I am a scrubnurse

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am a scrubnurse.
Most people dont know people like me, but we are always with you during your surgery.
We remember all of your insides, how creepy as it may sound.
We are your listening ear when you are scared of how your future is going to look like.
We are your shoulder to cry on when the doctor came with bad news.
We are your buddy to celebrate with when your wife just delivered a baby in a Caesarian Section.
We are the people who are on call for emergencies half of our lives.
We are the people that leave during parties impolitely without saying goodbye because the phone rang.
We are the people that do not wear socks, because we can always throw them away after a bloody procedure.
We are the ones who know what a surgeon needs, without them asking for it.
We are the people who have seen more private parts than the average prostitute.
We are the people who can not talk about how our day was.
We are the people who know who the names of every surgical instrument ever designed.
We are the ones who close your eyes when you started your journey to heaven.
We are the people who sometimes do not eat, drink of pee for the whole day, if the surgery doesnt let us.
We are the people who will recognize you in the supermarket, and you will only recognize our eyes.
We are the patients advocates, willing to risk our jobs if it is the benefit of the sleeping patient.
We are there for you, because you do not have a voice during surgery.
We are scrubnurses.
I am a scrubnurse, and I am proud of it.

Image: Pixabay

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Thank to all the scrubnurses all over the world. If it wasn't for them, there wouldn't be so much care.

We do our best!! Its always behind the scenes in the background, but we try :)

Kudo's for you and all the other (scrub)nursus in the world! I have seen many before and after surgeries (knee,3 cesareans, galblather removal)and I remember them all of being very sweet,patient and kind. Warm persons, all of them, and not to forget good at their job. They always made me feel at ease when I was scared.. I remember their kind voices and holding my hand when I got scared before my second c section because the epidural was set too high and I felt a fear of choking. They all made me feel calm by distracting me. It seems like a very thankfull job and from what I've read, you seem like the perfect person for the job!

I try my best! :)

The funny thing is, I never had surgery myself. So I just TRY my best in thinking in how I would want to treated myself. You are already an experience expert hahaha!

Unfortunately yes haha.. but I know for sure people are in good hands with you.. you are a person that cares..

@karinxxl ik ben blij dat ik je leren kennen heb via steemit en niet omdat ik in het ziekenhuis lag, veel respect meid je doet een goede job daar, groeten

We doen ons best, jong! Meer kunnen we niet doen :)
Dank je voor je waardering!

your welcome

Nicely written from the point of view of a scrub nurse. I am a retired nurse, so I hear you when you say you might have to leave a party early because the beeper went. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

Hehehe, yeah you know the drill then!
And the good ol' 'what are you off today again??'

Yeah that because I was working all those nights, when you were just chilling in your bed

Thank God for nurses. We tend to take them for granted but they are the daily heroes on every hospital ward. They work even when they're tired and hardly have any sleep. Doctors cannot survive without nurses. They spend more hours on patients' bedsides than doctors do. Kudos to your beautiful heart. <3

Thx @maryjanepower !! We try our best :))

Not the easiest of jobs.
I would like to meet the nurses that were in the intensive care with me when I had a jaw surgery back in 2004. They kept me good company that night.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

2004 might be a long time ago to go back and say hello, on the other hand, most nurses very very long at their working spot.

Its always cool to have patients dropping by to say hello!

This is everyday life to you , but to me that night was a life changing event.
I am sure I was the only one to leave that room alive. And it changed my whole perspective on life.

Wauw that really sounds like an experience. Wondered then what happened down there!

Yes. It was. There so many wires and tubes and the things they put in your body to check your condition. They were annoying me and couldn't sleep so I passed my time trying to notice my surroundings. there was a bed on each side with a person that wasn't moving at all. I had a lot of time to think and when they wheeled out of the intensive care I made this thought. That I might be the only one leaving the room alive and from now on I must not strees about things that don't really matter like carreer , job , what X said ect.

It brings you back to zero in a sense of humbleness, right. A mental reset. I had that feeling after the hurricane. Im alive, not everybody is. I have a roof and food and somebody to love. What else do I need?

That you were awake on the intensive care is something special already. Most people do not remember anything of it because they are sedated. I can imagine it is a moment that when you are awake, that you really have so much to think about. Especially if you are so aware of your surroundings. Strange to see the people next to you, I can imagine

It's "good" to have these kind of experiences, since you appreciate things you used to take for granted.

Thank God there are scrub nurses and other nurses. It's frightening enough to be in a hospital and the operation room, but the nurses there are at your side. I experienced that not so long ago. Especially because I was not unconscious because of the spinal puncture. The scrub nurse was with me all the time and reassured me!

Yeah it is (or at least should be) really in our nature to talk patients through the procedure

Verbal anasthesia as we call it ;))
Hopefully you have recovered good from your procedure by now!

Yes, thank you. It's been two months ago and I have recovered well from my surgery.
I like your saying 'verbal anesthesia' !!

Sometimes more important than actual medication, verbal anesthesia. A very powerful tool

Thank you for the hundreds of patients that you have helped.
As they say, caring for that one and only person is called love -- but sincerely caring for hundreds of people is called nurse :)

Hahaha I didnt know that one!!
Gonna put this up in the office here!


That's a good one that I'll remember!