Was Parkland Florida the Latest False Flag...?

in life •  7 years ago 

I'm going to preface this post with a disclaimer...I wasn't there...that being said...I must admit, I find this information truly disturbing...and here's why...there are forces at work here in America that are undeniably trying to undermine our Constitutional rights...as proof of this, all one needs to do is pay attention to MSM reporting (the Liberally biased propaganda arm of the U.S. Federal government)...after each of these events, there are several seconds of emotional upheaval over the senseless deaths of innocent people...followed by hours, days, weeks, and months of anti-gun rhetoric that excites and incites the mindless followers of the DNC...

The MSM plays a significant role in the Liberal agenda...which has always been to completely obliterate our constitutional rights, erase and rewrite our history, and afford themselves the ability to remain in control of enough power to push through with their misguided concepts...the alternative media doesn't have an agenda...in fact, every time alternative media provides evidence that destroys the Liberal narrative, it is quickly shot down...which happens to be the reason I am publishing this post on Steemit...

The material I am about to share here, continues to be removed...scrubbed, in other words...from traditional social media platforms...without any explanation...several of my friends, some of which live in Florida, and I were discussing this material in a very lengthy and detailed FB post...we went to bed the other night, woke up and attempted to continue the discussion, only to discover that entire post was gone...not a single trace...no reason provided by FB...no account suspension for sharing things that violated "community standards"...just gone...as if it never existed...that's the primary reason I am sharing this here...because it will live forever on this blockchain and we can share it "argumentum ad nauseum" should we choose...all that being said...let's get started...but first, I should mention that this may end up being segmented into several posts as there is quite a bit of information...

First up is this interview...and not just an interview...but one of the weirdest interviews I've ever seen...not only are her answers oddly different than those shoveled down the throats of the American public by media outlets...but there is ZERO emotion...none from her...none from the host asking the questions...it's almost dead-pan...if you were a student at a school that just got shot the fuck up...wouldn't you be a little emotional...some might argue that she is still in a state of shock...this is NOT what shock looks like...pay attention to what she says, and how she says it...

"as we were walking, the whole class together, I was actually speaking to the suspect," (and she gives air quotation marks with her fingers)...

This is being done in a way that suggests the "suspect" wasn't really involved...or that suggests the "suspect" was a role being played by a student...she even names him and says that she made a comment to him...

"I'm surprised you weren't the one who did it..."

How could she be having this conversation with the "suspect" while all of this was taking place...where was his gun...why didn't he shoot her...then she goes onto say there was "definitely another shooter involved"...WTAF is going on here...

Now, before you go leaving comments saying this was staged...or that it's fake...ask yourself this...WHY...why would anyone go to this length to give false testimony during an interview...what does this student stand to gain from doing anything of that nature...the answer is quite simple...there is nothing for her to gain from answering these questions falsely...except to dispel the myth that is currently serving as the narrative for the MSM...to get the truth out there...bear in mind that none of these students who are offering an alternative to the narrative have been interviewed by a major media outlet...why? Because it would undoubtedly annihilate the anti-gun narrative...


Next up is this masterpiece of an interview...again, ZERO emotion from the interviewee and the interviewers...in fact, pay particular attention to the "reporter" who enters stage right...he nonchalantly sidles into the picture holding a 7 News microphone...the same exact microphone as the woman already asking questions...and he looks as if he's bored and ready to bolt...and then there's the weirdness of her replies...right around the 35 second mark...

"my other teacher, she got shot in the arm...but she's fine, she just started walking home..."

Are there any First Responders in the audience...I'm prior USAF law enforcement from back in the mid '80's...I'm pretty damn sure we wouldn't have let a gunshot victim leave the scene of such a horrendous crime on foot and untreated...even if we bandaged them up on scene, we'd want to take them in for further evaluation...wouldn't we...? If you're a First Responder I'd like to hear your thoughts on that in the comments below...

