Post Holiday Syndrome

in life •  7 years ago 

No wonder there is a disease called “Post-Holiday Syndrome”.


Life seems to draw an distinct line between “Before” and “After”. Before, there was beach, blue sky, exotic restaurants and the racy adventurous feel of the world; after, there is cloudy sky, annoying reports, tedious canteen food and the steady 9 to 5.

Before, you go to parties, you sleep in everyday, you do whatever on the spur-of-the-moment and expect the unexpected; After, you wake up, you go to work, you eat, you act on the same old schedule and head on the same settled direction.

No wonder you find it hard to change back to the normal routines.

However, reality check. Most of us have no options but back to our work. And here are some tips that might, probably, help.

  1. Think more of the reason why you hold on to your work.

It might be your next paycheck, or the sense of security or the satisfaction you feel. Whatever the reason for you, focus on it, stick to it, and keep reminding yourself that all you are doing right now is for the next escape, for the overseas vacation that might be months or years away.

  1. Easy yourself back into your work.

Who am I kidding? There is no easy way. But at least you could start it from something easier, like a few catch up with your colleagues, or a report that less important.

  1. Think about the weights you’ve gained during the holiday

Re-think about it, it might not be so bad to get back to work. Tell yourself three times: “Self-discipline leads to final freedom”

  1. What if your life has become a never-ending vacation….

No matter what one might say about 9-to-5 routines, most of us still need to live in our comfort zone. Besides, what would it be like if holiday had become a settle pattern of your life, travelling changed into a lifelong journey and adventures become part of your daily routine? Would they still hold so much attractions to you? Aha, I really don’t think so.

Anyway, welcome back to work. Welcome to the real world. Sometimes it sucks, still try to enjoy it.

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