many Times
I can show you the names of people who voted in multiple states in the raw data states make available, so this isn't speculative, it's what the data shows
Watch and chat with me on YouTube @joeyArnold7
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Animal Photos
Is an ox an Uber of the jungle? When a domesticated cat sees a car, do they think it's an ox or an elephant?
Look mom, I'm on Candid Camera
Trump Tweets
01:24 PM
The number of ballots that our Campaign is challenging in the Pennsylvania case is FAR LARGER than the 81,000 vote margin. It’s not even close. Fraud and illegality ARE a big part of the case. Documents being completed. We will appeal!
Specific allegations were made, and we have massive proof, in the Pennsylvania case. Some people just don’t want to see it. They want nothing to do with saving our Country. Sad!!!
Terrence K. Williams
WHAT? Los Angeles County has announced a new stay-home order which takes effect Monday, comes as the county confirmed 24 new deaths and 4,544 Chinese Virus cases.
It’s a population of 13 million in LA so why are they shutting down because 24 people died ?
Watch Comments
See the Watch Log for more info
The Mandalorian
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 01:13 AM - 01:57 AM - The Mandalorian 205
Opening fight scene, AHsoka takes out soldiers and tells the leaders of a city to surrender or face the consequences. I think this is on the planet Corvis.
They torture their own people in this city.
Mando went there and said he was a hunter.
Mando meets Ahsoka and Baby Yoda has a name, like Gregore or something.
Ahsoka jumped straight up into a house, I have the high ground.
Ahsoka worked togethewr with Mando to free a city.
Ahsoka took out the lead woman.
Baby Yoda was trained by the Jedi long ago before Revenge of the Sith
Ahsoka is looking for Grand Admiral Thrawn
Ahsoka said Baby Yoda has too much fear and anger like Anakin who she doesn't mention by name but made a reference regarding somebody she once knew and we all know what Yoda said regarding Darth Vader in Phantom Menace.
Ahsoka said she will not train him but that Mando could take him to an ancient Jedi temple where the baby could cry out for a Jedi to come and train him.
Pooh got his thrown back, he looks like the Chinese Emperor
Beyond The Trailer
02:26 AM - The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 REVIEW & REACTION
Maybe Ahsoka is just old like Kenobi was in A New Hope.
Grogu on you
The Boys
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 03:45 AM - 04:46 AM - The Boys 205
Homelander makes Maeve star in a movie pretending to be a gay Wonder Woman
He was watching Outlander, the black man was
Homelander accidentally killed a man while killing a terrorist which led to protests. He flew over and thought about killing them all but then said they were the real heroes and flew away.
Homelander and Homefront get it on with each other, he lasers her boobs and she says she doesn't break it easily
Just Another Channel
12:01 PM -🔴LIVE: Dedicated Patriots Show Trump Support IN THE RAIN | Austin, TX
With Oatmeal in my bowl, is Jesus in your soul?
Imagine making another channel and calling it Just Another Bannel
Start The Squeal
When we stop the steal, then the leftist will squeal
Even if Biden got 40 million real votes, that is still way too many people voting to end America
Too many illegal aliens voted
For too many years, like Europe, Soros and others have been flooding millions of the wrong kinds of people or aliens into the United States to vote
It is dangerous to let the wrong people vote
I love Jay Leno
Jay Leno is like a patriot in some ways
Jay Leno was pretty neutral politically in his jokes
I wore a shirt I designed which read Got Integrity, Joe Cool.
The Boys
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 09:14 PM - 10:20 PM - The Boys 206
Superman and Supergirl makeout in front of a bank robber, and then Homelander crushes his head while Homefront rubs his balls. Then, they literally fuck each other over the dead body in an ally.
Super heroes crazy hospital
Storm Front went there, can fly
Jail break
A-Train and the Deep have at it
One super hero had a Pinochio Dick which went around the black man's neck
Stormfront was born 1919 in Berlin.
She is 101 years old
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 10:22 PM - 11:15 PM - The Boys 207
Intro shows a man going through his daily routine which eventually ended in shooting cashier thinking he was a super villain just because there might have been light in his eyes. This bot might have been an illustration of how conservatives suck, just kidding but it looks like a hit on patriots as he listened to the news. But I think he was a leftist. But he listened to one man who sounded like Alex Jones.
Guy is shot
Stormfront says they're donating to Samaritan's Embrace in honor of the cashier's family.
But I say why not donate directly to the family instead?
Starlight was a mole
She said there is no end in fighting evil. She told the black guy to go off with his wife and daughter and never come back. Don't wait until it is all over as it is the never ending story.
Super boy was robbed from the mother by Homefront and Homelander
A hearing
Heads starting exploding
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 11:16 PM - 12:22 AM - The Boys 208
9/11 like attack or staged event. Well, not staged but weaponized
Shoot Road Runner in the face, problem solved
Stormfront with Hitler photo leaked
Super boy tries to save his mom but kills her and her mom and Storm Front who was trying to kill her mom
Boy sent to protected custody
Homelander masterbates on building
Victoria is a super villain
Watch Log
I've been watching the following
The Mandalorian
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 01:13 AM - 01:57 AM - The Mandalorian 205
Star Wars Theory
01:57 AM - The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 Full Breakdown
Beyond The Trailer
02:26 AM - The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 5 REVIEW & REACTION
Walk Away
10:07 AM - #WalkAway Testimonial: "I was questioning the status quo, and for that, I was attacked."
Just Another Channel
10:12 AM - “They’re Trying To Steal This Election” ENRIQUE TARRIO | Atlanta Stop The Steal Rally
Just Another Channel
12:01 PM -🔴LIVE: Dedicated Patriots Show Trump Support IN THE RAIN | Austin, TX
The Boys
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 09:14 PM - 10:20 PM - The Boys 206
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 10:22 PM - 11:15 PM - The Boys 207
2020-11-28 - Saturday - 11:16 PM - 12:22 AM - The Boys 208
Rise & Shine
09:40 AM - Got up. Oh hello. Oh sorry. I was still sleeping. But sorry. Alright. It's ok. I do not drink beer or Jack Daniels.
Apple. Coffee. Tea
Thanksgiving Celebration
02:00 PM - 05:15 PM - It was us six here. Josanna. Larry. Marilyn. Plus the other three including me. Daniel. Denise. This is a rough estimate of when people started coming, when we were eating, talking, and when everybody left.
06:00 PM - 08:30 PM - Continued working on the chicken house.
Was asked to come in by the youngling. Can we play banana graham or oatmeal graham or banana cram or Skip-Bo or Uno? Don't look up scary words like that word for a person who resurrects the dead. We eneded up not playing games.
Second Dinner
09:00 PM - Thanksgiving meal leftovers like chips, rice, green stuff, turkey, etc.