The question isn't who is a Chinese agent, it's who isn't. I will bet you money Trump wins, as much money as you want. But at the same time, Trump only wins if we all do all we can to make sure he wins as he already won. We all got a lot of work to do each between now and the 20th of January of 2021. In Congress, at the end of a guy's prayer he says, "Amen and awoman." The Guardian have been publishing headlines about hospitals not having enough beds for the past eight years.
Aging is a Mistake
Aging is a disease because humans were supposed to live forever. Decay and death is not natural but is now natural because we live in a broken world. But the world was not originally broken. For the next four years until January of 2025, some people will say Trump is not really the President. They'll continue to say Russia helped Trump hack and steal the election. CDC shows 2020 deaths normal. Just check out CDC for more information.
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2021-01-04 - Monday
Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-04 - Monday | Published in January of 2021
Alex Jones interviewing Hotep Jesus and Uncle Hotep
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Georgia Tuesday
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Our team is standing by to hear from you.
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
You Cannot Watch Forbidden News
Trees have heart beats.
Election News
We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time
I replied to Cernovich on Twitter
I will bet you money Trump wins, as much money as you want. But at the same time, Trump only wins if we all do all we can to make sure he wins as he already won. We all got a lot of work to do each between now and the 20th of January of 2021.
For the next four years until January of 2025, some people will say Trump is not really the President. They'll continue to say Russia helped Trump hack and steal the election.
Lockdown News
Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people
Covid News
You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins
Oatmeal English
Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental
My channel was terminated in 2017. So, perhaps too much time has passed. And I don't have Steam Card.
Oatmeal High Council
Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version
Oatmeal Health
You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies
Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN
For the next four years until January of 2025, some people will say Trump is not really the President. They'll continue to say Russia helped Trump hack and steal the election.
Patrick M Davies, wouldn't you rather I pay you $1,000 USD at least? The more the better, right?
Phong Trump, I love Pooh but not the King Pooh in China ahahahaa
Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal
Kaitlin Bennett wrote
Hunter Biden's laptop was obtained LEGALLY, and Twitter banned the story. President Trump's phone call with
@GaSecofState was recorded ILLEGALLY, and Twitter promotes the story. When will Republicans get off their lazy asses and repeal Section 230?
Hercules Wrote
Mentos and womentos
Antarctica and unclearctica
Cement and cewoment
German and gerwoman
woMEN and woWOMEN
Abortion supporters: You can’t force me to do anything! My body my choice
Also abortion supporters: people should be forced to take the Covid vaccine
David J Harris Jr
Up next, the Dems demand Jews learn to speak Shebrew
How will churches decide which are hymns and which are hers?
Samatha Marika
I think “amen and awoman” set the tone for 2021.
Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7
Roy Merrick Does America
Here's a story about a nerd boy. He believes he's trapped in the body of an athlete but, he's not. The boy trolls the internet looking for naive and gullible Asian ladies. He posts nonsensical comments hoping that it will bring in views. He obsessively complains about the websites that he continues to frequent--if YouTube shut down, he would lose about 90% of his "entertainment." When he does find a website or group that share most of his views, he still ends up annoying people. I was annoyed by him and tried some simple visual humor (aka memes) to help him see the parts of his personality that drives others away. He either ignored them or pretended to not get the message--I know he is more intelligent than he portrays himself. He even struggles with keeping relationships with family members. I know deep down in his heart he means well but, his execution is almost always muddled, incomprehensible or sometimes outright offensive. If one believes in God, then one believes in LOVE. So sending him LOVE might be more helpful than sarcastic memes. Two tickets bought for "Book of Mormon" at the Seattle Paramount in April 13, 2019. Hopefully, he will go. Hopefully, he will bring a friend or Marilyn Mitchell. Hopefully he will have a positive adventure and experience that he can blog about rather than his typical repeating anger and hate from others. So much more enjoyable when he blogs about a Canada trip with family rather than echoing rumors, suspicions and things he knows are not true. But the seats weren't great and what if he can't go that day? Two more tickets bought for "Book of Mormon" at the Keller Theater in Portland for May 2019. Maybe he'll go both times? Maybe he'll bring different people to each show. Hope he laughs a lot and maybe sings along. While I wait for the tickets, another meme that hit a nerve and the boy hits back by saying my avatar is not me. I tell him he won a prize and to clear his "YouTube viewing schedule for April 13th." By February 2019, all theater shows were shut down and the 4 tickets were refunded. He may never know but, God knows. Maybe God will see the love and send him some of his grace? Months later I find the boy is posting lonely, vapid videos from a cold shed on Christmas day and still no friends in sight. I wonder if he sent cards of Christmas love to his friends, brother and sisters? I wonder if he got any cards in the mail? I wonder if love is missing from his life? As always, I wish him well and hope that God gives him the tools to be the best he can be as a brother, friend, son and a man (no longer a boy).
