in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

1st of February 2018 Text by Jose Peixoto

One must wonder, how it is that baby animals express innate programming of instinctual behaviour that most often than not, steers them away from dangerous situations. Most animals only rely on their procreators to feed them in the initial stages of their development, they instinctively know not to play with fire for instance, a baby human however, needs constant parental guidance, a young toddler that has just learnt to walk, may walk straight into a bonfire if the opportunity presents itself, it's fair to say that we seem to not be equipped with the same sort of instinctual programming witnessed on other animals.

How do we incarnate in this planet without the faintest clue about who we are, where we’ve been and where we come from?

Most of us do have some recollection of being much more than our physical body, but very few out of the 7.3 billion currently walking around the face of the planet, feel a grave need to figure out the answers to the above mentioned uncertainties.

Considering that science is still unable to fill in these blanks, we are left with the compelling task of scrutinizing through thousands of years of religious and spiritual scripture and an overwhelming amount of personal discernment, in an effort to search for the truth.

Those who do not care to realize this truth will continue to be trapped in an incarnation cycle that seems to be particular to this prison/reformatory planet. Extra planetary races, consider earth to be a prison reformatory planet due to the peculiar nature of the human being’s memories being wiped in the process of incarnation, which makes it extremely difficult for one to realize our interdimensional nature, consequently hindering the consciousness shift required to allow us to build up enough power to create our life in a meaningful and harmonious fashion, leading instead into a life that is more often than not filled with fear, worries, frustrations and anxiety.

As most people are so limited in knowledge concerning the subjects discussed thus far and end up filling their lives with the subconscious programming that leads to ignorance and disease, for any fellow human to wake up to their true multi-dimensional nature as a means to create their life consciously as opposed to subconsciously, takes true mastery.

Ultimately all great masters have taught us that we have the power to create our own lives, be anything we want to be and do anything we want to do, as long as we can stop ourselves from giving that power away.

To stop giving our power away, one must first “stop to smell the coffee” every so often. We must choose to stop participating in and listening to all the fear mongering around us (switch off the television), we must worry less and generate fewer frustrations and situations that lead to anxiety, we must slow down the rhythm with which we live our lives and our brain activity as a whole. This allows us to identify coincidences that we attract which aren’t really coincidences but rather our multi-dimensional aspect trying to get our attention, we need to identify and ponder the synchronicities that present themselves in our lives and determine the best course of action through them, allowing our divine instinct to guide us along the way.

Know that the powers that be (TPTB) are afraid that humans will finally accept the master’s wisdom from ancient teachings for what they are. The power of the creator is certainly residing in each one of us, by trusting our inner gut and using this creative power within us, we are able to effectively shift our reality bit by bit to achieve greatness, do not allow the elitists of this planet to distort the message the true masters conveyed. God is truly inside us, naturally one must fully detach from the belief that god is a bearded man sitting on a cloud waiting for judgment day to judge us and embrace the fact that the source that created our soul is connected within each and every being waiting for one to first acknowledge and secondly learn how best to channel that power to best suit our needs.

We now know that throughout the ages, humans should not have trusted TPTB when they told us the earth was flat, or when they told us the earth was the centre of the universe and that the sun revolved around it and we are certainly within our right to not trust them now when they claim that 97% of our DNA is just junk, just because they are only able to decode 3% of it.

Our solar system is crossing uncharted parts of our galaxy, and scientists are unable to tell us why we have wave after wave of cosmic energy bombarding the earth, nor do they know where this energy originates from.

Interdimensional sources are telling us, these waves of energy are here to activate dormant coding in our DNA in an effort to speed up our physical and spiritual healing.

Just over the past 12 months thousands of people have converted to being breatharian, they no longer choose to eat as means to absorb nutritional intake and more and more people are claiming to have gained telepathic abilities.

The one thing these people have in common is self trust, they trusted themselves that they could in time develop these abilities and the more they trusted the faster and easier it got. Since everyone is connected to everyone else and so many people have been raising their frequency, we have seen a massive increase in the vibrational frequency of the planet, the planet earth’s schumann resonance has been measured steady at 7.83 hz since the early 1960’s, in the last 12 months it has been measured as high as 110 hz.

This rise in frequency by the planet and human consciousness allows for a much faster manifestation through the law of attraction selected by our natural process of creation via the thoughts and beliefs that each one of us entertains.

Behold God, the Golden Age is upon us!

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