Give Yourself Space :Day 14 of 30 Days to a New You

in life •  7 years ago 


Recently I had been pushing myself to stay longer at work. Not necessarily working (don't worry I'm not being paid to stay late) but I thought if I stayed at work longer then I might be more likely to push on with some of my own projects as well as cracking on with actual work stuff.

In the last couple of weeks I have been given the alarm codes. This was great as it meant that I could stay as late as I wanted. Before I had to leave at 1930hrs due to that's when the cleaners would leave and lock up.

What I started doing was staying a bit later and ended up playing computer games. Now this isn't a problem in it's self as it was my own time but as I was still in the office I may have felt like I wasn't being productive.

Even though putting more time into something normally is the right thing to do, if you put more time into a situation that you aren't being productive in, you might impact your motivation.

So I decided to recontact my old karate sensei and find out how much it would be to rejoin. This Thursday I will only be in the office until 18:45 as I will then be going back to karate.

It might feel a bit counter intuitive but maybe spending a little less time on a project might help you push forward on it.

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