Get In Debt Now!

in life •  8 years ago 

So I was booking a trip on Expedia, and I saw something strange, I could pay for the whole vacation outright. The flight and hotel or I could pay monthly payments of 125 a month.... for who knows how long.
Why pay outright when you could easily do payments?
These days debt is in style, and style is important. You need to live up to the standards of everyone else. By getting in debt not only can you have more of what you want RIGHt now, but you can show the status you've always dreamed of. You'll look richer than you are.

Buy What You Can't Afford

When I bought my computer, they tried to hook me up with financing, when I booked my trip again, financing.

When you want things, You should always buy them with financing. It's the stylish way of obtaining what you want. This is advice I could use, I worked my butt off saving for my computer, the trip and now possibly a car. I could of made my life easier by doing financing, I mean everyone loves those extra fees they pile on. Paying interest is one of my most favorite things. It's like flushing money down the toilet. It's pointless but still so much fun.

When you get what you can't afford, you don't have to look like some loser that had to save their money. Instead, you can have what you want effortlessly. This will make more people want to hang around you and be your friend. Because you aren't afraid to spend lots of money.

Only Have One Bank Account

When you only have one bank account, you are less likely to save your money. Because everytime you login to your banking website they will tell you exactly how much money you have.
Some people make separate accounts for savings, And some people even go to a different bank. This allows them to "hide" some of their money from themselves. Which is a stupid idea! You should always SPEND ALL OF YOUR MONEY! When you spend it all, you have nice things. There's no point in saving money when you can just take out loans. And be in debt. So always keep all of your money in one account!


If you don't have ten credit cards and tons of loans and monthly payments you are failing in life. That's the new way of living, lots of debt. And living paycheck to paycheck. Why delay happiness when you can have everything you want now.

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You almost forgot, you must also get yourself 2-3 interest only mortgages - don't worry, your house and cottage will both be worth more 5 years from now, and you can re-finance then.

Why stay in hotels, when you can have a house everywhere you go!?!?

OMG!!! What perfect tips! Seriously How did I not think of those !

don't forget variable interest rate because "rates are at historical lows".

Thank you so much!!! I bought 6 homes in the southern California area! I've never been happier, I have a wife that doesn't care about me, two kids that hate my guts, and a total of 70 years for all my mortgages! I LOVE YOU!!!!

I see you learned finances and budgeting from the U.S. government ;-p

You are brilliant! That is so true!! Thats exactly how they spend our tax dollars.

I have been doing it wrong this whole time! I must start buying pointless expensive luxury goods (and a much bigger mortgage house to put them in) immediately! Thank you for enlightening me!

Youre welcome :) Maybe you should get a second mortgage too LOL

Capital idea!

This is what we are trying teach our kids. No one taught us. We learned the hard way. But we fixed our ways. Thank heavens!

Aww Good! I'm glad :) It's scary when you aren't taught. I can relate! Financial knowledge is so important!

Thanks for writing this. You are one of the first two people I followed on Steemit, and I really enjoy all of your posts!

Aww really? That makes me feel really good hehe :) I'm so glad you like my posts!

Yes, really! :) I really appreciate your writing style. It makes me feel like I can hear your voice through your writing - if that makes sense. LOL

WOW! Yes It makes sense. That is A HUGE compliment thank you! I was always told that you should aim for that kind of thing!

You are so welcome!! I only say things I mean. :) In fact, I've been on the platform here for under a month and I've been so scared to post anything myself, but having you reply and be so gracious and kind encouraged me to go ahead and make the plunge into my very first post a few moments ago. So really, I should be thanking you as well. :)

Excellent post. Only use debt to buy assets

The joys of living in a debt based economy! Car loans are looking like the next subprime issue to blow up. They have been massively oversold. The debt to GDP ratio is at a high in many developed nations. It cant end well!

Kaylin, this has become so popular it's done with seminars and expensive educational materials.

For instance, PayPal offers credit plans for small businesses to use when selling products, so if you are selling a $1,000 course on something. You can set it up at pay $99 now and then pay the rest off in X amount of time.

It's great for the business owner because they are getting the sale they would otherwise not have gotten because so many people will pay $99 and make payments then $1000 up front....even though the first option costs them more in the end.

Right? I like the option for financing. But sometimes I laugh when they offer it to me. Like how many monthly payments do I need? How are you supposed to remember to pay everyone?
I almost always pay all of it upfront. Unless they give me the 6 month interest free financing. Which I always pay before the 6 month ends and they have a chance to charge me... Suckers LOl.
I just think it's kinda crazy how many people don't think long term.

