Your inner guidance, can you still hear 'you' speak?

in life •  7 years ago 

I came across this YouTube video this morning, really gave me motivation and inspiration. I am stuck in the rat race, the sad part is that I know that I am.. I have no idea how to get out of this race... I have only recently started revisiting my passions and dreams. Over the past few years I have forgotten what it was to have dreams and how to have fun planning my journey towards things that I love doing, it all just seem to have moved to the background...just trying to survive and get through each day.
How many of you know someone who keeps saying "I wish".... well maybe we should stop wishing and start moving, move towards what moves you from within.
The thing is, that voice you hear calling from within guiding you to where you need to go, that voice gets silenced by all the obligations and responsibilities that we place upon ourselves. I think its time to have a look at dreams that we used to have... give the spotlight to the voice (gut feeling) inside. See what happens, there is nothing too loose just a life to gain. Markus is a great example of going with your gut feeling.

Have a look at this video of Markus for some inspiration :)

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Awesome post !

Fantastic, following your heart is EXACTLY how you wake yourself up again out of that rut. I just did a Live Facebook video about this today ... have a look if you wish, and keep on following what makes you feel good inside. That is your Truth and there's nothing else to do or be.