Look not only at the subjects in the interview area of the video...LOOK at the people in the background, cops included...there are 17 dead kids...17 DEAD KIDS...and these folks are as calm, cool, and collected as can be...I get that they may be perimeter control...but still, LOOK at this scene...there's NOBODY here...one guy on a phone in the right background...WHERE are ALL of the concerned citizens...there are random people WALKING around...TRAFFIC continuing to flow freely...a couple of cops chumming it up and shuffling their feet...as a former cop, I am appalled...this is how we used to respond to an EXERCISE when I was performing law enforcement duty...and believe me, in the USAF...those are a weekly feckin' thing...especially on a SAC base...so I know WTF I'm talking about...

Watch that entire video above...listen to what she says...I'm paraphrasing here but it's something to the affect of..."they said they would use blanks in the drill, but they didn't...it was real..."

The keywords here are "they," and "drill"..."drill" is another word for EXERCISE...but we don't know who "they" refers to...who held the EXERCISE...why was there more than one...? Is any of this making a damn bit of sense...?


Then there's also this version of the video clip where she mentions "army people"...were these regular army...national guard forces...or is she simply confused by battle dressed cops (S.W.A.T.) responding to the situation...?

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Next up is this image...I'm not going to pretend to know whether or not it's real, fake, or feckin' imaginary...I will say this...I am familiar with Crisis Actors as well...guess who got to play them in the Air Force for free...without the cameras and other crap...that's right folks...you can't hold an effective EXERCISE without somebody playing the "bad guys"...this isn't the first time I've seen stuff of this nature...in fact, if you backtrack through time you can find posts about Crisis Actors at almost every tragic event...Las Vegas...Boston Marathon Bombing...and again, I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers...I don't...I'm sharing stuff and posing questions with a little bit of insight from having been a cop, and applying what I consider to be some common sense questions...is the photo above real or fake...idk...but if it is, then something smells fishier than a street corner full of two-bit hookers standing next to a seafood market...

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Here's another image...allegedly of David Hogg...claiming he graduated in 2015, and had aspirations to be a Crisis Actor and to work for CNN...that, oh so stellar example of investigative journaliberalism...is it real or fake...IDK...I'm not going to try and call the school itself to find out...it seems to lend credence to the picture above...and would explain how he came to be witness at 2 events...when you look at the first image above this one...you'll notice he wears the same ho-hum demeanor on his face...he's either acting, and not very well I might add...or our younger generations have become so desensitized to violence that they are in effect...zombified...again, I point to the interviews and images above...are these the faces you'd expect to see shortly after a tragedy of this magnitude...I know people who show more emotion over losing a goldfish than these folks are over losing friends and family...WTF is going on here...?

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Then there's this image...which really needs to be placed under the microscope...if this picture is real, and it'd be cutting edge technology fabulous not to be...then somebody has some explaining to do...how are ALL of these people in a group photo BEFORE appearing in front of a camera...

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This is the final image I'll share in this post...again, IDK if this is real or fake...but if it is...why didn't the FBI respond when they were originally notified of a possible psycho wanting to shoot up a school...as I said, I'm a former cop...as such, if I had a kid in a school and I was receiving tips that one of their classmates had the potential to skip their meds and commit an atrocity...I'd take it a little more seriously than the FBI did...they're a brotherhood, just like cops...and when one of their own, or one of their loved ones, is in imminent danger...they OVER-RESPOND to the situation to ensure nothing bad happens...that didn't happen here...in any way, shape, or form...from any agency or individual involved...NONE of them responded accordingly...17 DEAD KIDS...and we get B-rated zombie responses from those involved...NOM...NOM...NOM!!!

Stay tuned for more...I need to take a little break, but I have more information to share...which will be in a later post...gimme a comment below and let me know what you think...I'm sure some will bring out the "tin-foil hat," "conspiracy theorist," comments...and I'm good with that...it's the uneducated who gobble up what the media feeds them without asking any questions, as the gospel truth...were I any of those things...I would've made statements and labeled them as absolute facts...I presented information for your consideration, gave a little insight from a law enforcement perspective, and posed a few questions...as Jean Luc Picard would say...ENGAGE!

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