My Reply
Roy Merrick, long time no see, it took me 2 seconds to recognize you from the 2018 Infocomms. I'm not sure what you're saying about Book of Mormon tickets, you wrote 2019, do you mean 2021 as in the future or are you saying you wanted me to go back in 2019? Are you talking about yourself sending tickets or other people? My dad grew up in a Mormon household for around 23 years or so. Love is a great topic and I write about it all the time. That is what L4OJ is all about. My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold and I've been doing what I've been doing for years for many reasons. I'll continue to do what I do, long story short, no matter what, for many reasons. I believe so much in how and why I do what I do, even if I'm wrong, I do what I do. If I'm wrong, then tough luck forever. I have chosen to do all that I do in life, online and offline, for many reasons. I could be wrong about many things but I choose to do what I do. I don't have time to talk all about all of that right now, to be continued. But I will continue writing about all of that in my posts, on my blog, on different websites. I make memes, videos, articles, etc, etc, etc, many different things, and more, much more. To be continued. I'm encouraging people to go DC on Jan6 to be part of history. I'm betting people money Trump won 2020 because Trump already won 2020. So, as much money as you want to bet, I will pay you when I lose the bet. I don't live in Portland, OR. I live closer to Seattle. So, why did you mention Portland? Is that where you are? So, you want me to be Mormon and not Christian? Is that what this is all about?
I didn't get cards in the mail. Here's some free advice, I don't live in Oregon. It's possible you discovered a former address of mine. Some free advice, I live closer to Seattle now.
Yes, I get Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc.
Roy Replied
6 hours ago
@Oatmeal Joey Arnold Sorry, I put the wrong years above, I'm still stuck in 2020! :) I knew your address at the time (probably still the same) but, you know I'm not the type to post it. I believe you live(d) near Port Orchard or Shelton, WA. The 2 tickets for the April 13, 2020 Seattle performance of the comedy, musical "The Book of Mormon" were bought and paid for by me in December 2019 and the tickets were to be mailed to your address. I wasn't happy with the seats which were way in the back of the second mezzanine so, two weeks later I bought 3rd row orchestra seats for the May performance in Portland--knowing that is not where you live but, still within driving distance. On January 15, 2020 you did a post about my meme and then re-posted it on FreeSquare and I replied to "keep April 13th available" but, you didn't know what I was talking about at the time. As you already know, the world changed by February 2020, both shows were cancelled and the money was refunded to me. So, yes, from your perspective there were no tickets because they never got to you and you could even assume that this is all made up...but it's not. Here's some free advice, keep doing what you're doing but, focus less on the state of the world, politics and fishing online for meaningless debates, and instead focus more on yourself...I truly believe you'll be much better for it. I do have hope and love for you Joey and I wish for that message to reach you in 2021.
Regarding Mormons
09:47 PM - YouTube
@Roy Merrick, I do focus on myself a lot actually. Too bad concerts and all sorts of things got cancelled. I don't really want to see a Mormon concert. I did play basketball with Mormons during high school. My dad was Mormon. But I'm not Mormon. But I did study Mormons in college.
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Cobra Kai
2021-01-04 - Monday - 12:25 AM - 12:53 AM - Cobra Kai 308
Good work, you're back on your feet, literally. Three groups of karate classes by three teachers and two are similar. One high school boy is kissing a hottie. Oh, what are you doing? Homework. Oh no, nothing, he is a jerk. Oh no, you are. I'm in love he says.
