My experience with Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia). Read To Know If You Have It? Symptoms? Any Cure?steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


What is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is basically fear or anticipation of something bad and unwanted happening in near future. Everyone experience anxiety at least once in a lifetime. Well, then how is it a disorder?
Its considered a disorder when it interferes in your daily life making you unable to do things that any normal people doesn't face any problems doing. Examples include
doing your study, talking to people, introducing to new ones.


Whats' My Disorder Type?

Yeah there are types of mental disorder too just like the physical ones. I have Social Anxiety Disorder previously known as Social Phobia. As the name suggests I have problem socializing, e.g- being in a crowded
place, so I don't go out much, can't talk to new people, can't talk on the phone, sometimes can't even text. Take a look at the symptoms and you can decide if you have it too.
These symptoms are like, someone is talking about me and, matches with my conditions but they can differ as well, like you may have only issues with introducing to new people or you may
have all of the symptoms below.


Symptoms of SAD.

Social anxiety disorder is the third largest mental health-care problem in the USA.

.Feeling breathless and increasing heartbeat for unknown reason.
.Headache during long exposure to crowds e.g in college.
.Not talking to people, fear they might judge.
.Some unknown thing stops you from expressing yourself, asking questions in the class.
.You cant go to stage, even the thought of it makes your hands and legs shake.
.Don't have a love life, can't trust anybody, other than your closest ones probably.
.Big Emotional Distress- While being teased or criticised.
Being the center of attention.
Being watched while doing something.
Meeting people in authority.
Encounters with strangers.
Interpersonal Relationships, friendships or romantic.
.There may be other Symptoms as well.
.Constant, Intense anxiety that doesn't go away seems to be the most common feature.


How Does It Feel?

Well I didn't pay attention to it at first. Cause I thought everybody feels the same as I did and wasn't really aware about what was going on. I started forgetting names of
people and then their faces. As always I didn't pay much attention and thought it to be normal. Academically I performed worse and worse but blamed my phone and facebook,
everybody else did the same too. I was afraid of talking to my classmates but didn't actually realize it to be a Fear. My parents thought I was shy and i believed them.
Today I am taking pills since last four months, and things have improved a lot. I talk to my parents more, can actually feel their love and care.My brother is like a best
friend with whom I hardly shared my feelings. But all is not well with drugs, you miss them one day and it feels like hell, the price I have paid seems much higher.
I have a friend, she is taking pills for six years and yet everything is same with her. I suggest you get a good and updated doctor.


The Discovery?

Since young I have interest in Psychology, there was something inside me telling me I am not alright. So I searched almost subconsciously, what was going on with me. And after four long years I found a video in TED talks titled talks. It was about Social anxiety disorder and how the host who was suffering from it described her feeling. It was much similar to my condition
After that I just had to Google it, compared the symptoms and I was sure I had an anxiety Disorder.



Should you take medication depends on your condition. If its not making your life worse, I suggest you don't take medicines. They can become habit in no time and if you suddenly stop
taking them, there are serious side effects. Always consult a doctor who listens to everything you have in mind. Be careful about that and the medicines itself can be costly too.


Finally, Be with your parents more, cause being with positive people makes anybody feel better.
If you have it don't worry , and if you don't have it share it to someone who have it or the symptoms I have mentioned. It will help a lot even if it reaches even
one patient. Treat these as any other illness and Never lose Hope. Cure is possible.

Note- This is an original post, totally based on my personal experience. Only the images are taken from the Internet.

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I'm very happy to let you guys know that currently I am doing great. My anxiety has mostly gone, though I am taking meds now. But it feels really amazing to be normal.