
in life •  7 years ago 

Thought it would be worth a shot posting my gofundme on here.

Been a pretty rough so far.

I know the chances of donations are nil but if you happen to have any spare bitcoin please feel free to help out and send to here:

Thank you all and god bless!

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I would suggest documenting your journey here, you could dedicate the money the posts earns to fixing your home. I wish I had money to help but right now all I have is my upvote. We are in the process of building a home and I understand about costs.

I will try posting some pictures, it's been a pretty rough progress so far.
Hire some a builder that ended up ripping me off, charging 100% extra and not finishing anything so I pretty much have to restore a ruin on my own.
Thanks for the upvote and take care!