Why would anyone wake up early on a Saturday?!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I don't mind waking up at seven in the morning on a Saturday if that means I get to catch up with a friend.


So this morning I woke up early enough to make myself a cup of coffee and then waited for my dear friend to call. We were lucky this time because the phone connection was excellent for a change and despite me accidentally hanging up once, we had a great time chatting.

After two good hours, we caught up on our lives, adventures, the good and the bad. It made me feel relief and happiness. I was afraid our lives drifted apart too much and so we could not talk like we used to before I moved across the Atlantic Ocean almost four years ago.

I miss spendig time with my friend and all the shared glasses of coffe, wine and desserts.

I was thankfully wrong and realized our friendship will never end.

My week is now complete even if I sleep through the rest of the weekend. However, I am sure the weekend will bring more nice things my way :)

Have a lovely day everyone and call someone you did not talk to for a long time. You will not regret it!

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You have to say a lot of responsible people
you are greate man

"Early to bed and early to rise "Good for health.
thanks for the shae all kinds of

Great photography
Have a good day

that's pretty cool to know....


great photography, hope your friendship like that continue, good luck and always healthy, I will restem to kebaokan you, help me.

Yeah, I will not regret it

A pleasant morning, hopefully k4rinn ideals can be achieved

Beautiful start to your day. Healthy and perfect breakfast.

friendship in life extraordinary, hope friendship never forgotten, good luck friend, please help me yes

answering your question - I wake up in the morning because my son wakes me up;) it's great that you could talk to your friends

i have someone i didn't for lo song. i'm gonna try your way. thank anyway

a perfect morning

the story that made me have to do it on Saturday. as your reason for getting up in the morning is best

Looks like I checked in on your blog at the right time to see this post. Having lived all over the world.....I can surely relate. I've made some pretty good friends in Uruguay last week, now I'm in Buenos Aires, and soon back to the northern hemisphere. I'll do my best to keep in touch, sometimes people get carried away with life and it's a struggle. I commend you on keeping in touch with your deer friend. Have a great day! -Dan

Beautiful photography. Love sunset very interesting @K4r1nn

goood job man..i will try to wake up early

Great photography
Have a good day Thanks for sharing

very beautiful saturday


That is a lovely sentiment. I too have friendships like that.

Wow Amazing photography
For your post propagation.