festival hadrah pelajar ( student attendance festival )

in life •  7 years ago 


Festival yang digelar selama dua hari 10 – 11 Juni digelar di lapangan parkir Stadion Diponegoro dan dibuka Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

Festival held for two days 10 - 11 June held in the parking lot Diponegoro Stadium and opened Head of Education, Banyuwangi

festival hadrah pelajar ini untuk mewadahi krativitas pelajar yang bermusik dengan nuansa religi. Sekaligus sebagai sarana konsolidasi dan silahturahmi antar pelajar. Apalagi potensi bermusik hadrah di lingkungan pelajar.

this student attendance festival to accommodate the krativitas of students who play music with religious nuances. As well as a means of consolidation and silahturahmi among students. Moreover, the potential of musical hadrah in the student environment

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murid nya ta mas