People think in "payments" not in "cost" - at least the majority do. Btw, I redesigned the scaredycat logo and book cover (with some pro help) would love to know your thoughts! The images are in my last post.

I'm pretty sure that this post is meant as a joke although there are many who profit from people being in debt.

LOL! True :) Myself included cough..
I actually invest in crowdfund lending. So when People don't go through a bank to get their loans, Me as well as a bunch of investors provide those funds. I then make profit when that person pays interest.
The post is a joke! haha.

Hilarious, the bankster gives us truthfull advice lol..

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Not good advice for the long run. Material goods provide only fleeting happiness. Debt provides long term misery. God provides real happiness...not material goods. If everyone is jumping out of windows should you jump too because it is stylish. Debts equal slavery!

I agree! <3 this post was a satire one.
Heheh yes! Jump out the window! JK

I love that you used that as an example. And I agree with debt equaling slavery!

Haha. I had a $13,000 loan for college... Had to happen. The minimum payment was $88, but I paid $300 until it was gone. Saved myself $2000 in interest for the extra 4 years I would have been paying. Haha. No more loans for me, going to pay cash as much as possible. Obviously would need one for a home or car :(... Be careful when building debt.

GOOD! I know how that is! I was only 4,000 in debt. But I paid it so freaking fast they only charged me 0.01 in interest LOL.
I'm so glad that you paid extra! Many people don't. I know people in their 60's barley finishing on paying their student loans.

Same here. Great post @kaylinart. Need to keep people informed how to get it done. Haha.

Exactly heheh :)

and then by the end of the day, there always be some nice looking, good body shaped new friend always coming to you. and they will always stick to you.
and they called .DEBT COLLECTOR.


I like the sarcasm a lot :). We live in a world that is built on interest and loans as of late. I can proudly say i don't have a single loan or item I bough doibg finance and I'm quite happy about it! Bough my Pc about 6 months ago the same way as you and just booked a nice holiday coming in a weeks time. I don't like to owe money to anyone so i don't let or take anything if i cannot afford it. Just work hard and get it for cheap!

Thank you!
WOW you don't ? That is so amazing.
I am the same way. When I owe money for something even a couple hundred I overthink and stress so much, AND have to pay interest. It's just so not worth it. I'm glad we think alike on that.

Haha!!! This is so millennials!!!

OMG So mean XD But funny! LOL

hmmmm... i really don't know how to answer this @kaylinart lol :)

LOl XD thats fine ;)


And when the shoe drops? @kaylinart

Never a borrower or lender be

Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 75–77

Shakespeare merely borrowed a commonly accepted dictum of the Roman Catholic Church.
Ireland has now ditched that diktat, both in public debt & personal finance, long before becoming the first country in the world to legislate gay marriage by popular vote.

If you don't have ten credit cards and tons of loans and monthly payments you are failing in life. That's the new way of living, lots of debt. And living paycheck to paycheck. Why delay happiness when you can have everything you want now.

In theory, a bank will loan you money for an unlimited amount in Dubai. All you need to do is sign a blank cheque.

The bank can then present your blank security cheque at their discretion, whenever you default, in their opinion.

It is a criminal offence if you dishonour a cheque in the UAE.

There is good debt & bad debt. What constitutes good debt, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But, that's a topic for another day.

If I am not confident that I can repay, on a specific schedule and/or have a plan on how I can repay, other than hope & wishful thinking, I don't borrow.

Your #1 fan was here up voting another great post.KaylinArt.

I saw what you did there....that's Some good satire right there!

LOL Thank you so much ehheh ;)

Bad bad bad. One of the quickest ways to get into debt-which is bad- is a mortgage. It is a lot cheaper to rent a house then pay off the interest on a loan. This can be seen on mortgage vs rent calculators.

That is what I told my son from the beginning . If you can't afford it don't buy it. If you really want it save your money up to buy it.

Interesting post but I need to save money and build credit so I can build the things that are really important to me like check these out Jet-Shaft is faster than anything you can imagine in our world today learn more about it here :

Although the idea of being able to pay of an item of need such as a tool is a good idea especially if you don't have money to throw at it all at once so it has it's trade offs especially for building credit and other stuff!

Great post! Everywhere you go now you are inundated with applications for credit. If there was a faster way to process applications I am sure Starbucks and McDonald would have their own line of credit to offer customers. Anyway! great satire piece!

Gosh darn it! Ya mean I am doing this wrong too? Hmmm, I wonder if I should finance with one credit union, to pay off the other for my car.. I'd LOVE to get an SUV too. Hell, if I went broke, I could move into the SUV until I get a bigger credit, to pay off both vehicles.. Phew, thank god someone made us aware of the possibility of living like a queen, or king. :-)

"Just a joke. Please do the opposite."

