Does Going Out To Eat, ACTUALLY Save Time?

in life •  7 years ago 

Lately, I've been so overwhelmed, My business growing, Trying to also do my part-time job, While I pursue other opportunities while writing on Steemit.

Normally I'm not allowed to get fast food, And I instead opt for home cook meals or Freshly

But lately, I've just gone ahead, Jumped in my car and gotten fast food. For probably like 3-4 days straight.

I do it to save time, But I realize that I'm not saving much time at all.

Traffic & Driving

You can order delivery, But unless you live in an area with more options. You may be limited to pizza.
So you'll need to drive to pick up food, Which requires time, and resources.
For most people, this is still a less time-consuming option than cooking at home. Many people will just go through a drive-through and eat in their car. Bypassing the time wasted from being stuck in traffic.

It Makes you feel like crap

This is a big one that I started realizing real fast. The first day I went out to eat, I just didn't have the energy to work. And I didn't quite know why. But after repeated days. I realized I don't have energy at all. This lack of energy wastes a ton of time! Because you can't be as productive, and can't get your work done.
You'll feel sluggish.
Sure, There are more healthy fast food places popping up, but they still seem fairly rare for most of us.

Is It Worth The Money?

Depending on the pricing and how much you make, If you were to get a regular meal at a fast food place, your looking at 7-10 dollars.
Of course, you can order on the whole value menu.
But for many of us, 7-10 dollars is an hour, Or close to an hour of work. Even if it's only a half hour for you, That's still 30 minutes of your resources wasted for one meal. Most meals can be made much cheaper than that. If you are more price conscious.

You could have prepared something at home in a half hour, And had enough for a few meals.

While I value my time over my money, I'm seeing that going out to eat, Is a waste of time. It makes us feel sluggish so we can't be as productive, Which makes us get less out of our day.
The food we get, We could have prepared more in the same amount of time And paid less.


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If you eat out all the time, you can have a varied diet consisting of fresh food without having to stock a large number of ingredients that you probably won't finish before they expire. Consistently stocking fresh food is often expensive and/or wasteful unless you live with a group of people who eat the same stuff. It's also a pain to keep track of what food you have and how fresh each item is.

Wow!!!! That blows my mind, I didn't even think of it like that. I just wish there were more healthy options for people on the go.

I agree it’s hard to get healthy options on the go and it’s frustrating to say the least. And then there’s only two of us at home so Costco fresh is not an option cause it goes bad too quickly. What to do what to do. It’s so tough. I usually try to have foods that are healthy and frozen to pop in the microwave on crazy busy days. It’s better than fast food and if you get th3 chance you can pre plan meals ahead of time and make them and freeze them, but in reality most of us don’t have time to prepare a lot of food so try doing an extra meal when cooking one meal and put leftovers and other meal in freezer to pull out. @kaylinart and @kouba01

You know what would be good? If you cooked a big amount of home cooked meals, then had maybe two or more meals worth to freeze, allowing you to defrost/microwave defrost while doing things. Then you got healthier meals and don't have to cook certain nights. :)

that amazing post i like it.

EXACTLY! I love doing that! It saves so much time. Then you can cook maybe once a week.

Yea., that helps a lot and saves time. I hardly go out to eat

It's made about the convenience as well. It save efforts at least. However when we talk about cozy restaurants the context is completely changing. We don't do it with the idea to save time or efforts. Most often we do that to show our attitude to our beloved one.

It doesn't worth the money.
It waste a lot of time as you have explained above.
You are so right.
It makes me feel like. I've used my whole energy just to eat at times.

Thanks for this post. Really helps a lot.
Many people should learn from this

Well it just a waste of time but sometimes its really better to hangout with friends and have spend good time :)

I agree! I just think that going out to eat too much can be bad!

well yes it would be bad but what can we do that the taste of the restaurant and the home made is much different and the restaurant once is so yummy :D well i also prefer a restaurant food :D

It may not save a lot of time, but it does save some stress and gives you a psychological boost. I think cooking a great meal at home would probably take an hour, but it would be hard to eat a good meal at a restaurant without committing at least an hour between the wait and the drive. That being said, you really don't always feel like cooking at home. Sometimes you just want to kick your feet up. Now, whether or not it's worth the expense is a whole different story, and I think a big factor in the is what your financial situation is. If you don't have much money and are on a really tight budget, spending money might result in just as much stress as cooking at home, so maybe eating out wouldn't be worth it.

I agree that eating out can be freeing psychologically, but I find I get most of the benefit from it if I do it once a week or so - that way it feels more like a special occasion. Otherwise I try to eat at home.

It's true that cost is not just how much $$$ something is, but how it impacts you. People tell poor people not to spend money on cigarettes and beer, but it's a stress-reliever for people who generally don't have a lot of other options.

I'm the same way. Try to keep it uncommon. I hadn't really thought about it that way but it's true. I guess that's an example of Maslow's hierarchy of needs in action. For someone who isn't in that position of poverty, they think about how that behavior affects their health and social status, but in order to have any sort of focus on those issues of safety and self-actualization, you first have to be content in your psychological state. Many aspects of poverty are detrimental to that psychological state, so cigarettes and beer help with that at the expense of goals that are more far removed, and seem less urgent to people in positions of poverty.

