I haven't stopped all day, so much shopping, now i can start on planting seeds for my garden.🌼🌺

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

I have had a really busy day and got so much done i can rest for the week now. Hubby finished work around lunch time as he needed to go to hospital to get an ultrasound on his hernia's to see what's happening, thankfully its no as serious as we first thought, its a fatty tissue hernia, he will wait until he speaks to his consultant before he decides what he wants to do. I had to drive as his appointment was in the middle of visiting time, i had to go round the hospital quite a few times looking for a space, no luck... i had to drop hubby off at the entrance then go around again, i managed to find one at the maternity end, i had parked up for 5 minutes before hubby phones and said he was done.

We then went to the supermarket as i needed a few things for the week, we first went and had a coffee and sandwich as i was starving. We finished of our shopping then dropped in Home bargains, you can't walk into this shop with out buying something, I bought new plant trays to start my garden:


These come with little 20 little plugs, i have bought extra ones just in case, i also have lots of compost if needed. The seed plugs expand one you add water. These come with a clear lid, i have bought 2 so i can get started with my plants. They cost £1.99 each, i may have to go back for more.


I have also ordered a few Crocus bulbs for the Spring, supposedly the Bees love these. I haven't tried growing these but love the flower and if the Bee's like them then i like them, this will start bringing Bee's into my garden.

I also bought me and Nichola new water drinking bottles, these tell you how much water you have drunk, I forget to drink so hopefully with this bottle filled in the morning, Lunchtime and night times then my water intake will improve.


We finished at Home bargains then went onto Halfords to get a new battery for the car key fob, hubby had a few problems trying to get the screw out but the threads had gone, i gave hubby a tip of using an elastic band over the screw then use the screw driver, the driver will now fit and the screw will move. Hubby was amazed, he said he can't wait to tell the lads at work.

Once finished we went on to the Doctors to pick up my medication, thankfully there was no one waiting so got served straight away, then it was time to go home, my Pyjamas were shouting for me, i couldn't wait to sit down and relax. Its been a long day.

Thank you @son-of-satire

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I am happy that you are getting into a new fulfilling hobby @karenb54, you can also try grafting fruiting trees so you can enjoy their fruits right away :)

I have 3 trees growing, Raspberry, BlackBerry and Blueberries :)