Applying good practice and the opposite of vicious cycles, constructive cycles to my life. Reminds me of a familiar feeling of the body having everything it needs like growing a plant, give sunshine, water, and food, and air. With the body it's food, water, shelter, and regular early sleep. Exercise. Makes me wonder what I was searching for when I essentially gave up on eating right, taking water, and regular early sleep. Like a phase in everyone's life where capitalism talks a big game about its power and inciting desires, I become a little obsessed and addicted to if it's not experiences then material objects or drug abuse. The body wins guaranteed.
In spite of the body having everything it needs I find it somewhat stifling. But it's this or a spectrum of pain. Will is misinterpreted to be working for my ideals working against my body, at that stage the mind is dominant. Mind seems to not require sleep, it can worry and calculate and ruminate 24/7.
It's possible that a talk can rid of and prevent people born before you to not enter that stage where the mind is dominant. But it's not in capitalism's interests, so it's not in adult's interests in prevention. Shouldn't it be clear by now capitalism seeks chaos and seeks profit from the chaos? Educated people with common sense is as revered as it is denied a way to grow. Ask your authorities why, and probably watch them make up a reason, and witness another phenomenon that has grown and infected the very people that make up a society. Under the outspoken support of money the idea is sold that everyone has to lie sometimes. Become a generation of liars in a competition with no rules.
I don't know if anyone else experienced this, but the education system sort of does that to you. It systematically slowly gives you more on your plate, convinces you it's yours, that if you do not protect what's yours it will be taken, and every year a greater proportion of the class defect to a side that I realize is not my side, nor is it a peaceful side, it's actually violent, until everyone defects and it's called normal to tell white lies. If that's the case by parent's good will and intention, we've developed an education system under the banner of education, that gives people every reason to withhold information and use information to one's own personal advantage. I don't have to say anything about the work system, the job system, a death threat of if you don't agree with at least one of these employers that are birds of a feather, no money no life. I've noticed the media caters to the worker ensnared as a middleman amongst the economic war being fought between people in power and people with money. Leading me to think the old has died to be replaced by people with a little too much money to quit, but not enough money to do what people with power or money do. And the whole look of the rich and powerful has improved, that was welcomed by capitalism, meanwhile the education and the aspects that cause man to remain good seem to have deteriorated a lot. When people are good it's thought to be a heavenly decree done by the individual by himself, but meanwhile we're specifying very specifically how to turn people bad. We're angry at some of these people, but not angry at the system that turns people out. Can't it be the case that goodness doesn't only come from the heart, it comes from very practical systems affording people the time and money to be good hearted? Economic climate is known to pull humanity in a direction like a dog on a leash. The psychological effects of money are underestimated and misrepresented.