I totally agree with thegoliath. I try to pick a day and do binge healthy cooking for the week maybe 4-5 days worth, then freeze them in containers. Easy Pezy just pop in the oven and have with a nice salad or vegetable as a side.

it just a waste of time but sometimes its really better to hangout with friends and have spend good time :

In case you eat out continually, you can have a varied eating regimen containing fresh support without stocking endless that you undoubtedly won't finish before they end. Dependably stocking new food is every now and again expensive or possibly wasteful unless you live with a social affair of people who eat a comparable stuff. It's similarly a torment to screen what support you have and how new everything is.

I always call ahead and place my order. That way my order is ready when I arrive.

No matter how expensive the meal is, you can not get the flavor you get from the food you make with your own hands.Because it affects this life in a great way. You will spare time for yourself. You will make yourself happy. :) @kaylinart

Brown rice is cheap compared to any fast food. And there are many ways to serve brown rice, with veggies, a little fish or chicken or just plain brown rice. All for a fraction of the cost of a fast food meal.

Fast food can never even come close to delivering the satisfaction of home cooked meals.

Hah... I like this dilemma you picked... I have slowed way down on eating out for the past two years as it is a waste of money and you can NEVER be sure of freshness, cleanliness, etc. in a restaurant. Occasionally dining out is not bad, but steady will kill you slow like.

Buy your foods and consume them in staged timings... as example Brussel sprouts will last a lot longer in the fridge than spinach. So what ever you buy, cook the fragile first, save the heartier for later... you can make your veggies last a week when planned correctly having only one trip t the market. Also you can sprout and time those as well, the rest you can store in your cupboard or freezer.

Salads and stir fry's take no time to cook and in one pan or bowl.

PS Wine lasts a good long time.

I don't go out to eat much since there are 4 of us it can get very expensive so I know I can buy more groceries and cook my our own meals than to go out and this way I know what I'm eating and cook it to my liking.
It also saves me a lot of time like you said the traffic and lineups plus waiting for your food to get ready and it really makes me happy to cook a good home meal for my boys.

Going several days straight to fast food places will surely decrease your overall mood, and since they don’t have enough nutrition you will start to feel kind of week.

If you really want to be in your best productive mood I will limit fast food to like 1 or 2 times per week.

Btw, fast food will hardly help keeping a fit body, so that’s another reason to avoid them.

Maybe if you could find a way to share food with friends. I mean, everyday is someone’s turns and that person must cook a healthy meal for 7 people. And you rotate so 1 day is your turn and the next day is another’s person turn and there you go... you would have a week full of healthy meals while only cooking one day 🤟

It should be worthy the money if it is fit for the purpose for which it is bought!

I don't think it saves much time. I prepare meals ahead of time (days in advance). The preparation takes awhile but I save so much time in the long run

Thanks for your post, very interesting,,, I'm sure you a have the best choice. Regards...

Resteemed! I myself have grown to like home cooking much more than restaurant food. Indulging yourself once in a while is necessary, sure, but letting indulgences become habit weakens oneself!

Well eating out can save time tough if you dont have the ingredients to cook a meal at home. Then you first have to go to the store to buy ingredients and then go home and cook. Maybe the best solution would be to do some big shopping once a week and then be able to cook home whole week :) I think its also healthier btw to cook with fresh ingredients instead of buying fast food.

you are the best writer I ever motivation writing...thanks for share

True that’s why l cook my food most of the time.

@kaylinart my dear friend...
Wonderful and useful mortivation post again...

  1. I'm realy like and respect to ur ideas...I think U have different and uncommon ideas about our life...
  2. U are writter and comminunication skills are execellent...I'm appreciate it...full details...step by step explain ur article...wel done...
  3. I'm mom...and housewife...I think we always try made and cook our food ourself in our is my happy...
  4. Followed U....and now...I'm become ur fan...alwats try followed ur blog...
    Good luck my dear friend...

eating out should be about the time you get to spend with the person you're out with no? Enjoying going to a restaurant with someone can be a great break from the routine... and no dishes!

With my statement, "life is advanture". The meaning is how to something in our life we must to advanture first. This is a good way to traying.

"Where their is a Will their is away"..
Thank you very much for your sharing...
Success is always for you @kaylinart....

If you have a free(ish) day I suggest meal prepping. A couple big pot meals like oatmeal, soups and stews, and curry can last at least a few days, basically moving some allocated time around! Sometimes eating out is more fun though, especially if you can find a good friend and some healthy eats near you

yeah, that is real life, Solutions to problems are like sunshine..

Yes :)

Cooking for one person is such a pain. Because I'm used to cooking for my daughter and any possible friends that drop in, I've gone from trying to cook for one person to planning better meals so I can have one or two then toss the rest in the freezer. Or even doubling up on a recipe so I have enough to toss in the freezer. Cooking at home is definitely cheaper than fast food and if you have the ability to pull it out of the freezer already prepared, even better! I don't drive and our buses are horrible, so for me to leave the house takes half of my day at any given point. I'm also broke most of the time, and for me to order out costs me a minimum of $30 (yeah...1 piece fish and chips). I can feed myself for a week on that amount if I'm careful about what ingredients I use.

True lovely

What I also find about eating out is that the sodium and sugar content is more than your daily allotment in one meal. it leads to high blood pressure and diabetes which make you feel bad and waste time and money to treat them.