Depression, I don't want to feel like this anymore. I hate it.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Today has been hard from the moment I woke up, I felt cold inside I didnt want to get up but had to, 2.30 in the afternoon I crawl out of bed tired, unhappy and in tears, I had to wash my hair and get ready for hubby coming home as I needed to go out to get my photo taken. My hair was stuck to my head the idea of Washing it felt like a massive task and then put clothes on. Took me nearly 3 hours to get sorted, by the time I was ready all I wanted was my bed.

I needed a passport photo to send away for a Photo driving license as I still had the paper one, plus I need the ID so I can get verified on Cryptopay for my card.

My daughter kept touching me just to reaasure me but that made me feel like crying as I know how much my depression hurts my loved ones but I can't help it, I can't talk, I can't smile all I want to do is cry.

Sitting in the photo booth was worse, telling me what to do, dont smile ha doesn't she realise how I feel, I couldn't off if I tried, The photos came out and there I was miserable and sad, think everyone looks like that with these photos but I picked the photo to bits. Looking at a picture off myself only makes me feel worse as I hate myself, I hate what I have become, I hate everything about me,

Then to top it all off I've been home all day when the others decide there going to the pictures knowing well enough I cant go, I know they didn't do it to hurt me just felt that way being left alone all evening too.

Oh well tomorrow is another day, another boring day of being me, being stuck in 4 walls all day with to much time to think.

Thank you son-of-satire

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I've struggled with depression too. Sounds silly but one of the main things that helped me was setting a good sleep schedule and forcing myself to take a walk every day, soon I felt I had more energy and confidence to reach out to friends and start socialising again. Its a long journey but you can get there! Wishing you lots of luck and happiness :)

totally agree with this. cut out coffee (i was drinking too much, gave me anxiety) and just be around positive energy, if you have particular issues you wanna sound out with people who have the same check out to find some local groups. when down, exercise, is one of the best as it shifts the dark place focus to something else - also, drink a good cup of water each morning with lemon if you can and take 30 minutes before any food, i find meditation helps too.

I don't sleep well plus disabled so can't walk more Than a few steps before I'm in pain again

I'm sorry to hear that! You'll figure out what works for you eventually :)

I hope so Thank you

Awe I am sorry you are having a bad day :( Depression gets the best of us way too often :) I like your new introduction :) Hang in there . hit me up on chat if you need to talk , like anytime ;)))

Thank you, I'm hoping the feeling lifts soon

You're Welcome :))

Sounds like you are inside under fake light all day. Try getting outside when you first wake up in the am to get real sunlight in your eyes for 10 minutes. Then take outdoor breaks a few more times throughout the day. Will improve the amount of happy neurotransmitters your brain needs.

I am very low on Vitamin D, I have to the a Vit D tablet every day, doesn't help though

Because you are NOT getting the correct wavelength of sunlight to "activate" the vitamin d you are taking. The pill you are taking is not the same as the kind thats created when you get UVB rays from the sun. Best UVB rays come out around noon. Start getting some.

I'm housebound I can't walk very far plus have other health problems, I get out when I can

Figure out a way to get outside. Open a window. You need real sunlight. Do it for a month.

I ask going to really try once the sun comes out , we are busy having a lot of rain

Awe...I'm so sorry you're feeling down. Hugs to you, I hope things get better for you quickly!!

Thank you I appreciate that :)

Anytime :) I know you are far away, but if you need a friendly ear and I can help, I will do so. You've been so kind to me since I landed on Steemit.

Thank you, I know its just time, hopefully out will lift soon

Depression is definitely sad... If you get the chance you should upvote my latest post about altcoins blowing up! Thanks! :)

So sorry you're feeling so low. I hope your flowers made it through the wind and rain to give you a bit of a cheer-up :-)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you, They did stuprisingly, they just need to dry out a little as they were swimming.

Sorry to hear your skies are a little dark these days... as others have suggested, try to get outside on a clear day, even if all you do is sit on a bench for 30 minutes. Sunlight DOES help.

Thank you, I have just started growing a few flowers so as long as it stops raining I might get out to enjoy them

There you go Karen! Enjoy your flowers and some fresh air! :)

I am. going tho try Thank you

Also need omega 3 fatty acids, cod liver oil, all the B's - B complex. You might look up "nutrients to help with depression" to learn about all of the things you need. You might need more D3 than you are taking. To get all your minerals - Himalayan pink salt. Nutrition is very important especially as when we are older.

Wow Thank you, I will check them out

Thinking of you Karen!! I have most certainly had days like this, more than i'd even like to acknowledge. Just want you to know you're not alone and I hope things get better for you soon.

Thank you that means alot

If i was there with you, the first thing i would do was pat on your shoulder, and then have a long talk, i would water your plants myself, and get your chores done, i would introduce you to new friends, i would support you in any way i can.

That is lovely I would appreciate that

I regret this situation dear friend @ karenb54 to me it happens to me often, but I can not stay, many people depend on me, so I go round and round until I start, it's a feeling I do not want anyone, but from what I've seen You are a little better today

I am on the mend..... I think I go up and down. Would like it to stop now :)

Sorry to hear that you feel this bad. I struggled with depression from my early twenties up till now. For me it got easier as I learned to diagnosed it sooner than later and not let myself slip so deep before getting help. Do you know cognitive therapy?

I have had congnitive counselling, I know when I am sinking so can usually keep myself from slipping to far :)

Good luck, thinking of you. :-)

Thank you :)