Hi Everyone!
I'm new to the Steemit community and hope I can be of service to all you amazing people.
Today, I want to share my Morning Practice as it has been a game changer in my daily life.
I haven't seen much about this topic, so want to get this topic or conversation started as well.
This is my personal formula for starting off my days with a positive mindset and heart set regardless of outside circumstances.
-Wake up at 5 AM
-Drink a large glass of water and do tai chi, foam rolling, stretching, and Wim Hof breathing exercises for 20 minutes (see Tim Ferriss' podcast on iTunes for further information on Wim Hof, or on https://www.wimhofmethod.com/)
-Mix powdered greens in 12 oz of ice cold water (I use Vital Greens shipped from Australia, http://www.vitalgreens.com/vital-greens/)
-Journal for 20 minutes (10 blessings, 5 daily wins, 25 I Am statements, and any other thoughts or ideas that I want to express or let out)
-Any type of learning for 20-30 minutes (books, podcasts, audiobooks, personal development courses, Mindvalley courses, review gratitude lists or Lifebook, etc.)
-Meditate for 30-45 minutes. Here are two of my faves.
-I love Vishen Lakhiani's 6 Phase Guided Meditation. (
-Or try this free audio by OmHarmonics (
-Brew Bulletproof Coffee (mix Brain Octane Oil and Kerrygold unsalted grass-fed butter) with Purity Coffee beans
-Take several supplements: (I won't go into detail on brands and dosages, as it would be too lengthy for this post) DHA/EPA Omega 3's, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, Iodine, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E complex, and a whole-food multi vitamin called Catalyn GF by Standard Process.
-I'll have 2-4 cups of Bulletproof Coffee while also drinking lots of tea (I prefer Organic India brand)
-I'll be in fat-burning mode all morning, i.e. ketosis, and am not thinking about food until about 12-1 PM.
I've fed my mind, body, and soul and am ready to start the day with immense energy and vitality.
This was influenced and inspired by Robin Sharma and his 5AM Club and 20/20/20 Formula.
As my mentor, Jon Butcher says "You are what you consistently do".
Lastly, my favorite Robin Sharma quote is, "Your days are your life in miniature. And a great life is nothing more than a succession of well-lived days."
What are you doing every day that up levels your life? What are your non-negotiables in the morning?
P.S. Highly recommend the book "Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. http://www.miraclemorning.com/
All the best,