We are in the middle of the 4th week of isolation, the walls have started closing in on me, my mental health is starting to slip. I have had to force myself out into the garden, even if its just to tidy up, i need to feel i am doing something or should say i am needed for something. If i wasn't here the garden would be forgot about.
Ive cleared a few bags of rubbish away, pulled weeds and cleared a few more pots plus watering my flowers. My Roses are starting to come back, this always cheers me up seeing the new green leaves, helps me focus on what's important.
I am also spending lots of time with my 3 pups, the older 2 are sleeping alot whereas Luna the youngest is my shadow as soon as i move she's up, in bed she's cuddled into me, i have these to look after giving me 3 more reasons why i have to carry on.
I seem going to have to make time every t go into the garden just so i get some fresh air and a little free time instead of feeling like i arm in prison. We are all in the same situation, once they say the virus is under control i think everyone is going to fill the streets. Everywhere will be really busy.
I am lying on my bed with my pups listening to the 80s, it's bringing back so many memories when i used to go out clubbing. Oh to be back then again, dancing along to the tunes at the disco. Life seemed alot easier back then.
Here's me back in 1982, my first time going abroad. Benidorm with my latest boyfriend, lol
This feels like a million years ago, its a vague memory, when life was simple.
Will we ever get back to living freely, there is much happened to all of us over the last few months, the world has changed and we should change with it. Whilst we have been in isolation the world has started to heal itself, we can't go back to being destructive.
We al have to remember we are only here for a short while and must look after what we have for the next generation.