First examine yourself…

in life •  6 years ago 

Shlomo HaMelej (The King Solomon) said:

"Eneja lenojaj iabitu veafapeja iasiru negdeja – your eyes see straight (with honest); direct your eyelids toward is forward of you" (Mishlé/ Proverbs 4:25)

"lenojaj" is used right here like "right", "honesty". It also can be used in Hebrew like: "toward yourself"… then those words mean: "that your eyes seek toward yourself"

In other words, before to judge another person, first see to yourself.

Believe me it’s very easy to find failures in our neighbors; the difficult one is to revel the light inside every one of them.

There are few people today wanting to help and restore his brother… the truth is that we live in a society corrupted by critiques, gossip and the lack of mercy.

Looks like is easier to judge and criticizing, before to lift up the fallen one…

Train your soul in the beautiful art of finding and exalting the virtues of the neighbors, even when they try to decrease their internal light… dedicate yourself to raise the self-esteem of those who have been maltreated.

Strive always to think in a positive way toward those people around you. Because you don’t only have to get worry about your actions, but your thoughts too.

And remember this: before to judge other people, you must see and examining your own temper…


Shalom… (Peace)

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