Get Rejected!

in life •  7 years ago 

People spend so much of their time afraid of rejection. It's silly really.
We are afraid of the very thing that will propel us closer to our dreams.
We tend to underestimate the benefits of rejection and instead focus on 5,000 things that could go wrong instead of right.
Humans naturally avoid risk. Even when things are in our favor.

Helps You Get Used To It!

When you get rejected, You eventually start to get used to it. Which will make it that much easier to take an even bigger risk the next time. This moves you forward and makes you grow as a person.
Someone who never takes any risk will even be afraid of the smaller risks that come up. But you won't be. You'll be used to taking risks in general. So the larger ones will be less intimidating.

Gets You Closer To Your Goals

Rejection helps you to grow, As long as you don't allow yourself to wallow in your pity when you fail.
It's important to fight to get back up and keep going. This will allow you to gradually move in the direction of your goals.
If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. Your brain will find more pathways to that destination even if they seem hard to see at the moment.

Every One Has To Deal With It

Everyone gets rejected. Those who don't, Are often not trying hard enough to get closer to those goals.
Facing rejection is a part of life, And even really well known and very successful people have to face rejection at times. J.K. Rowling is an excellent example of that. Imagine a world without Harry Potter!?

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Yes!! I have been rejected, Many times. It's really rough. And a few times I felt like giving up. But sometimes you just have to kick yourself in the butt and keep going even though the pain is unbearable.

Wow!! I love that you took the time to review everything! It makes such a big difference, And it's so often when we are making the same mistake again and again without realizing it. And at that point something has to dramatically change for us to move forward.

Ya, rejection hurts

OMG Too funny LOl

Hahaha this is tough rejection..

Right? To get pushed down lol

Eeeh that was really mean.
This kind of rejections are the kind that make people fear rejections the

The pain we hear from being rejected is as real as the pain we experience from beating food or falling from stairs! Because our brain is programmed to react like this.So we are afraid... @kaylinart

True! But we have to conquer the fear so we can move forward in life.

Allow the heart to be always on! And do not be afraid... @kaylinart

Indeed !

Fear of rejection holds people back more than They realize. Great articles, keep them coming!

This the kind of post you really need to read when you got rejected, to raise a little your head up!

You're exactly right!

in this life you can be happy only when you decide without thinking. A man who is not afraid of anything ...

The beauty will not be repeated much, when the rejection we do a lot, we finally regret already doing his @kaylinart.


Great post. First time when you get rejected it sucks, it hurts. But then you get thick skin. "You can not live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all in which case, you fail by default" by J.K. Rowling !

Sometimes things can be different but I agree with some dimension @kaylinart

Rejection hurts and the hurt from mine is still fresh (girlfriend just broke up with me few days ago).
Rejection hurts, yes, but it brings focus. If handle correct you, it brings more determination and desire to achieve success. It dies make one better.
And as is popularly said "what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger"

you are too right very nice post @kaylinart

Thank you

I love this post omg!!

the pictures are... amazing!!

Good job!!, upvote and follow.

Does Rejection help me to grow , really ?

Spirituality is the most important life goals. Exellent advices

Totally agree! I’ve wrote something similar on how we should learn from our failures in life and be positive to reaching our next goal. Check it here if you are interested:

Every time I've been rejected, the sooner I made sense of the experience and integrated it, the closer I got to seeing truth and potential and opportunity. This sort of reminded me of this poem I was exposed to years ago, I think you'll like it if you haven't read it already:

Fear of rejection holds me back a lot more than I want it too,,

I'm with you there. I will preach "suck it up and move on" until I'm blue in the face, but I'm horrible for taking my own advice and I'm guilty of avoiding situations where I think I'll be rejected quite often

Well said. Fall down 7, and get up 8.


I agree with everything you wrote, but my main takeaway from this post is that jorts and classic Adidas are back in style. Finally!

I guess I have always expected it as part of life. People will not be able to see your angle. Some dont want to many want to be rejected for one reason or another.

Your article on rejection, is very educative. Your right rejection is part of life, everyone that wish to achieve anything in life must face it, so we should not be afraid of it. Keep it coming.

The only times I have really progressed as a person is by either failing, or doing something I was afraid to do, or a combination of both haha. Nice reminder, failure is one way to find success, we learn a lot more from it

No one should feel dejected for any rejection,we should rather use it as a motivation to push harder while trying again. We all face it together! Thanks for this word of encouragement,you are a blessing already....

I agree! It's hard to get into the habit of using negative things to motivate you instead of letting them bring you down, but if you keep pushing and keep trying, it gets easier to do. It's just like learning something new.


Inspiring and hope to follow suit. I have a lot of fear and anxiety when it comes to rejection. Even though I been through so many I still am not use to it. Often times when their is an opportunity in my life I would fail just by the thought of being rejected. The fear feeds into the way I think and do things that makes it worse. What I do to cope with it is to try my best to think of the good things in life and things that make me happy. So that when someone unexpectedly dislike me or something I do I kind of flake it off and move it. Try not letting it get to me. Truly not easy.

Very nice and motivational post, Thanks for sharing such a good post. @kaylinart

I think at the very base of things, it's just a matter of experiencing it enough to become desensitised. And really, how many things to we become desensitised to every day? Just look at the news...a mass murder gets attention for a few days, but people are so used to these things that it almost isn't even news anymore.

We learned how to accept the word "no" at a very young age and we managed to survive the devestation, so how is it any different when you attach the word "rejection" to it? Nobody likes being told no, but we have to deal with it.

It seems we're not sensitive enough where it matters, yet we crumble at the slightest possibility of hurt feelings. We really need to shift that balance and start developing thicker skins. In my opinion, being able to deal with day to day life is a pretty good skill to have.

You are so beautiful @kaylinart, I love u.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment