RE: Inside Degrees: Developing Your Astrological Soul Biography Using the Chandra Symbols

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Inside Degrees: Developing Your Astrological Soul Biography Using the Chandra Symbols

in life •  7 years ago 

Thanks for sharing this - I love that you found something that helped you progress in your spiritual arts...that's such an amazing feeling and your enthusiasm and inspiration really flows from your writing!

I can see how this system could be an excellent way to expand your vocabulary and for adding more intuitive knowledge to charts and readings, especially if the symbols speak to you in multidimensional ways, which it certainly sounds like they do :)

I completely agree that doing personal work is really the greatest service we can offer the world! It's really wonderful that you've found your bliss and have embraced your gifts.

Thanks for adding the link -that will be a good resource to come back to. My laptop with all my natal charts and such just failed me, but looking at my primary degree/s...there's some very interesting stuff there! I was born at 0 degrees Aries 17 minutes, basically right in the gap of the zodiac (with Gemini Rising, to make it even more of a wild ride. I guess my soul figured "why not make this as crazy as possible while we're charting?" LOL) I'd love to hear your opinion on what some say about the recent shifts in does seem that around 2002-2003 I shifted more into Pisces-ness. (from party girl to hermit!) So the two degrees from your article that I think concern me are:

A large halo in ring formation around the moon.
The Earth is pregnant with alternate futures. Each of her progeny, each possible future could become the one chosen. The criteria center around whichever future stream is most genuinely surrendered to the highest will. It is the same microcosmically as macrocosmically. Many souls are pregnant with alternate futures. The one that prevails will likely be the one most surrendered to the absolute, the most rightful. You feel burstingly full of visions, possibilities, worlds, and streams. And you know that so very much shall pass away, but what is essential will keep on coming. It is very hard to tell who is who and what is what, which way to lean or how to conceive the way it shall go. But if you stay rooted in your inward awareness and enduring core sensibility, you will be tapped as a vessel for what is to be, and that is all you need to know.

A man repairing and extending a stone wall in the spring.
Objective Earth existence embraced with a fury. Identifying yourself completely with physical capability, external results, and quantifiable criteria on all fronts. You willfully submerge yourself in the brute facts and the bare phenomena. There is a virtue in this approach. You become ready and quite able to do what is asked or needed and to put nothing in the way of each next thing happening, right on schedule. You actually become a hardy vessel for strong Earth usage. It is a form of penance or probation for past excesses, now gravitating toward the straight and narrow and trying to get certain things straight for a brand new start. It is the initial phase, the radically new cycle taken up with a passion, with an omnivorous appetite for things to do, problems to solve, worlds to streamline. Tremendous for activating will; intended for nothing else.

Both of those actually do echo my life themes very closely. The Aries degree referring to all the heavy karmic work, trying to actually manifest tangible results from spiritual work...and those brute facts OMG lol ;) "right on time..."/kairos/doing my best to follow the syncs

The Pisces one...I'd pretty much say is SPOT ON on, my life's path and work in a nutshell. (and how closely it echoes the Blue Electric Hand vibes!)

Wow! I need to sit with it a while and allow more to come from it, but I think I already wrote a long enough comment LOL Thanks so much for pointing this out, and for being the channel and messenger I needed to hear today! <3 Sometime I'd really love to see how you would apply this to the "collective" type readings. Thanks again!

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