Making arrangements for getting back into a routine starting tomorrow.

in life •  4 years ago  (edited)

Today Sunday 14th June 2020 is the last day of my families isolation as hubby starts back at work tomorrow, he will be kitted out with face masks & hand sanitiser to keep him safe. Tomorrow is the day we get back into a routine.


With us being in isolation i have let my diet slip so as from tomorrow i will be back on plan with The 800 Fast plan, back to having so many fast days usually do 5 -2 but with it being my 1st week back i am going to alternate the days to give my body a boost and a detox.

Its been a weird day, spending so long in isolation then having to get back to normal is worrying, maybe they should have opened the country a couple of days at a time. Hopefully we don't get a 2nd wave, we have had some good news, in the North East where i live we have had no deaths for 5 days and only 1 tested positive.

I am concerned about my pups, they have loved having hubby off all day, Luna my youngest pup is going to pine she gets upset when he had been nipping to the shop. We will have to keep her occupied to hopefully take her mind off it. Lots of TLC with a few extra treats should see her through.


I did manage to sort a problem i was having with my Alexa. I was told about an Alexa Skill Send Me A Sample. I fought tooth and nail with Alexa but she wouldn't listen i then searched on Google for a few hints, all i had to do was change profiles, Alexa was on Nichola's profile, I asked Alexa to change profiles, Now when i ask Alexa Send me a Sample she understands but unfortunately wherever i ask there's never any on promotion. Just my Luck.

I can't wait until this Virus problem is sorted, its been 6 months since i have seen my oldest daughter and its playing on my mind. The very 1st thing I'll ve doing after this is go and spend sometime with her and have a big hug. A hug is what we all need.

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back to some normality - but who will cook & bake for you if hubby's at work?


We all have to help, thankfully im dieting so my food is easy... water lol