Lol, yep. Gotta be a comedian in every crowd :-) Having a debt that can be paid off within so many years, can actually help make or break earning good credit.

I pay my credit cards off at the end of each month - I only buy things with credit cards when I have the matching amount in the bank already. Good credit comes not just from on time payments, but from actually using the cards.

But I take your point - and your sarcasm - as written. Many people do have that attitude.

The only time I'd recommend borrowing is if you are buying property and can get a good interest rate and are sure that you can earn more than that with your money through investing or starting a business. If you can borrow money to start a business more cheaply than you can grow that money through the business then definitely go head. They say most millionaires made their fortunes through leverage.

Its hilarious how some of these post are all being said with sarcasm, but few people I bet don't catch that!

Hahah this was funny, GET IN DEBT NOW! Great post

Hhehe Thank you <3

The sarcasm is strong with this one...

Myself I am only 21 years old and I hate banks.

Me too :( I feel like I have to use one though. I mostly use credit unions though, Which seem better than banks.

LOL. Very good advice how not to live... :)

I am just waiting. I've noticed the longer you hold out on really capitalizing on your credit, the more they give you. Eventually I'll be able to scoop everything I ever dreamed of having up

It's no wonder most people are only one or two paychecks from disaster.

Right? Hahha!!

@kaylinart, your article would be hilarious if it were not so true.

It seems like many people have never been taught basic principles about life and economics and it is killing them as individuals and our country as a whole.

Thanks for the satire!

And what do I do if I want a debtless life right now? Oh I must do it's opposite. Also if you want a debtful life right now just do the opposite of the the debtless life. What about US dollars? Oh that is debtful currency. Opposite of debtful currency wouldn't that be cryptocurrency?

I can't tell if this is satire or not...

Having some and certain types of debt are great. They allow some leverage in life. Having too much though is a recipe for disaster...

Looks like you are in politics to me :D First I wasn't sure, if you are serious... then I kept reading and still wasn't sure... hope you are joking, but I think you are hahah... the problem is a lot of people do live that way, which is why I can't tell 100% :D I myself never financed anything, I would wait and wait and try to save the money fort it and then when I do have it I sometimes don't even want it anymore...

My dad always said that it is fine you use a credit card as long as you had money in the back to pay it off at the end of the month. His advice has keep me out of a lot of problems with money.

Why delay happiness when you can have everything you want now.

Why even ask? Everyone around us is doing it so we should do it too to avoid looking weird. Afterall we must always follow the flow regardless of whether it makes sense.

Don't ask questions, just do what everyone is doing and if you feel empty inside... Go buy that thing you saw in an advertisement just 10 minutes early that you MUST HAVE IT NOW!!

It's ok to be in debt, good debt. If it will make you more money or give yourself reward why not? Nice article and point of view @kaylinart.

In terms of: get in debt because the money will be worthless anyway soon?

Maybe? Lol Who knows. It's just paper with ink haha.

On a serious note...Should I have one credit card or none at all?

This post has received a 0.99 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @wanderingmind.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)


Love your style. Keep it up!

Awesome tips!! Very helpful!!

I guess I fail at life and this post makes me hate myself even more for not being in more debt then I already have I should financed the Deathstar I'm saving for.

🤣 this was great

Thank you so much heheh :)

Heh this post made my night, you are a very good writer BTW :)

Aww! I'm glad :) I feel like writing on Steemit for the last year has really helped!

Sounds like a great plan!!!

Seriously though, I didn't know that you can finance a vacation on Expedia.
Paypal even offers financing too.

Great satire. Point well made! Followed for more similar content!

Perhaps you could have finished your post explaining you were being sarcastic after all there are many impressionable people out there who might take this at face value ..actually without debt the world would grind to a spectacular halt..personally I will take as much debt as I can at Zero or miniscule % interest rates ..speculate to accumulate .. #stoozing

Solid advice right there. I've been doing it wrong my whole life,it's time to turn my life around and be broke with style.

and here I am sitting here just completely convinced that sarcasm on the internet is dead.

We live in a debt based society these days. Best thing we can all do is get away from it. Focus on saving and stop living paycheck to paycheck. That's part of what got me into the crypto game to begin with.

Hey, that's the American way! The Big Kids at the FED do this so why shouldn't we?

The reality is that when we pay off debt, we destroy money. There is never enough money in the system to pay of all the debt. This is why the debt will always increase. What is shitty mess we have ourselves in eh?

I like your sarcasm :)