Are they trying to rename man-holes something else? They went to cancel the All Valley Karate Tournament. There was a city council and the the three teachers spoke to object to the cancellation and the weird fat lady was like umm yeah but no. But then the daughter and Miguel spoke and brought the house down. She kisses him and the big television falls down.
2021-01-04 - Monday - 12:54 AM - 01:23 AM - Cobra Kai 309
He got a snake. Old lovers unite. Two classes joining forces against the one. Stopping rivalries. Making out with Miguel's mom and then meeting his first love.
2021-01-04 - Monday - 01:24 AM - 02:04 AM - Cobra Kai 310
1969 Vietnam flashback, he was captured. His GF died and he had to fight his captain to the death above snakes.
Throwing a party. Big fight.
2021-01-04 - Monday - 02:10 AM - 02:55 AM - Viking 612
Russians and Ivan retreat on horses. The Russian lady looks as they see the dead return in a parade. They weap. THe dead seer said don't listen to the voices, there are too many voices. The boy in Russian had her tree house knocked down to help him grow up.
Jeremy Jahns
10:04 AM - Cobra Kai: Season 3 - Review
You too can curse, that is not going to hurt you.
Daniel going to Japan was my favorite part of the series so far.
I prefer Daniel over Johnny still.
Modern Wisdom
11:01 AM - Why We Get Old & How We Can Stop It - Dr Andrew Steele | Modern Wisdom Podcast #265
Good definition, aging means the increase of risk of death as time goes by. But I don't want to rely too much on technology or on vaccines to live longer. Instead, I prefer focusing more so on natural remedies as much as possible, vitamins, sunshine, sleep, exercise, meditation, music, prayer, always learning, education, emotional health, mental health, brain exercises, having a family, the art of giving to others, a well rounded life, garlic, good foods, etc.
Aging is a disease because humans were supposed to live forever. Decay and death is not natural but is now natural because we live in a broken world. But the world was not originally broken.
Call Me Snake
The question isn't who is a Chinese agent, it's who isn't.
In Congress, at the end of his prayer he says, "Amen and awoman."
ALex Jones talked to Hotep Jesus and Uncle Hotep.
WAr Room
09:50 PM - CDC shows 2020 deaths normal. Just check out CDC for more information.
The Guardian have been publishing headlines about hospitals not having enough beds for the past eight years.
Watch Log
I've been watching the following
Cobra Kai
2021-01-04 - Monday - 12:25 AM - 12:53 AM - Cobra Kai 308
2021-01-04 - Monday - 12:54 AM - 01:23 AM - Cobra Kai 309
2021-01-04 - Monday - 01:24 AM - 02:04 AM - Cobra Kai 310
2021-01-04 - Monday - 02:10 AM - 02:55 AM - Viking 612
Jeremy Jahns
Modern Wisdom
11:01 AM - Why We Get Old & How We Can Stop It - Dr Andrew Steele | Modern Wisdom Podcast #265
Red Letter Media
Up at 09:30 AM, bathroom, it's raining outside, dear diary, not dairy, almost hailing. Stuffy nose the past few days especially, a cold, allergies, a normal kind of thing in the winter for me during the course of my life. Some coffee right now. Still here they are I think. I am only guessing.
12:00 PM - 08:40 PM - Working on putting the doors back onto the chicken house which was moved up on Sunday. Well minus lunch time around 02:40 PM, celery, baby carrots, a half chicken sandwich and later on another one too to make it a whole but I only made the first one. Coffee all day. I'm suppose to try a game called Evo. Sounds like Pac-Man but you can't move the character. I learned about the void under the bedrock in Minecraft which is equivalent to hole in Mario Bros. You fall and die. So, still frustrated with the work today but made some progress. I held doors up with paint cans, balancing wood and then used a milk crate. All 6 doors are on but are not on how they were before. They're too low or a bit off and I will try to work on that later. Dinner now at 08:51 PM is rice, vegetables, onions, coffee, so good. Went into the bathroom. Diary of a wimpy kid.