Handy stuff if you’re willing to stop being depressed

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Since I saw some articles about depression I just wanted to share my experience and tips that helped me through.
I spent years by wasting my time and making bad decisions which only made me feel more and more miserable. Since I’ve managed to beat my own major depressive disorder I’d like to share a few things that helped me through after I decided to finally quit poisoning myself with antidepressants and various medications that I got in legal or illegal way.

  1. Going to sleep before 3 AM
    Even though this is easier said than done, it’s essential and helpful. In the beginning I used some non-prescribed light sleeping pills to help me but I reduced the dosage over time ending up with not needing them at all. And when I started to wake up every morning, at first I just didn’t know what to do, but when the days became longer I felt better and my brain started with suggestions what could I do during the day.

  2. Getting yourself into any kind of routine and sticking to it
    At first I decided to start drinking green tea every day, make my bed every morning and respect my sleep schedule. It may look insignificant and even very funny to people who haven’t been depressed but if you’re suffering from it even that can be a massive challenge. Shortly after that I was giving myself bigger and bigger challenges, raising my game (baby) step by step and not paying attention to criticism. I repeat, this article is if you are willing to make a change and why shouldn’t you? We won’t get any younger than we are today.

  3. Changing your music habits
    We are what we listen to. Personally, this was the most painful step for me because I believed that nothing can compare with that feeling of a relief after you cry your heart out on the floor (or bed) in your room at night. Try something new, whatever that is. Don't feel ashamed, guilty, stupid or whatever if you find out that some tacky trashy pop song makes you smile. Hey, a smile. That’s not even a baby step. Discover something new and upbeat and find what works for you. I suggest you start discovering new music in the morning when you’re having your coffee or tea. You’d be surprised how many cool stuff you just haven’t experienced yet.

  4. Getting rid of emotional vampires at any cost
    This can include people you know for years. You don’t have to end your friendship, just dose it and kindly leave the second you feel like being drained or filled with negativity. Clean your social networks from people who are ghosts that never like or speak to you especially if you feel miserable every time you see their post(s) This will help to clear your head and free your mind from other people and make you more focused on things that you like to do with yourself.

  5. Improving relationship with family members
    Try to improve your relationship with your family just by spending a little bit time together, not looking at your phone or computer. If you live apart try just by calling and talking without asking for anything. This can be very tricky and lead to serious complications if not handled properly. Try to avoid talking about major problems, small talks like “how are you today, how’s work, are you tired” or even talking about the weather can be your way to go.

Today I feel the biggest empathy for depressed adolescents and post-adolescents because I was one. Believe me, If I could beat it you can do it to, all you need is some determination.

Hope this was helpful,
If you have read this whole thing it already means that you have some determination inside you. If you felt relatable to anything in this article please let me know by commenting
Kindest regards,

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Thank you John, I had a brother who suffered from depression.
I'm happy you have overcome!!

Thank you, send my regards to your brother. My autosuggestion even helped me quit smoking, maybe I should write an article about that :)

My brother took his own life 2 years ago. It's ok, you didn't know.
Yes, an article about quitting smoking might be a good one!!

I'm very sorry to hear that, please accept my deepest condolences for your family's loss.

Thank you John, depression is a very serious situation sometimes.
Thank you for this article, It may prevent a tragedy.