The UK and its evil government, the people are fighting back. Feeding the UK...

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

As you all have probably seen the General Election we had in the UK, It was a disaster voting the Tory's in for another 5 years. A lot of voters only thought about Brexit instead of focusing on what is really going on. The homeless, poverty and hunger is at breaking point, we have so many food banks now due to all the cuts the Tory's have made. We are hanging onto our NHS with a thread, Tory's wanting to have the same as America where we take out health Insurance, There are a lot of families here that are going hungry, its resembling a third world country.

Jeremy Corbyn wanted to safe us all where as Boris Johnson wants to save himself and his rich family and friends. I voted Labour and always will. The media didn't help with there constant lies smeared over the tabloids and TV. This country needs a man like Jeremy Corbyn as he thinks about the little people and the innocent.

I am pleased to say a few lovely ladies have set a FaceBook page up called @corbynschristmaschallenge

The Challenge is:

Tag 3 friends (or more) in this post

Spend just £5

Take a pic and tag #CorbynsChristmasChallenge

Nominate 5 more people

Take your donation to a local food bank

Twitter: @CorbynChrist
Facebook: #CorbynsChristmasChallenge
Instagram: @corbyncc

You can also donate on justgiving. I have donated what i usually spend on Christmas cards and will donate more next payday.

corbyn 2.jpg

This is the UK coming together and helping people who need it, The FaceBook group is already at 10,761, the page has been open for 4 days. We won't let this government kill us off. The Just giving page has raised a massive £5,387.09 with all the food banks receiving so many donations some are full and looking for extra storage.

We live in the 5th wealthiest country but have so many poor that aren't being looked after. I hate our government for what they are doing, they give the rich so much and leave the unemployed and disabled to starve.

Thank you @son-of-satire

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Hi Karen,

Truth is that all human governments, all human attempts to "govern" are fundamentally evil. Humans have no business running the lives of other humans.

On the other hand, the voluntary effort you've reported--donating food for the hungry because you care about them--that is a truly good and blessed thing!

We humans need to learn to see the difference more clearly, and stop supporting GOVERNMENTs!

Thanks for your article. :)



Hi, I will never support this government, all they do is make the rich richer, we had hope in Corbyn, he was looking after the small people. Boris makes me angry, he has no empathy at all.

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Thank you :)

The government should invest in people and not to squeeze their necks. UK needs a strong leader.

UK needs a kick up the backside for voting in Pillock Boris.

My friends daughter volunteers at a local food bank. She said that most people that turn up are carrying the latest iPhone, and are usually in cars that are less than 3 years old. Both of which I can’t really afford. If you could cancel out the people that just abuse the system, there would be less than half as many needed.

I have a few friends who help out at food banks, they never see that happening at theres, they see a lot of upset and desperation.