in life •  7 years ago 

It was our second anniversary. He and I have been going back and forth on the relationship for a while now, and I really didn’t know where we were headed.

This time around, he bought me a beautiful gold gown and a flipping covered heels to go with it. What was he up to? Well, at least we were not fighting this time around, I giggled at the realization.

At exactly 6:15 pm, his driver came to pick me up. I was all smiles…..
We drove to an exotic place. We have never been there together. Just as I was about to open the car and alight from the vehicle, I felt a hand hold me politely, looking up, he was smiling broadly at me.
“You look ravishing babe”. He said in his baritone like voice in my ears.
“Thank you”. I whispered back.

It was sort of a meeting. We were seated at a round table and I couldn’t believe how he treated me so nicely. He almost didn’t let me lift a finger.

Soon, he led me away from the table.
“Where are we going?” I asked him immediately we walked few minutes away from the table.
“Shhhh” he said, putting a blind fold over my eyes…….”You’re safe.”
We walked a few more minutes and then stopped abruptly.

He took off the fold in my eyes and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
It was a serene environment lit with beautiful candles and love petals everywhere on the floor.
The next thing I saw was the beginning of my………………………..🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈


I was bemused. What? I so wasn’t expecting this. We only had a fight some few days ago and now this?
As I stood there, confused, torn between saying YES or NO.🙃
He looked at me with eyes that says “Please say Yes” and I didn’t know when I finally said YES.


He came close to me in a bid to give me an embrace and then it happened, I felt a sharp pierce in me.🗡


It didn’t take seconds to find me lying on my pool of blood while he went away smiling, looking for the next victim.

Oh, and his name was PROCRASTINATION.

Yes, I said YES to procrastination and he killed me.
A lot of us are knowingly or unknowingly saying YES to procrastination.

We are probably having bouts of confusion like I was, “Should I do it now?”, “I will do it tomorrow”.
And with each thought, he comes at us tenderly,…..the feeling of having more time to self to relax, have fun, etc” are his gentle caresses he gives us to make us eventually say YES to him.
And when we eventually do, he stabs us and leaves us to our fate.

A lot of people have been killed by MR PROCRASTINATION.
Yes, they have…..


Many's dream has been killed and they couldn’t achieve what they should have mostly because of procrastination.
In case you see him, please beware of him.

He’s deadly and he is only out to destroy you.
Don’t fall for his cheap scam.

Procrastination is deadly, stop it before it stops you.

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Congratulations!,@julietisrael Your post has been upvoted by @reach.curation through the @reachout project

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Time passes and does not forgive, procrastinating kills ALL dreams.

Like seriously @julietisrael??
I can't believe this.
You really got me there and i thought you were getting married.

HahahaI'm glad it got you
Hope you got the message?

That's not funny miss @julietisrael.
I feel like just coming to nigeria and giving you a good spanking.
I sure got the message though and it was a good one.

What? You said yes to @sparrowbernard?

Why would I do that?

Seriously? You got me 😅😅

I'm glad it did

Really @julietisreal?
You had to make me blush hard and to think i imagined the whole thing in my head (even the killing part) i dont think i want to forgive you yet. This was a good read and yeah, procastination kills.

Keep steeming,

I got you

Hey, sorry 😜
You just have to forgive me....

Lol, i don't think i have a choice now.
Don't forget to join in #selfiesaturday fun by noon.

This is captivating and the message was well passed. Thank you @julietisrael.